440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 31, 1997 08:14 AM Saturday; Rod Welch

Experiment with MS Internet tools for SDS.


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0201 - Microsoft Corporation              Telephone
020101 - Ms. Lori Schulz; Technician
020102 - Windows Support  206 637 7098 fax 206 936 7329

Internet, Netscape
Dialer for Netscape to Access IBM Advantis
Netscape Nav. 3.0, Beta, W311

0605 -    ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 34, ref SDS 6 line 50, re
060702 - line 51, ref SDS 2 line 54.
060703 -
060704 - Need to get a better integration of SDS and Internet so files are not
060705 - jumbled.
060706 -
060707 -
060708 -
060709 -
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - Progress
0611 -
061101 - We have a couple of initial choices:
061102 -
061103 -        Use Advantis via W95, which requires doing the installation
061104 -        procedure again.
061105 -
061106 -        Use MS Network.
061107 -
061108 - To experiment to see if MS Network handles SDS records better than
061109 - IBM, I need our internet addresses.  I tried opening PM Mail and
061110 - moving the addresses to a file, but there is no function to do this. I
061111 - tried print them, and then scanning the file into a computer file, but
061112 - there is no apparent way to print the list of addresses in PM Mail.
061113 -
061114 - Tried calling Southside Software who sell PM Mail to see if there is
061115 - an update to the program that can all users to extract lists of emal
061116 - addresses.  Used record at ref SDS 1 line 58 to get there phone
061117 - number but there is no answer to the call.
061118 -
061119 - Was able to find a semi text file in their directory that has the
061120 - stuff, and can use it.
061121 -
061122 - I am now in W95 and trying the Dialer program.  There is a program
061123 - icon on the W95 Desktop for "Dialer" and so I executed it.  The
061124 - number shown in the dialog box is:
061125 -
061126 -                     827 2201
061127 -
061128 -     ...however, it returns a message from the phone company saying
061129 -     the number has been disconnected.
061130 -
061131 - I am going to check the current Advantis local number by using CPU #9
061132 - and jumping back to os2.  The local Advantis number is:
061133 -
061134 -                     276 2801
061135 -
061136 - This gets a modem and returns a connect menu that asks for password.
061137 - I entered POIMS which is the password for Advantis.  An error message
061138 - comes back requesting password.
061139 -
061140 -
061141 -
061142 -
0612 -

MSN, Microsoft Network

0804 -
080401 - Followed up work at ref SDS 7 line 111.
080402 -
080403 - Tried booting this dumb thing.  Got message password is incorrect.
080404 - The message said to opens "Settings" and open Help and find a MS
080405 - phone number to call for a new password.  Went through this exercise
080406 - and found an 800 number to call.  Tried it.
080407 -
080408 - Called Microsoft and after many many buttons, got a voice.  A girl
080409 - gave me a temporary password and said it has to be between 8 - 16
080410 - characters.
080411 -
080412 -                       524klrcx24
080413 -
080414 - With this I can log on and assign a password of my own choice.
080415 -
080416 - The girl said MS Network has a new program that can be downloaded
080417 - from Microsoft, but first we have to pick up a CD from Egghead or
080418 - Tower Records.
080419 -
080420 - I called Egghead on Pine and they are out of the CDs.  Tried the
080421 - store on 3rd and Market, and they are out.  Called Egghead on Lombard
080422 - and they are out.
080423 -
080424 - Called Egghead in Pleasant Hill.  They have the CD.  Called Millie.
080425 - She will stop on the way over this afternoon for the event this
080426 - evening with Steve and Lilly.
080427 -
080428 - Turned out I received the CD and have it.
080429 -
080430 - There is a number on the CD cover:
080431 -
080432 -                      646 056 024
080433 -
080434 - There is a registration number on the CD cover which is the cover
080435 - say must be used when prompted during installation process:
080436 -
080437 -                         4299
080438 -
080439 - I installed the thing, but got a bunch of messages it will not display
080440 - everything.  Could not get email to work.  When I made the first call
080441 - where the girl advised about this update, she said something about
080442 - having to download more upgrade code.  Nothing came up on the program
080443 - about downloading anything.  Called Microsoft for help:
080444 -
080445 -                     800 759 5474
080446 -
080447 - Got message to call back on Monday.
080448 -
080449 -    [See follow up at ref SDS 9 line 41.]
080450 -
080451 -
080452 -
0805 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"