440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 25, 1997 09:18 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Complete correction of SDS problem managing citations in Ref field.
2...Managing Knowledge Space Needs Automatic Structures
3...Spreadsheet for Knowledge Needs Line Numbers for Structure
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Delete lines, Alt F8, Citations, open SDS records
Repeat lines, F6, Doc Log & Outline Format, Open 0S, F1 F8
SDS records, Document Log System, Citations
Knowledge Space Legal Citation Methods Case
Spreadsheet Knowledge Links Bottom Line to
Line Numbers Look Complex, Shocking to see
1408 - ..
1409 - Summary/Objective
1410 -
141001 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0000, ref SDS 18 0000.
141002 -
141003 - Fixed the problem encountered late last night with delete and repeat
141004 - lines in Doc Log Reference fields and in adjusting citations.
141005 -
141006 - [See follow up at ref SDS 23 line 51.]
141007 -
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1411 -
1412 -
1413 - Analysis/Evaluation
1414 -
141401 - These fixes seem to make the management of citations smoother and more
141402 - automatic so the user need only be concerned with objectives and end
141403 - results, rather than on maintaining correct citations as they are
141404 - added and deleted.
141405 -
141406 -
141407 - ..
141408 - Managing Knowledge Space Needs Automatic Structures
141409 - Spreadsheet for Knowledge Needs Line Numbers for Structure
141410 -
141411 - This is a critical requirement for providing an effective "knowledge
141412 - space" as it has been described in recent writings. An example is the
141413 - COE evaluation of Communication Metrics, ref DRP 1 line 141, received
141414 - at ref SDS 20 33682. The concept was formulated at ref SDS 19 4455,
141415 - and earlier for Dave Bouncristiani's paper for Asilomar. ref SDS 13
141416 - 3516
141417 -
141418 - Spreadsheet for knowledge is another way of describing knowledge
141419 - space. It requires line numbers to support organization, analysis and
141420 - alignment for the intelligence that converts information into
141421 - knowledge, as described in COE's report, ref DRP 1 line 116.
141422 - ..
141423 - User's need to be able to simply decide what they want and then
141424 - effect it, and be alerted when changes are attempted that impact
141425 - correlations and links. Today's improvements get us closer to that
141426 - objective.
141427 -
141428 - The first order of "knowledge space" is a single SDS record that
141429 - arranges information according to chronology and identifies links. The
141430 - second order is the chronology between different records. The third
141431 - order is assembling chronology of particular subjects within different
141432 - records over time. The concept of chronology is critical to this
141433 - whole thing, because it implies cause and effect.
141434 -
141435 - [See follow up adding Action Item Review Meeting record, ref SDS 22
141436 - line 47.]
141437 -
141438 -
1415 -
1416 -
1417 - ëP54W Problem
1418 -
141801 - Both the repeat function F6 and the delete function Alt F8 are
141802 - crashing when applied to the field below the SDS records. This
141803 - turned out to be a simple matter of the code created last night does
141804 - not return an error message on the down command when TOF occurs, so I
141805 - revised it per below.
141806 -
141807 -
1419 -
1420 -
1421 - 000008
1422 -
142201 - Line 2825 -label lpffid, added code to evaluate the line number level.
142202 - This correlates to field levels. A four digit number is a field
142203 - level. A six digit number is an actual field. I was able to use this
142204 - SDS structure for determining when a doc log header is encountered
142205 - instead of the special conditional created yesterday, and this reduced
142206 - the amount of code it takes a little further, so we are no longer
142207 - getting compiler warning messages.
142208 - ..
142209 - I also eliminated resetting the flag for Doc Log header type,
142210 - and simply test for SDS record field, which is set at ref OF 1 line
142211 - 2834.
142212 -
142213 - Was able to eliminate the error conditional on the down command,
142214 - because the field level evaluation prevents the file from scrolling to
142215 - TOF.
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