440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 24, 1997 09:51 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Received call from Novaback for alternate tape backup report format.


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0201 - Novastor Corporation               805 579 6700 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Peter Means; President =300 - Ext; Department  =Telephone

Novaback W95, 970207
Command File Operation
Backup & Maintain Data Base
Interim backups
Sort Dir and Files
Log Report Format
Backup Log Repport Requires Change to Useful Format

0809 -    ..
0810 - Summary/Objective
0811 -
081101 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000, ref SDS 10 0000<XP7I .
081102 -
081103 - Peter returned the call from 970422.
081104 -
081105 - We reviewed the advantage of using backup information in a structure
081106 - that facilitates pattern recognition based on the location of computer
081107 - files in directories that comprise "knowledge space," as set out in
081108 - POIMS. ref OF 1 034J
081109 -
081110 - Peter said Novaback's policy is to provide products that make it easy
081111 - for customers to work efficiently and effectively.
081112 -
081113 - I explained what we need for efficient use of backup log
081114 - information....
081115 -
081116 -      1.  Log output that does not stack the files under the
081117 -          directories.
081118 -
081119 -      2.  Output should include drive, path filename, size date time
081120 -
081121 -      3.  Omit directories if no files are backed up.
081122 -
081123 - Peter will investigate and let me know next week.  He feels these
081124 - changes add value to Novaback.
081125 -
081126 - We reviewed the record on 950703 showing that Gazelle was able to
081127 - provide useful formatting for backup logs. ref SDS 1 48WS
081128 -
081129 - Peter asked if I knew what happened to Gazelle.  He said they had some
081130 - good code and he would have liked to work with them.
081131 -
081132 - Peter requested a letter showing the format that would make make
081133 - Novaback more useful.
081134 -
081135 - Submitted ref DIT 1 0001 linked to this record.  It lists the format
081136 - for listing directories and files that facilitates effective knowledge
081137 - management. ref DIT 1 TU7I
081138 -
081139 -    [On 010314 received letter from Novaback technical support offering
081140 -    assistance to apply Novack usefully. ref SDS 12 EL8K
081141 -
081142 -
081143 -
081144 -
081145 -
081146 -
081147 -
081148 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"