440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 21, 1997 11:10 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Meeting with Max on Communication Metrics; litigation support Oakland.

2...Submitted Communication Metrics Report

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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Max R. Blodgett, II, P.E., L.S.
020102 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480

Litigation Support, Oakland

0503 -    ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Followed up ref SDS 11 line 55, ref SDS 10 line 43.
050502 -
050503 - Submitted information on litigation support to Max.  Made distribution
050504 - of Communication Metrics report.  Confirmed planning meeting on
050505 - Richmond for 970424.
050506 -
050507 -
050508 -
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Discussion
0509 -
050901 - Gave Max a copy of the letter, ref DIP 1 8455, from Tom Keesling to
050902 - Merry that submits the report she requested at ref SDS 10 1536, which
050903 - is comprised of ref OF 1 line 33, ref OF 2 line 30 and ref OF 3[See where Max gave his copy to someone, ref SDS 13 8555.]
050907 -
050908 -      [Submitted another copy to Max, ref SDS 14 8554.]
050909 -
050910 -
050911 - Explained the report reflects Max's objective to use SDS for
050912 - litigation support, ref SDS 1 8444 and ref SDS 3 8839.
050913 -
050914 - I explained Tom's understanding that Merry was disappointed that the
050915 - report was not prepared using information on the computer in Tom's old
050916 - office, ref SDS 11 2005.
050917 -
050918 -
050919 -
0510 -

COE Contractor Evaluation, Oakland
Evaluation Welch Contract

0805 -
080501 -  ..
080502 - Submitted Communication Metrics Report
080503 -
080504 - Followed up work at ref SDS 11 line 101.
080505 -
080506 - Delivered a set of the Communication Metrics report, ref DRP 2 6172,
080507 - to Max and explained it can be used like the Construction Contract
080508 - Administration (CCA) Guide, as a means to explain use of Communication
080509 - Metrics.
080510 -
080511 - I also put a copy on Herb's desk.  He was not in so I just left it on
080512 - his desk.
080513 -
080514 - I stopped by Betty's office to see if she has sent a copy to Tom
080515 - Benero, but she is not in today.
080516 -
080517 - Max advised that he has a lot of paperwork to catch up on today
080518 - because of having been out of the office all day last Friday with the
080519 - DE.
080520 -
080521 -     [See report Max forget having seen the report, ref SDS 12 8555.]
080522 -
080523 -
080524 -
080525 -
0806 -

Richmond, Contruction Management Plan (CMP)
Schedule Launch

1105 -   ..
110501 - We confirmed meeting for 970424 with Richmond project team at
110502 - 0800, per the meeting we had on 970404, ref SDS 7 9443.
110503 -
110504 - Need to notify Tom Keesling and Leonard.
110505 -
110506 -
110507 -
110508 -
1106 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"