440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 21, 1997 06:28 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Prepared Communication Metrics evaluation for Herb.
2...Communication Metrics Evaluation, Input from COE Managers
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Evaluation Welch Contract
2626 COE Contractor Evaluation
COE Newsletter Article
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Communication Metrics Evaluation, Input from COE Managers
060702 -
060703 - Followed up work at ref SDS 24 line 345, ref SDS 18 line 219.
060704 -
060705 - Received from Tom this morning edits from Max and from Herb who
060706 - submitted an evaluation letter dated 970317, ref SDS 25 line 330. He
060707 - had no corrections or additions to the explanation of using
060708 - Communication Metrics on the Oakland project.
060709 -
060710 - Max has an edit on page 2 concerning Dutra's experinece dredging hard
060711 - material on the Air Station Deepening project. I added this
060712 - clarificaiton at ref OF 4 line 223.
060713 -
060714 - I want to use the scope of services on Richmond Task Order 2 to define
060715 - Requirements for Communication Metrics, and the qualifications of a
060716 - Communication Manager, so we have to nail this down.
060717 -
060718 - Need to draft a memo for Herb, per his letter, ref DRP 10 line 25.
060719 -
060720 - He said Welch is hard working, and that his mentoring and briefing
060721 - helped him get acquainted with the project when he was assigned,
060722 - ref DRP 10 line 25.
060723 -
060724 - Herb does not state that Welch was also a newly assigned team
060725 - member, and it was using Communication Metrics in capturing
060726 - the details of the work and the history that permitted the
060727 - mentoring to occur.
060728 -
060729 - We need to identify the context of the Oakland project that
060730 - required an extradinory effort to hold the Oakland Harbor project
060731 - together.
060732 -
060733 - Herb recommends that the Communication Manager limit involvement
060734 - at meetings with the Contractor and the Port to taking notes, and
060735 - to ask questions through the ACO or CO, since his questions
060736 - offended the Contractor and the sponsor, ref DRP 10 line 30. We
060737 - need to cite his strong endorsement of Welch's handling of
060738 - meetings, as at ref SDS 3 line 105.
060739 -
060740 - Herb recommends less voluminous notes because they take time to
060741 - review and this limits the time to prepare comments and
060742 - corrections. He feels all comments should be incorporated into
060743 - the notes as was done on Oakland, but he is concerned that if the
060744 - notes are long, then there is not time enough to accomplish
060745 - thorough review, suggesting that thorough notes stymie thorough
060746 - review. He wants notes condensed to one page, ref DRP 10 line 35,
060747 - as was done on Oakland.
060748 -
060749 - Herb wants Welch to take notes at his meetings with the Port on
060750 - the Oakland job.
060751 -
060752 - Began preparing ref OF 5 line 30 as an internal memo to constructively
060753 - express Herb's ideasl and evaluation.
060754 -
060755 - [See follow up at ref SDS 27 line 107.]
060756 -
060757 -
0608 -
0609 -