440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 20, 1997 08:00 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Progress meeting on Richmond Harbor project; CSB organization changes.

2...Organizational & RMS Implementation Planning - Need More Research
.....a...What are the organizational requirements to accomplish mission
.....b...What are hardware/software requirements to implement RMS for
.....c...What planning and support is needed to adequately perform
3...Max asked about "control points" to ensure that information released
4...Leonard will need an Office Engineer, possibly 2 Office Engineers if
5...Max asked about release of information from CON OPS, which is the
6...A-E Needs to Commence Research, Planning, Training, Mobilization
7...RMS Research Field Trips to Develop Information Flow
8...Intern Program Planning Needed
9...A-E Furnishes Computer Equipment
10...Monti's Edits Show Need to Clarify Communication Metrics
......New World Order Requires New Role: Communication Manager
......Information Overwhelms Management
......Need Summary Connected to Details
11...Communication Metrics is a new and emerging professional discipline
12...Government Estimates and Audit
13...Leonard Will Submit Evaluation of Communication Metrics on Oakland

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Leonard wants CESPN to develop local control measures, possibly audit
2...The form of signature and procedures to avoid huge backlogs of
3...Need to develop system for backup signature authority in case the RE
4...Tom is meeting with Monti to expedite A-E contract.
5...Leonard and Mike will schedule site visits for RMS research next week.
6...concerns. She mentioned that Luster has signaled a desire to expand

0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473/8701
020102 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480
0202 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito      415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch
0203 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020301 - Mr. Max R. Blodgett, II, P.E., L.S.
020302 - Construction Operations Division   =415 977 8480
0204 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito      415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020401 - Mr. Mike Murphy; Project Engineer
020402 - Construction Service Branch =Telephone/fax
0205 - Corps of Engineers, SFD            415 977 8400 fax 8483
020501 - Ms. Monteze Jaggers; Procurement Analyst =415 977 8519
020502 - Contracting Division

Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
COE Staffing
Staffing of Project
Construction Services Branch
Resident Management System (RMS)

1307 -    ..
1308 - Summary/Objective
1309 -
130901 - Follow up ref SDS 17 1734, ref SDS 16 0000.
130902 -
130903 - Reviewed and developed edits of the preliminary Organization Chart and
130904 - the RMS Information Flow chart.  Ideas were considered to ensure
130905 - accuracy and adequate controls for release of information from CON
130906 - OPS, ref SDS 0 1011, and plans were made for field trips to research
130907 - implementation of RMS. ref SDS 0 1752  Tom is meeting with Monti on
130908 - scope of service for A-E and to expedite that contract in order to
130909 - meet target date of 970601 for start of construction on Richmond. see
130910 - ref SDS 0 1475
130911 -
130912 - Submitted results of meeting via ref DIT 1 0000, including this
130913 - record.
130914 -
130915 -     [On 970328 team progress meeting ref SDS 24 0000.]
130916 -
130917 -
130918 -
130919 -  ..
1310 -
1311 -
1312 - Discussion
1313 -
131301 - Organizational & RMS Implementation Planning - Need More Research
131302 -
131303 - Followed up work at ref SDS 17 1734, ref SDS 16 8592.
131304 -
131305 - Tom explained there are three main subjects to cover in the meeting
131306 - this morning:
131307 -
131308 -  ..
131309 -
131310 -     a.  What are the organizational requirements to accomplish mission
131311 -         of managing contracts using COE procedures (e.g., CCA Guide)
131312 -         based on the work load of the Construction Services Branch
131313 -         over the next few years, and in particular to prepare for the
131314 -         4 major projects that will be started this year?
131315 -
131316 -  ..
131317 -
131318 -     b.  What are hardware/software requirements to implement RMS for
131319 -         the organization needed under point 1?
131320 -
131321 -     c.  What planning and support is needed to adequately perform
131322 -         steps 1 and 2?
131323 -
131324 - Mike Murphy explained the chart he prepared to support RMS, ref SDS 17
131325 - 7403, and there was discussion of the organization chart Tom prepared
131326 - from the meeting with Leonard on 970317, ref SDS 16 8494.
131327 -
131328 - Leonard noted that Humbolt needs to be added to Mike's chart, as
131329 - another project that will be started this year, per the meeting with
131330 - Tom on Monday, ref SDS 16 9944.  He wants the chart to list the main
131331 - reports and other items that must be accomplished at the project
131332 - level, so that there is a visual indication from the chart about the
131333 - level of effort required.  An example is showing the flow from the A-E
131334 - of QC reports to the Project Engineer who prepares a summary QA
131335 - report.
131336 -
131337 -         [On 970404 this was added at ref SDS 25 0550.]
131338 -
131339 -  ..
131340 -
131341 - Max asked about "control points" to ensure that information released
131342 - at the project level is correct, adequate or appropriate for release
131343 - to others?  Tom advised that there is no formal method, procedure or
131344 - "metric" of accuracy.
131345 -
131346 - Leonard wants CESPN to develop local control measures, possibly audit
131347 - reviews.
131348 -
131349 - He pointed out that the RE must sign-off on QA reports. Tom explained
131350 - generally the credit system that will substitute for a legal
131351 - signature.  Leonard noted that legal still prefers conventional signed
131352 - documents.
131353 -                             ..
131354 - The form of signature and procedures to avoid huge backlogs of
131355 - data need to be developed, to handle situations where someone is
131356 - absent for a few days or weeks.
131357 -
131358 - Need to develop system for backup signature authority in case the RE
131359 - is absent on particular days, so that information is released each day
131360 - for upward distribution to CEFMS, etc. The Office Engineer could do
131361 - this.  Another thought would be to give the Construction Managers that
131362 - backup authority.
131363 -
131364 - A related question arises about how information release can be
131365 - managed?  Is it possible and practical to have a single server, as
131366 - reflected in the flow chart reviewed today, that permits release say
131367 - from the project to CSB and from CSB to CON OPS and from CON OPS to
131368 - PPMD and CEFMS; or, are several servers needed to accomplish this
131369 - control?
131370 - ..
131371 - It sounded like the A-E will prepare 3 QC reports each day, one
131372 - for each shift, and the Project Engineer will prepare a single QA
131373 - report that covers the three QC reports and explains actions taken by
131374 - the Project Engineer, or needed and scheduled to be taken, to address
131375 - any matters that require action in the QC reports.
131376 -
131377 -  ..
131378 -
131379 - Leonard will need an Office Engineer, possibly 2 Office Engineers if
131380 - the work load is more than one person can handle, under the Contract
131381 - Administration function (which is now being performed in part by Jim
131382 - Joyce, but he may be fully occupied by O&M work) to review the QA
131383 - reports from each project, including O&M dredging, and other misc
131384 - small projects, coordinate with the Project Engineers to correct or
131385 - add information, as necessary, and prepare a summary of the days
131386 - activities on all projects and of matters that require RE action,
131387 - which can then be signed by the RE to release the daily reports to the
131388 - District.
131389 -
131390 -     [On 970427 this was added to organization chart, ref SDS 30 0000.]
131391 -
131392 -  ..
131393 -
131394 - Max asked about release of information from CON OPS, which is the
131395 - originating source, to PPMD and CEFMS.  Possibly each day the
131396 - Construction Managers can prepare a summary report for Chief, CON OPS,
131397 - of projects under their supervision.  However, this winds up being a
131398 - lot of work.  RMS should provide exception reports so that
131399 - Construction Managers only need to deal with exceptions, i.e.,
131400 - problems.  Tom Keesling sketched out a pyramid effect to show how RMS
131401 - data should flow to accomplish control and access to original sources.
131402 - More analysis is needed to develop this flow and release of
131403 - information so there are adequate controls.
131404 -
131405 -  ..
131406 -
131407 - Leonard, Tom and Mike marked up the RMS information flow diagram based
131408 - on the meeting today.  Mike will prepare a new version that reflects
131409 - the discussion today. Tom will prepare a new draft of the organization
131410 - chart for the Construction Services Branch.
131411 -
131412 -     [On 970404 review revised RMS flow chart, ref SDS 25 0550.]
131413 -
131414 -     [On 970427 revised organization chart, ref SDS 30 0000.]
131415 -
131416 - We will meet next Friday at 0800 for another review.
131417 -
131418 -     [On 970328 another team progress review ref SDS 24 7482.]
131419 -
131420 -
1315 -

A-E Consultant, Luster
RMS Research, Field Trips
Planning Time
Resident Management System (RMS)
Contract Administration Manual

2208 -
220801 -  ..
220802 - A-E Needs to Commence Research, Planning, Training, Mobilization
220803 -
220804 - There was discussion that the A-E contract for Richmond provides
220805 - support to research the Construction Contract Administration (CCA)
220806 - Guide, per Max's request, District practices and RMS capability, and
220807 - to develop a joint automation plan for implementing RMS. ref DRP 4
220808 - 6499 and ref OF 2 9572
220809 -
220810 - Max noted from a report on his desk that Richmond is scheduled to be
220811 - awarded oa 970501.  Tom indicated the A-E contract could take a month
220812 - or more to be awarded.  That gives the A-E only 4 weeks to accomplish
220813 - project planning for RMS and mobilize to begin inspection on 970601,
220814 - which generally conflicts with the Scope of Services providing for
220815 - adequate time to assign personnel and perform the research and
220816 - planning needed for a successful project launch.
220817 -
220818 -  ..
220819 -
220820 - Tom is meeting with Monti to expedite A-E contract.
220821 -
220822 -      [On 970409 Monti went on 2 week training mission, ref SDS 26
220823 -      5737, Tom met with Luster on 970422, ref SDS 29 0000.]
220824 -
220825 -
220826 -  ..
220827 - RMS Research Field Trips to Develop Information Flow
220828 -
220829 - Followed up work at ref SDS 16 8592.
220830 -
220831 - Need Project Engineer assigned to begin learning RMS.  Who will do
220832 - this?  It was not discussed.  The later this assignment is made, the
220833 - greater the need will be for supplemental help to start the job,
220834 - because it will increase the learning requirements and consequently
220835 - the increase the risk of problems.
220836 -
220837 -      [On 970321 Tom to inquire in Sacramento District about their
220838 -      experience using RMS. ref SDS 19 8488]
220839 -
220840 -      [See follow up on finalizing job descriptions ref SDS 25 7400.]
220841 - ..
220842 - Received contact information from Tom for purchasing Open Plan
220843 - Professional, per scope of services at ref OF 2 line 235.
220844 -
220845 -      [See follow up on price of Open Plan, $6K or $2K for COE
220846 -      projects, ref SDS 18 0000.]
220847 -
220848 - Leonard and Mike will schedule site visits for RMS research next week.
220849 - Should try to visit (3) three installations where RMS is being applied
220850 - and has been used for at least the past year.  These trips should be
220851 - for one week each, or one trip for two weeks, so that SFD people can
220852 - work with the system long enough to see how it is actually applied,
220853 - rather than rely on how people say they are applying it.
220854 -
220855 -      [See follow up where Tom contacted Sacramento District ref SDS 20
220856 -      8488.]
220857 - ..
220858 - Max suggested using information from these field trips to
220859 - support the information flow plan Mike presented this morning.  RMS is
220860 - a rigid system and so wherever it is being used there is likely a
220861 - formal flow diagram, similar to what Mike has prepared, and so if we
220862 - can get this information from several other installations, this can
220863 - assist in finalizing the plan Mike is preparing for the Construction
220864 - Services Branch.
220865 -
220866 - There was consideration to develop an adequate record from the field
220867 - trips so the information can be used to expedite RMS planning.
220868 -
220869 -
220870 -
2209 -

Intern Program
Construction Services Branch, Sausalito

2505 -
250501 -  ..
250502 - Intern Program Planning Needed
250503 -
250504 - Max advised 6 or so training interns need to be accommodated in
250505 - Construction Services Branch.  This might be helpful to accomplish
250506 - increased data entry work in the implementing a new system that will
250507 - likely result in some re-work.
250508 -
250509 - Tom will coordinate with Leonard on incorporating this support into
250510 - the Organizational Chart.
250511 -
250512 -      [See review of organization chart with Tom on 970428. ref SDS 31
250513 -      7488]
250514 -
250515 -
250516 -
2506 -

Scope of Services
A-E Consultant, Luster
Keesling's Assignment, RMS, CEFMS, PROMIS,
Information Highway
Aligning Communications to Maintain Shared
Communication Manager
Comedy of Errors, Management by
Computers Furnished by A-E
Foreign Term, Communication Metrics, SDS

3612 -
361201 -  ..
361202 - A-E Furnishes Computer Equipment
361203 -
361204 - Max advised that computer equipment used by A-E will be furnished by
361205 - the A-E rather than by the Government, so this needs to be changed in
361206 - the Scope of Services in Task Order 1 and 2.
361207 -
361208 -      [See where this change was made, ref SDS 21 7499.]
361209 -
361210 -
361211 -  ..
361212 - Monti's Edits Show Need to Clarify Communication Metrics
361213 -
361214 - Followed up work at ref SDS 16 9556.
361215 -
361216 - After meeting with Max, Leonard and Tom reviewed comments from Monti
361217 - on Task Orders 1 and 2 for the version reviewed on 970317, per record
361218 - at ref SDS 16 9556, and the report yesterday on approval of AE's
361219 - scope. ref SDS 17 0440.
361220 -
361221 - Monti came by during this review and explained having read and edited
361222 - Task Order 2 first, and then later realized in reading Task Order 1
361223 - that these are complimentary scopes.  Editing Task Order 2 before
361224 - reading Task Order 1 in this case caused results similar to the prior
361225 - occassion when editing was begun before reading the entire document,
361226 - ref SDS 7 8449. The edits show changing "Communication Manager" in
361227 - Task Order 2 to "Project Manager," which seems to imply the Project
361228 - Manager can perform Communication Metrics.
361229 -
361230 -         [On 970321 revised edits received. ref SDS 20 8427
361231 -
361232 -         [On 970324 finalized Comm Metrics scope. ref SDS 23 4444
361233 -
361234 -
361235 -       ..
361236 -      New World Order Requires New Role:  Communication Manager
361237 -
361238 -      Tom explained there is not enough time for the Project Manager to
361239 -      perform Communication Metrics, as specified in Task Order 2, see,
361240 -      ref DRP 4 4704, so therefore it is planned for a Communication
361241 -      Administrator to do this, supported by a Communication Manager to
361242 -      ensure the work is properly performed.
361243 -
361244 -
361245 -       ..
361246 -      Information Overwhelms Management
361247 -      Need Summary Connected to Details
361248 -
361249 -      Tom showed an example of why Communication Metrics is needed in
361250 -      the age of the Information Highway.
361251 -
361252 -      He held up a large handful of daily communications, what looked
361253 -      like several hundred pages, he has received within the past few
361254 -      weeks, which are added to a large binder of prior documents
361255 -      received during January. He noted that it is difficult to
361256 -      remember the correlations, action items and status of work that
361257 -      arises from this continuous information stream, per our
361258 -      discussions on 961125, ref SDS 2 1154, and considerations on
361259 -      961220 in planning support for RMS, ref SDS 3 8593.
361260 -      ..
361261 -      The result is that managers have only enough time to give
361262 -      new information cursory consideration using conventional
361263 -      management practices, until problems arise then they are
361264 -      instructed to invest time for problem handling, per record of
361265 -      meeting on 970110. ref SDS 5 2487
361266 -
361267 -         [On 970321 Marc McGovern frustrated by too much information.
361268 -         ref SDS 20 8266.]
361269 -
361270 -         [On 980412 CBS 60 Minutes reports people overwhelmed by too
361271 -         much information. ref SDS 33 8956]
361272 -
361273 -         [On 980613 article on information overload. ref SDS 34 3499]
361274 -
361275 -         [On 980807 article on information overload. ref SDS 36 2426]
361276 - ..
361277 - Monti noted that she left in the phrase "showing alignment with
361278 - requirements" because it is the part of Communication Metrics that
361279 - adds value to the management process.  This is a strong insight into
361280 - the meaning of adding "metrics" to communications, which was a goal we
361281 - set during the meeting with Max on 960105, ref SDS 1 8659.
361282 -
361283 - The edits propose removing para 3a(2) requiring:
361284 -
361285 -              (2)  Analyse communications using electronic links that
361286 -      show alignment with prior dialog, documents commitments and
361287 -      requirements in contracts, regulations, laws, policies and
361288 -      procedures; and develop headings in the diary records that show
361289 -      sequence of actions and summarize meaning linked to details for
361290 -      expediting review and understanding, see attachment #1.
361291 -
361292 -   ...ref OF 3 line 102.
361293 - ..
361294 - Leonard noted that analysis from the electronic links comprise
361295 - the "alignment with project requirements, which is the objective of
361296 - the diary data base and schedule deliverables that enable busy people
361297 - to remember things that are otherwise overlooked by the flood of
361298 - continuous information.  Tom suggested preparing a summary explanation
361299 - of this part of Communication Metrics to review with Monti, and so we
361300 - looked at paragraph 2 on page 1 of Task Order 2, see ref OF 2 line 18.
361301 - ..
361302 - Monti's proposed edits eliminate "organic subject structure"
361303 - because it is a foreign term.  Monti said she did not understand what
361304 - it means, and so she expects the AE would not be able to respond. She
361305 - wants to call it "document control."
361306 -
361307 -     [On 970416 worked on Monti's idea for Communication Metrics
361308 -     report, ref SDS 27 8555.]
361309 -
361310 -     [On 970418 received Communication Metrics report from CESPN that
361311 -     explains this. ref SDS 28 0961]
361312 - ..
361313 - The edits line out specifying "subcontractor" and "Communication
361314 - Metrics" throughout Task Order 2.  Monti explained COE cannot require
361315 - an A-E to subcontract work, and that it cannot specify a proprietary
361316 - product, like Communication Metrics.
361317 -
361318 - We discussed briefly that the government routinely requires A-E's to
361319 - hire appropriate specialists, as when an architect hires a civil
361320 - engineer, a structural engineer, mechanical and electrical engineers,
361321 - in order to ensure these skills are performed by properly qualified
361322 - professionals.
361323 -
361324 -  ..
361325 -
361326 - Communication Metrics is a new and emerging professional discipline
361327 - like Electrical Engineering, Planning, Accounting, Project Management,
361328 - Construction Management and Surveying, that has a defined scope and
361329 - standards of performance, as shown in Task Order 2. ref DRP 4 4929
361330 -
361331 - The Corps, as it has over the hundreds of years, is helping build this
361332 - new discipline by prescribing performance criteria in Task Order 2.
361333 - ref DRP 4 6375
361334 -
361335 -      [On 980403 Max Blodgett suggested an Internet web page could help
361336 -      people see how Communication Metrics improves daily management.
361337 -      ref SDS 32 4129]
361338 -
361339 -      [On 980803 Max commented on web page. ref SDS 35 2672]
361340 - ..
361341 - Communication Metrics adds value to existing work roles by
361342 - automating and integrating traditional methods like "document
361343 - control," as explained in the paper on POIMS technology. ref OF 1 8559
361344 -
361345 - An example is the Resident Management System (RMS) being introduced by
361346 - the San Francisco District this year. RMS automates document control
361347 - in the traditional manner, see review on 961224. ref SDS 4 3851
361348 - "Document control" by itself increases the work load for data entry.
361349 -
361350 - Communication Metrics integrates managing documents with managing the
361351 - work in meetings, calls, analysis and planning. ref OF 1 1107  An
361352 - "organic subject index" generates "intelligence" so that documents,
361353 - along with all other strategic information provide effective decision
361354 - support on a daily basis. ref OF 1 1110
361355 -
361356 -      [On 970418 Organic Subject Structure was explained in a report
361357 -      COE issued on Communication Metrics. ref SDS 28 0961]
361358 - ..
361359 - The Schedule Diary System is a proprietary product, but
361360 - Communication Metrics is merely a body of ideas for applying
361361 - technology to support leadership, similar to the military intelligence
361362 - role noted by General Hatch, that can be implemented by the SDS
361363 - program, or some other program that can perform the functions of SDS.
361364 -
361365 - Tom and Monti are meeting at 1400 today to review the second draft for
361366 - Task Order 1 and 2 that reflects the edits he and Leonard developed on
361367 - Monday.  Monti seemed to indicate that the correlation of Task Orders
361368 - 1 and 2 can be adequately defined to comply with Contract Division
361369 - concerns.  She mentioned that Luster has signaled a desire to expand
361370 - its range of services, and so the Richmond scope of services for
361371 - Communication Metrics offers that opportunity.
361372 -
361373 -     [See follow up on 970321 ref SDS 20 0000.]
361374 -
361375 -
361376 -
3614 -

Cost, Audit

3804 -
380401 -  ..
380402 - Government Estimates and Audit
380403 -
380404 - Followed up work at ref SDS 16 line 191.
380405 -
380406 - Leonard is meeting with the Project Manager in PPMD later today to
380407 - review the cost of Richmond project and explain using Communication
380408 - Metrics so it the budget and scope can be reviewed with the Port of
380409 - Richmond, who is a sponsor, similar to the Port of Oakland on the
380410 - Oakland Harbor project.
380411 -
380412 -      [On 970404 reviewed progress. ref SDS 25 8876]
380413 -
380414 - Leonard, Tom and I met separately on developing an estimate for
380415 - Communication Metrics.  We considered Leonard's question yesterday
380416 - about the appropriate multiplier for
380417 - ..
380418 - We considered that Communication Metrics staff will be billed at
380419 - comparable rates to that for other A-E staff.  Tom explained the
380420 - calculation can be prepared in standard government procurement
380421 - practice for subsequent negotiation with the A-E.
380422 -
380423 - Leonard asked if an audit will be done?  Tom mentioned Sue Fairchild's
380424 - memo of 970213 indicating an audit will be needed within 30 days, ref
380425 - DRP 2 line 30.  We reviewed later discussion that this may actually
380426 - take 6 months or so.
380427 -
380428 -
380429 -
380430 -
3805 -

Communication Metrics Evaluation on Oakland

4004 -
400401 -  ..
400402 - Leonard Will Submit Evaluation of Communication Metrics on Oakland
400403 -
400404 - Tom discussed the need to finalize the evaluation of Communication
400405 - Metrics on Oakland.  The report being prepared by CON OPS for the
400406 - Contract Division and the District will further assist in assessing
400407 - whether this approach can be helpful and what it entails.
400408 -
400409 - Leonard plans to get something in on this by next week.
400410 -
400411 -     [On 970324 received Leonard's comments at ref SDS 22 9759]
400412 -
400413 -
4005 -
4006 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"