440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 13, 1997 08:38 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Called Tom re meeting on Richmond Scope of Services.
2...Contract Audits for Pay Rates Should Not Delay Start of Support
3...Coordinate with Luster on RMS and Communication Metrics
4...Shoaling Spec on Richmond Same as Oakland
5...Scope of Services Task Orders
6...RMS Implementation Research Field Trips Being Developed
7...Organization Structure for Richmond and CSB Will Be Reviewed
8...Communication Metrics Staff Pay Rates Based on Added Value
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473/8701
020102 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
0202 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito 415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch
Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
0703 - ..
0704 - Summary/Objective
0705 -
070501 - Follow up ref SDS 18 line 75, ref SDS 17 line 83.
070502 -
070503 - Reviewed changes needed in formatting the scope of services and
070504 - correlating with developing an adequate organization structure for
070505 - Contract Administration and Communication Metrics support on the
070506 - Richmond project and for the Construction Services Branch. Developed
070507 - ideas for field trips to research implementaion of RMS.
070508 -
070509 -
070510 -
0706 -
0707 -
0708 - Discussion
0709 -
070901 - Contract Audits for Pay Rates Should Not Delay Start of Support
070902 -
070903 - We considered Sue Fairchild's memo, ref DRP 9 line 20, from the
070904 - meeting with Leonard yesterday, ref SDS 19 line 83.
070905 -
070906 - Tom feels the audit will not require special preparation by me of
070907 - something for the auditors to examine. He said the auditor will
070908 - simply report there is no history of rates to examine for the
070909 - classifications we are proposing.
070910 -
070911 - Tom also indicated COE can award the work as soon as the SBA submits
070912 - its documentation, rather than wait for the audit to be performed,
070913 - since sometimes it can take 6 months.
070914 -
070915 -
070916 -
070917 - Coordinate with Luster on RMS and Communication Metrics
070918 -
070919 - We considered having a discussion with Luster about their scope and
070920 - the ideas about having them subcontract Communication Metrics. Tom is
070921 - thinking of having this discussion after I complete the initial scope
070922 - of services for the tasks discussed with Monti, Tom Benero and Sue, on
070923 - Tuesday, ref SDS 17 line 134.
070924 -
070925 - [See follow up at ref SDS 21 line 160 sending scope of services
070926 - to Luster and message on coordinating with Welch on Communication
070927 - Metrics ref SDS 21 line 217.]
070928 -
070929 - I reviewed the discussion with Leonard yesterday about having Luster
070930 - support implementation of RMS, and to maintain a conventional record
070931 - in parallel. Some of this scope is already covered in the
070932 - Communication Metrics scope, and the result will be that this smaller
070933 - project could wind up being over staffed relative to Oakland. There
070934 - was discussion this morning that such additional staffing reflects the
070935 - results on Oakland that indicate a greater effort is needed, and that
070936 - introducing new automated business systems (i.e., RMS, CFMS, PROMIS
070937 - and Open Plan), requires added transition support.
070938 -
070939 - We considered Leonard's objective to include in Task 2 and 4 some
070940 - Contract Administration support. Tom suggests using the Contract
070941 - Administration Guide in Max's office to develop particular scope
070942 - elements to supplement Communication Metrics. We need to structure
070943 - the position so it is clear that ultimate authority rests with COE
070944 - personnel, which is the way the current Scope of Services is prepared.
070945 -
070946 - I explained that commingling Luster Contract Administration in a Task
070947 - Order with Communication Metrics seems to create complexity in
070948 - preparing the scope of services. We decided to meet to consider how
070949 - to parse the scope cleanly, so we don't create more problems than
070950 - Contracting is trying to solve by using the task order approach.
070951 -
070952 -
070953 -
0710 -
0711 -
0712 - 1104 called Max
0713 -
071301 - Advised of meeting with Leonard yesterday, ref SDS 19 line 90, and
071302 - discussion with Tom Keesling, per above, about including Contract
071303 - Administration in the A-E scope, and using the Construction Contract
071304 - Administration Guide (CCA) to develop language in the scope of
071305 - services.
071306 -
071307 - I asked if I can borrow Max's copy for a day or two for guidance in
071308 - formulating language to accomplish this objective. He agreed.
071309 -
071310 -
0714 -
0715 -
0716 - 1139 met with Max
0717 -
071701 - Obtained the CCA per above.
071702 -
071703 - Max mentioned efforts to support an initiative by LTC Thompson to
071704 - improve the organization of the District. Plans are being formulated
071705 - evidently in parallel with needs analysis, and these may not yet be
071706 - entirely in sync. Possibly more should be done to evaluate needs
071707 - before specific changes are made. There was discussion that changes
071708 - may have been initiated from the chain of command, but Max expressed a
071709 - sense that the DE is requesting approval to make organization changes,
071710 - and that if successful, this would reflect well on the District and
071711 - the DE. Max said something about a General not being involved.
071712 -
071713 - I mentioned having heard last Friday from General Hatch approving use
071714 - of his name in the evaluation being prepared for Communication Metrics
071715 - on the Oakland project, ref SDS 12 line 92. We discussed briefly
071716 - Hank's assignment as president of the Fluor Daniel unit awarded the
071717 - contract to cleanup Hanford. Max mentioned that at one time the Corps
071718 - of Engineers was involved in that project. Discussions with Hank last
071719 - year indicate that DOE is managing the Fluor Danile contract.
071720 -
071721 -
071722 -
071723 -
0718 -
Surveys Predredge, Postdredge
0905 -
090501 - Shoaling Spec on Richmond Same as Oakland
090502 -
090503 - We discussed Tom Benero's 970311 letter to Dutra on implementing the
090504 - contract specification on shoaling. I explained my sense that the
090505 - letter seemed to be well written and researched; however, it may
090506 - present an equity issue for COE and the contractor to address with
090507 - respect to removing any shoaling that needs to be removed in order to
090508 - reach plan grade, which would otherwise be performed under O&M.
090509 -
090510 - I discussed this later with Tom Keesling and he mentinoed having
090511 - discussed it with Chris Shields, but remains unclear why the spec for
090512 - Richmond was not changed to avoid the confusion that occurred on
090513 - Oakland. Tom mentioned they have good pricing history from the Manson
090514 - O&M work done in December and January on Oakland.
090515 -
090516 -
090517 -
0906 -
Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
1204 - 1210 meeting with Tom
1205 -
120501 - After obtaining the CCA from Max, per above, Tom and I met to review
120502 - discussions on Tuesday, ref SDS 17 line 133, reflected by letters from
120503 - Tom, ref DRP 8 line 24, and Sue, ref DRP 9 line 22, and my meeting
120504 - with Leonard yesterday, in order to clarify how to make the changes
120505 - requested in the Scope of Services.
120506 -
120507 -
120508 - Scope of Services Task Orders
120509 -
120510 - Today, we started by reviewing our understandings on 970225, ref SDS 9
120511 - line 134, of organizational structure for supporting the Construction
120512 - Services Branch and for the Richmond project that Communication
120513 - Metrics will have one person at the Richmond jobsite, one person to
120514 - support Leonard at the Construction Services Branch in Sausalito, and
120515 - myself as a principal and Communication Manager to support the
120516 - Communication Metrics staff, and ensure major meetings are adequately
120517 - reported, i.e., a record like this one gets created when needed to
120518 - sort out complex stuff. Consideration was also given in our
120519 - discussion today to the current and developing skills of Communication
120520 - Metrics staff in using the SDS program.
120521 -
120522 - Standard organization structure would have the Communciation Metrics
120523 - staff report through the A-E "Project Manager" but on this project our
120524 - approach should be different, because Communication Metrics is outside
120525 - the A-E's expertise. COE staff who have interacted with Communication
120526 - Metrics have an awarenss of this role that the A-E cannot have until
120527 - it gains exposure to it through performance of the project.
120528 -
120529 - Tom plans to discuss with Monti tomorrow the need to divide the scope
120530 - of services into separate task orders.
120531 -
120532 - We considered the idea today that a separation might be useful if we
120533 - make Communication Metrics a separate Task Order scope. It might also
120534 - be useful to make RMS support a separate Task Order from both
120535 - Inspection and from Communication Metrics. The idea wold be that
120536 - Communication Metrics will inherently support RMS, since they do
120537 - related things, i.e., use technology to support Contract
120538 - Administration. This would give the Corps the flexibility to have
120539 - Luster provide an identical Inspection support to that found useful on
120540 - the Oakland project provided by Gahagan and Bryant, and also support
120541 - RMS if it turns out to be necessary. Possibly this would over
120542 - complicate COE administration.
120543 -
120544 - Tom feels the A-E Project Manager for Inspection under Task Orders 1
120545 - and 3, can provide Contract Administrative support for RMS, as Leonard
120546 - suggested yesterday, rather than specify another person under Task
120547 - Orders 2 and 4. This seems to suggest that task orders 1 and 3 will
120548 - cover inspection and contract admin support to implement RMS; task
120549 - orders 3 and 4 will provide Communication Metrics to support Contract
120550 - Administration under task orders 1 and 2. This will provide a clear
120551 - delination between responsibilities, and we can make the appropriate
120552 - reporting channels for task support and administration to reflect this
120553 - differentiation.
120554 -
120555 - Therefore, we decided to call Task Orders 1 and 3 Contract
120556 - Administration, and Task Orders 2 and 4 Communication Metrics then
120557 - create the correlations in the body of the tasks.
120558 -
120559 -
120560 -
1206 -
Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
Automated Management, Keesling's Assignment
1505 -
150501 - RMS Implementation Research Field Trips Being Developed
150502 -
150503 - We discussed understandings from the meeting yesterday with Mike
150504 - Murphy and Leonard that Tom is planning orientation field trips to
150505 - research implementation of RMS, ref SDS 19 line 165. Tom will review
150506 - with Mike and Leonard about scheduling timely research to facilitate
150507 - application for the Richmond project. An important objective is to
150508 - get a good record of what transpires on the field trip, so it can be
150509 - analysed later for implications that may not be apparent during the
150510 - trip itself.
150511 -
150512 - [See follow up meeting with Max on 970320, ref SDS 22 line 216.]
150513 -
150514 -
150515 -
1506 -
Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
Automated Management, Keesling's Assignment
Construction Services Branch, Sausalito
2006 -
200601 - ..
200602 - Organization Structure for Richmond and CSB Will Be Reviewed
200603 -
200604 - Considered the new project situation Mike Murphy raised yesterday and
200605 - Leonard's plan to requisition resources to meet growing needs for
200606 - management support, per ref SDS 19 line 150.
200607 -
200608 - Tom feels we should meet next week to examine Leonard's organization
200609 - chart from our work on 970225 to clarify reporting relationships, and
200610 - to ensure the scope of services we develop is consistent. This
200611 - reflects discussions with Leonard and Mike Murphy yesterday on
200612 - determining organization needs for the Construction Services Branch,
200613 - ref SDS 19 line 150. We tentatively set Tuesday for this meeting,
200614 - since they have a meeting with Dutra and the Port of Oakland on
200615 - Monday.
200616 -
200617 - Tom asked me to coordinate this with Leonard, per below. ref SDS 0
200618 - 8333
200619 -
200620 - [See meeting on 970317, ref SDS 20 8494.]
200621 -
200622 -
200623 -
2007 -
Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
2204 -
220401 - Communication Metrics Staff Pay Rates Based on Added Value
220402 -
220403 - Tom will contact Sue Fairchild to get a sample proposal for an open
220404 - ended Task Order procurement process, as is planned to be used on
220405 - Richmond.
220406 -
220407 - [See information developed at ref SDS 20 line 251.]
220408 -
220409 - Discussed the process for identifying the pay rates. At this time the
220410 - Oakland Harbor project is the most recent history of acceptable rates
220411 - for a Communication Manager. Communication Metrics staff with lessor
220412 - SDS skills will be specified in the Scope of Services, will justify
220413 - reduced payment rates, based on the added value of applying the SDS
220414 - program over the course of the project. The Communication Agent will
220415 - be an experienced project manager at the GS 13 level, who will have
220416 - 20% SDS skills to support Communication Metrics. The Communication
220417 - Administrator will an experienced Project Administrator at the GS 10
220418 - or 11 level, and has 60% SDS skill to support Communication Metrics.
220419 - Thus, both positions require support from the Communication Manager to
220420 - ensure that Communication Metrics is adequately performed by SDS.
220421 -
220422 - Tom mapped out a form that will be used by the A-E and the
220423 - Communication Metrics subcontractor to submit pay rates. It reflects
220424 - Sue Fairchild's memo to Leonard yesterday, ref DRP 9 line 34. He
220425 - explained the typical process of using employee pay rates and adding
220426 - percentages for burden and profit. We considered that since the
220427 - Communication Metrics scope is essentially separate, the markup by the
220428 - A-E should be in the range of 5%.
220429 -
220430 -
220431 -
2205 -
2206 -
2207 -
Richmond Scope of Services, 970225
Automated Management, Keesling's Assignment
Construction Services Branch, Sausalito
2606 - 1437 called Leonard
2607 - ..
260701 - Per above discussion, ref SDS 0 1308, advised of Tom's idea to
260702 - meet on Tuesday to review Leonard's first draft of the organization
260703 - charts for the Richmond project and the changes at the Construction
260704 - Services Branch. I explained the idea to generally conform the scope
260705 - of services to the organization structure that Leonard wants to use.
260706 -
260707 - Leonard proposed doing a large scale hand draft of the chart Tom
260708 - mapped out, per his notes of our 970225 meeting, ref SDS 9 line 204.
260709 - That sounds like it would work well, because in drafting out the
260710 - organization flow chart, Leonard and his team in Sausalito will have a
260711 - chance to consider the viability of the prior work done on 970225, and
260712 - show any additions or changes that need consideration.
260713 -
260714 - He wants to meet first thing on Monday, i.e., oa 0800, rather wait
260715 - until Tuesday.
260716 -
260717 - [See follow up meeting with Max reviewing organization chart and
260718 - RMS information flow on 970320, ref SDS 22 0000.]
260719 -
260720 - I will try to submit a first draft of the scope of services revised
260721 - per discussions with Leonard yesterday and Tom Keesling today.
260722 -
260723 - [On 970317 meeting with Leonard and Tom to review changes. see
260724 - ref SDS 20 0000.]
260725 -
260726 -
260727 -
260728 -
2608 -
2609 -
2610 - 1444 called Tom
2611 -
261101 - Left message of above understandings.
261102 -
261103 -
261104 -
2612 -
2613 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"