440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 13, 1997 09:29 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Called Richard re Cupertino HS wrestling tournament.
2...Richard Uses Handwritten Diaries, Phone Logs
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0201 - Richard Popejoy, DDS 408 255 8000
020101 - Dr. Richard Popejoy
Events, Entertainment, Good Will
Wrestling Tournament, Cupertino HS
Popejoy, Richard, Kathy
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 4 0000, ref SDS 3 0000.
060702 -
060703 - Richarcd said Kathy was able to hear my remarks about him, and he
060704 - could hear most of it, when I spoke about Richard's exploits as a
060705 - freiend and wrestler at Cupertino. ref SDS 4 4927
060706 -
060707 - Jay Lawson has been the coach at Cupertino for the past 12 years,
060708 - since Richard had the team, and has not won the league except for a
060709 - year or two following Richard's departure. Richard seemed to indicate
060710 - that the Cupertino tournament is very well run, and offers amenities
060711 - that are not available at most other tournaments.
060712 - ..
060713 - Sounds like Jay is a good administrator, and so may have better
060714 - opportunities for career development toward that areana.
060715 -
060716 - Richard feels several of his ex-wrestlers who have since gone into
060717 - coaching, would be good candidates to carry on the tradition Richard
060718 - had of a winning wrestling program at Cupertino. He feels the school
060719 - principal would not support a teaching position needed to bring in
060720 - someone else to coach wrestling, if Jay got another assignment. We
060721 - considered contacting the school superintendent, but Richard feels she
060722 - does not support athletics either.
060723 -
060724 - [On 990323 Cupertino won their leage title, but did even send one
060725 - kid to the State tournament. ref SDS 5 6864]
060726 -
060727 - Richard said I would have enjoyed the 154 pound class. He said the
060728 - state tournament will be in early March over in Stockton. He is
060729 - planning to drive over, and invited me to join him.
060730 -
060731 - I asked about Ken Nelson, because there is a Dave Nelson listed as the
060732 - coach of the Vacaville team in the program for the Cuperino Wrestling
060733 - tournament. Richard corrected by recollection of Ken Nelson, and said
060734 - he is a retired executive with Pacific Bell, now managing his own real
060735 - estate portofolio. Richard that Ken will likely attend the tournament
060736 - in Stockton, along Barry Woods and a few others from our era.
060737 -
060738 - Richard will call to advise when the tournament will be held. We may
060739 - hook up and drive together.
060740 -
060741 -
060742 -
060743 -
0608 -
Cost/Benefit of Better Communications
Remembering (Linked Records - Traceability,
Thinking Through Writing
Traceability to Original Sources
Hand Written Notes, Improve
Who, what, when, where and why; 901011
Ignorance, Fear, Denial
Handwritten Notes, Diary
Organizational Memory Intelligence Organization Analysis Alignment Su
1712 -
171201 - ..
171202 - Richard Uses Handwritten Diaries, Phone Logs
171203 -
171204 - I asked Richard if he received my letter ref DIP 1 from our discussion
171205 - on 961222. ref SDS 3
171206 -
171207 - Initially he said he did not get it, and noted that he receives a lot
171208 - of mail and does not have time to read most of it.
171209 -
171210 - Upon discussion he recalled receiving my letter, and his first remarks
171211 - were on whether I had sent something more recent.
171212 -
171213 - Richard pointedly advised that he does not use computers for
171214 - management, except his staff uses computers for billing and similar
171215 - traditional applications. Richard seemed to indicate he has an
171216 - internet address.
171217 -
171218 - [On 990324 got his Internet address. ref SDS 5 8640]
171219 -
171220 - I tried to focus the discussion on concepts of automated integration
171221 - of management tasks: thinking, remembering and communicating. Richard
171222 - was not receptive, since likely it sounded like this was a road to
171223 - buying something.
171224 -
171225 - Richard finally observed that he has maintained a diary system over
171226 - the past 15 years or so, similar to the diary I used back in the 70s,
171227 - that led to SDS. He has a similar log of all phone calls he receives.
171228 - Richard explained how he is able to look up matters going back many
171229 - years using this manual diary method.
171230 -
171231 - I explained a similar method I used as a general contractor, to keep
171232 - track of understandings of who, what, when, where and why events
171233 - transpired.
171234 -
171235 - We touched briefly on the prospect that professionals and business
171236 - executives have a tendency to dismiss the prospect that they are
171237 - making a lot of mistakes because of the fragility of human knowledge.
171238 -
171239 - Richard feels this may be more true for doctors than for dentists. He
171240 - observed that when he examines a patients teeth, he can observe all or
171241 - most what is needed to make decisions about needed action and follow
171242 - up.
171243 -
171244 - We did not review the record of Steve Olsen's difficulty applying the
171245 - record, submitted at ref SDS 2 7391
171246 -
171247 -
171248 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"