440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 3, 1997 03:13 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Called Jim Galli re Dutra's submission on NSL for Open Cut method.
2...Contract Design Submission
3...Open Cut Sewer Line Location
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0201 - Dutra Dredging Company 415 721 2131 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Robert D. Johnston; President
0202 - Dutra Dredging Company 415 721 2131 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. James J. Galli, P.E.; Manager =415 258 1583
020202 - West Coast Dredging =Telephone/fax
0203 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito 415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020301 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch
Navy Sewer Line, 961204
Sewer Line Installation
Navy Sewer Line Open Cut Method, 951227
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Follow up ref SDS 15 0000, ref SDS 13 0000.
050702 -
050703 - Received COE's letters on the NSL, called Dutra and coordinated
050704 - corrective actions needed to accomplish the objectives of the letters.
050705 -
050706 -
050707 -
050708 -
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - Progress
0511 -
051101 - Teri advised she prepared and distributed by fax the two letters on
051102 - the NSL.
051103 -
051104 - Contract Design Submission
051105 -
051106 - Received from Teri ref DIT 1 which is based on the draft ref OF 2,
051107 - submitted yesterday. ref SDS 15 9700 This is COE serial letter #0128.
051108 - The language of the serial letter is slightly different from the
051109 - draft. Serial letter #0128 says...
051110 -
051111 - During the meeting there was not enough time for review and
051112 - discussion, however subsequent review revealed the need for
051113 - further work on this submittal to conform to the Operations Plan
051114 - and understandings agreed upon in discussions with UPRR, and set
051115 - out in the attached notes (see line 061103).
051116 -
051117 - ...the draft says...
051118 -
051119 - During the meeting there was not enough time for review and
051120 - discussion, however subsequent review revealed the need for
051121 - further work on this submittal to conform the Operations Plan to
051122 - understandings agreed upon in discussions with UPRR, as set out
051123 - in the attached notes, see line 061103.
051124 -
051125 - ...the language in the draft intended to convey that the Operations
051126 - Plan needed to be changed, whereas the serial letter seems to
051127 - indicate the Operations Plan is okay. This is an error because the
051128 - Operations Plan needs to be changed.
051129 -
051130 -
051131 -
051132 - Open Cut Sewer Line Location
051133 -
051134 - Reviewed Dutra's Navy Sewer line submittal, transmittal #64, for the
051135 - Open Cut method. Marc McGovern noticed that Dutra's drawing shows the
051136 - line is moved 500' from the contract alignment, which is incorrect.
051137 -
051138 -
051139 - ..
0512 -
0513 -
0514 - 1521 called Jim Galli
0515 -
051501 - Jim said he had not seen COE's serial letter #129, ref DIP 5, faxed to
051502 - Dutra today, per Teri above, confirming the changes needed in the Open
051503 - Cut design, which we reviewed jointely on 961230. ref SDS 13 0869, and
051504 - discussed yesterday. ref SDS 15 2978
051505 -
051506 - Jim said he tried to comply with the points per the telecon yesterday,
051507 - except he did not include a reference in the drawings to the
051508 - construction steps in the Operations Plan, because it did not seem to
051509 - be necessary.
051510 -
051511 - Upon discussion, Jim feels it would be helpful to include this
051512 - information. He will revise Dutra's submittal to make this
051513 - correction.
051514 -
051515 - Jim advised that someone in Dutra's office was given the materials,
051516 - who is not familiar with the project, and was asked to review them for
051517 - clarity. Jim reported this person was able to follow the explanation
051518 - in the Operation Plan and correlate it to the details in the drawing.
051519 - ..
051520 - Jim said he made corrections to Dutra's submittal based on
051521 - recollection and his notes of our discussion on 961230, and that
051522 - Dutra's internal review shows the submittal meets the objectives for
051523 - corrections set on 961230. ref SDS 13 0869 He feels all of the
051524 - corrections have been made and so it will expedite the work if Dutra
051525 - makes the submittal without reviewing the record.
051526 -
051527 - There was discussion that reliance on recollections of conversations
051528 - at previous events, to "expedite," has not worked well, and that this
051529 - experience indicates Jim should obtain COE serial letter #129 dated
051530 - today, ref DIT 2, and check Dutra's submittal against it for
051531 - completeness, rather than rely on recollections and personal notes of
051532 - conversation, since ref DIT 2 will be the basis for review.
051533 -
051534 - Jim recalled this point was made at the Contract Admin meeting on
051535 - 961230. ref SDS 12 4729
051536 -
051537 - [On 970107 Bob Johnston cited benefit of SDS. ref SDS 16 4953]
051538 -
051539 - Jim advised that Dutra's transmittal, which is due today on the Open
051540 - Cut method, has already been taken to Tom White at the Oakland Project
051541 - office. He will verify that it conforms with COE serial letter #129,
051542 - ref DIT 2, and, if it does not, he will revise and resubmit it on
051543 - Monday at the schedule review meeting.
051544 -
051545 - [On 970907 Jim confirmed submittals were issued. ref SDS 16 2895]
051546 -
051547 - Marc asked about the incorrect alignment of the sewer line, shown 500
051548 - feet away from the contract location?
051549 -
051550 - Jim said this an error in the initial drawing. He corrected it in
051551 - this second submission.
051552 -
051553 -
051554 -
0516 -
0517 -
0518 - 1543 discussion with Leonard SooHoo
0519 -
051901 - During the above discussion with Jim, Leonard SooHoo came into the
051902 - office with Mrs. SooHoo.
051903 -
051904 - Marc reviewed the above matters with Leonard.
051905 -
051906 -
051907 -
051908 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"