440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 27, 1996 07:48 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Visited Tom Keesling re meetings with contractor on AI and Schedule.
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD O-00000632 0202
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief
020102 - Construction Operations Division
0202 - Corps of Engineers, SFD O-00000632 0302
020201 - Mr. Herb Cheong,; Project Manager
020202 - Project Management Division
Dutra, Schedule Review, 961121
Schedule Review, Dutra, Port of Oakland,
Directing Meetings is Not Communication
Evaluation Communication Metrics
Meeting Support, Facilitator
Be Prepared SDS Provides 80% of Preparation
SDS Guides Performance, Maintains Shared
SDS Improves Art of Management, Synergy of
SDS Organizes Complexity of Management,
Action Item Review, Dutra, Port of Oakland,
Facilitate Meetings, Demonstrate
Communication Metrics Improves Daily
Synergy SDS Related Ideas/Sources Improves Productivity, Whole Greate
Context Organization Improves Handling Daily Working Information
2516 -
2516 - ..
2517 - Summary/Objective
2518 -
251801 - Follow up ref SDS 16 0000, ref SDS 15 0000.
251802 -
251803 - Advised Tom on results of the Action Item review meeting yesterday,
251804 - per letter, ref DIP 10 0000, prepared this morning, ref SDS 16 0000,
251805 - although I did not submit the letter today, because it wasn't
251806 - finished.
251808 - ..
251809 - Herb Cheong reported that he was pleased that the Port attended the
251810 - meetings yesterday so that they could see how well Communication
251811 - Metrics improves productivity of meetings, as noted in the letter to
251812 - Tom, ref DIP 10 0000, and Tom White's report on 961105. ref SDS 1 1220
251814 - ..
251815 - Herb noted that meetings yesterday on Action Items, ref SDS 13 0000,
251816 - with the Port separately, ref SDS 14 0000, and with Dutra on the
251817 - Schedule, ref SDS 15 0000, which used Communication Metrics was very
251818 - helpful in several ways. He feels the meeting was facilitated by the
251819 - Welch Company in a professional manner that avoided the usual stress
251820 - and conflict about prior understandings. The meeting got good results
251821 - in determining work status and setting realistic parameters for follow
251822 - up action to improve job progress.
251824 - ..
251825 - Herb said the Action Item meeting yesterday showed the Port why COE is
251826 - using Communication Metrics to improve meeting productivity, which the
251827 - Port questioned on 961125. ref SDS 10 6009, and at the Progress
251828 - Meeting yesterday morning, ref SDS 12 line 283.
251829 -
251830 - [See separate discussion on funding to increase the budget for
251831 - the Welch contract, ref SDS 17 line 76
251833 - ..
251834 - [See discussion of Welch speaking at meetings, ref SDS 18 line
251835 - 86
251837 - ..
251838 - [See COE report on Communication Metrics dated 970328,
251839 - ref SDS 19 line 151
251840 -
251841 -
2519 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"