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1...COE to review and comment on Dutra's Contract Management Plan
2...COE to determine what if any survey data is needed from Dutra to
3...COE will send copy of accounting on payments for stuff at berth
4...COE needs to research need for pipeline inspection plan. Jim
5...COE investigate with environmental engineers on moving material
6...COE notify Dutra of adequacy of submittal register.
7...Need to complete capturing contract to SDS record.
8...Look for Dutra's letter on Action Item #26 due today.
9...COE to investigate adequacy of reporting on X,Y positioning data
0201 - Dutra Dredging Company O-00000644 0101
020101 - Mr. Robert D. Johnston; President
0202 - Dutra Dredging Company O-00000644 0201
020201 - Mr. James J. Galli, P.E.; Manager
020202 - West Coast Dredging
0203 - Port of Oakland O-00000647 0201
020301 - Mr. Rob Andrews; Engineering Project Manager
0204 - Port of Oakland O-00000647 0202
020401 - Mr. Ralph Gin;
0205 - Corps of Engineers, SFD O-00000632 0203
020501 - Mr. Marc McGovern; Construction Manager
020502 - Construction Operations Division
0206 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito O-00000645 0201
020601 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch
0207 - Corps of Engineers, SFD O-00000632 0302
020701 - Mr. Herb Cheong,; Project Manager
020702 - Project Management Division
Action Item Review, Dutra, Port of Oakland
0603 -
0603 - ..
0604 - Summary/Objective
0605 -
060501 - Follow up ref SDS 21 0000, ref SDS 20 0000.
060502 -
060503 - Port of Oakland management was briefed in a separate meeting on
060504 - Schedule issues. ref SDS 22 0000
060506 - ..
060507 - The meeting today together with the record for the meeting on 961118
060508 - indicates progress on issues and agreement on responsibility. There
060509 - has been slippage on some Action Items, as noted below. ref SDS 0 6388
060511 - ..
060512 - Dutra's submission of an updated schedule on 961213 is critical to
060513 - meeting contract completion requirements, and was reviewed in a
060514 - separate meeting. ref SDS 23 0000
060515 -
060516 - [On 961213 schedule was submitted. ref SDS 29 0000
060517 -
060518 - [On 970110 COE needs record of meeting on 961213 because
060519 - Communication Metrics was not used. ref SDS 30 2487
060520 - ..
060521 - Navy Sewer Line matter now requires directed COE attention, per
060522 - Action Item #17, below. ref SDS 0 9956
060523 -
060524 - [On 961127 develop solution on Navy Sewer Line. ref SDS 26 0000]
060525 -
060526 - [On 961127 prepared analysis for Tom Keesling on today's meeting
060527 - with Contractor and Port. ref SDS 24 7483]
060529 - ..
060530 - [On 961127 visited Tom and Herb Cheong to review today's meeting.
060531 - ref SDS 25 0000
060533 - ..
060534 - [On 961204 submitted Action Item review to Dutra with this
060535 - record. ref SDS 28 4116]
060536 -
060538 - ..
0606 -
0607 -
0608 - Discussion
0609 -
060901 - Executive Summary/Action Item Lists Submitted to Dutra
060902 -
060903 - Initially, Bob Johnston was given copies of the Executive Summary and
060904 - Action Item cover sheet for each of the Progress Meetings from 961001
060905 - to 961119, since Bob reported at the Progress Meeting this morning
060906 - that he could not recall seeing these documents which COE submits with
060907 - each set of meeting notes. ref SDS 21 3758
060909 - ..
060910 - Bob was also given a full set of the meeting notes, including the
060911 - Executive Summary/Action Item list for the Progress Meeting on 961119,
060912 - which Tom White reported this morning was delayed due to difficulties
060913 - in transmission via the Internet.
060914 -
060916 - ..
060917 - Action Items Reviewed with Dutra
060918 -
060919 - 1 Correct lighting on Galbraith COE concurs this is done per
060920 - pipeline, ref SDS 10 7488 ref SDS 15 7465
060921 -
060922 - 2 Provide Contract Mgmt Plan Dutra submitted on 961122;
060923 - per ref SDS 10 6377 and at
060924 - ref SDS 11 5583, and also
060925 - ref SDS 13 6377
060926 -
060927 - COE to review and comment on Dutra's Contract Management Plan
060928 - ..
060929 - 3 Provide missing back-up survey Either COE is to give a list of
060930 - data for progress payments per missing information, or Dutra
060931 - previous iterations between is to provide data OB 961213
060932 - Steve Hutchinson and Rick O per Rick Olejniczak may need to do
060933 - G&B list submitted to Dutra at something.
060934 - ref SDS 9 line 102 and COE
060935 - meeting ref SDS 12 line 116.
060937 - ..
060938 - COE to determine what if any survey data is needed from Dutra to
060939 - backup previous pay estimates. Is this being provided with
060940 - current pay estimates?
060942 - ..
060943 -
060944 - 4 Provide updated master proj. Dutra will submit revised update
060945 - schedule in accord with on schedule on 961213 per meetg
060946 - Corps review comments, per ref SDS 18 line 120
060947 - meeting on 961113,
060948 - ref SDS 11 line 172
060949 - ..
060950 - 5 Provide anticipated burn- Dutra submit with 961213 revised
060951 - rate for FY07 schedule update
060952 -
060953 - 6 Inspect pipeline during pumping Dutra concurs this SB on daily
060954 - operations once each 24 hrs. QC reports
060955 -
060956 - COE will verify QC reports contain pipeline pumping inspection
060957 - are performed once each 24 hours.
060958 - ..
060959 - 7 Provide monetary adjustment Dutra submitted this to COE on
060960 - estimate for next progress 961122.
060961 - payment based on recently
060962 - billed misplaced ocean
060963 - material dumped at Berth
060964 - 38 which was taken to Galbraith
060965 - and billed at Galbraith unit price
060967 - ..
060968 - COE will send copy of accounting on payments for stuff at berth
060969 - 38, to Port of Oakland.
060970 - ..
060971 - 8 Provide evidence of Tug Dutra will submit inventory by
060972 - captain briefings, per 961204 instead of 961122, as
060973 - ref SDS 10 line 908 agreed at ref SDS 15 line 143
060974 -
060975 - 9 Equip pipeline will shut-down Dutra will submit response today
060976 - devise. (part of Galbraith) 961126 instead of 961122, as
060977 - agreed at ref SDS 15 line 150
060978 - ..
060979 - 10 Provide plan for notification COE will notify Dutra of any
060980 - of pipeline problems (leaks, planning submissions it should
060981 - etc.) make on this matter.
060982 -
060983 - COE needs to research need for pipeline inspection plan. Jim
060984 - Galli advised the pipe that leaked was a section of steel, so the
060985 - change from steel to plastic did not contribute to this leak.
060986 - ..
060987 - 11 Provide plan for pipeline COE agreed that this is the same
060988 - buoys, lights, ESD devise scope as item 1, 9 and 6.
060989 - per Corps letter
060991 - ..
060992 - 12 Remove debris and or misplaced Dutra will show when this work
060993 - material from Berth 9 in water will be performed on its 961213
060994 - schedule update
060995 -
060996 - 13 Provide schedule for removal To be performed with work in OC5
060997 - of electrical line and so will be scheduled based
060998 - on how revised schedule update
060999 - shows work on OC5 will occur
061000 - ..
061001 - 14 Remove spilled Galbraith COE to investigate if any action
061002 - material due to pipeline leak is needed per Gail Staba's
061003 - comment that material should not
061004 - be removed, ref SDS 16 line 821
061005 -
061006 - COE investigate with environmental engineers on moving material
061007 - that leaked from offloading pipeline at Galbraith, per ref SDS 16
061008 - line 823
061009 - ..
061010 - 15 Provide schedule for Navy Dutra will schedule this work
061011 - Sewer line work, instructed
061012 - at 961113 Prog Meeting.
061013 - ref SDS 11 4447
061014 -
061015 - [On 961127 review of Dutra's serial letter #0196 dated 961122
061016 - shows work scheduled for Jul/Aug 1996. ref SDS 26 3857]
061017 - ..
061018 - 16 Move work operations or Dutra will complete by 961127
061019 - remove debris from Berth 8
061020 - per ref SDS 6 4830
061021 - ..
061022 - 17 Provide Navy Sewer Line Dutra submitted this on 961122.
061023 - corresp. on shoring design
061024 - sent to UPRR, per Prog Mtg
061025 - on 961112, ref SDS 10 7392 and
061026 - on 961113, ref SDS 11 4447
061027 -
061028 - Port requested briefing during the meeting today. Dutra left the
061029 - room for about 20 minutes while the background provided at the
061030 - Progress Meeting on 961119 was presented, ref SDS 16 4837
061032 - ..
061033 - Port management examined Dutra's submission and asked about COE
061034 - procedure in light thereof.
061036 - ..
061037 - COE to investigate and take appropriate action to expedite Navy
061038 - Sewer Line.
061039 -
061040 - [On 961127 develop solution to problem. ref SDS 26 0000]
061041 -
061042 - [On 961204 meeting with Dutra and conference call with S&W to
061043 - resolve engineering issues on NSL. ref SDS 27 0000]
061045 - ..
061046 - [On 970418 COE report on Communication Metrics cites Navy
061047 - Sewer Line matter as illustration of effective management
061048 - support. ref SDS 31 5883.]
061049 - ..
061050 - 18 Issue dated transmittal Dutra agreed it will begin doing
061051 - letters with documentation this for everything that is not
061052 - provided to Corps, per on Dutra correspondence letter-
061053 - ref SDS 13 line 122, and head.
061054 - ref SDS 14 line 164
061056 - ..
061057 - 19 Provide updated submittal Dutra submitted on 961119; COE
061058 - register, ref SDS 10 line 381 to advise of adequacy.
061059 -
061060 - COE notify Dutra of adequacy of submittal register.
061061 - ..
061062 - 20 Provide record of dates Dutra will submit report on this
061063 - tests were done at Galbraith on 961213
061064 - that gave bad results, per
061065 - ref SDS 1 line 731
061066 -
061067 - 21 Provide copy of letter to Dutra will submit response today
061068 - Tom White on changing QC 961127 instead of 961122, as
061069 - personnel, per Prog Mtg at agreed at ref SDS 15 line 205
061070 - ref SDS 10 line 337
061071 - ..
061072 - 22 Provide comprehensive manual Dutra will include on daily QC
061073 - measurement records of scow reports
061074 - volumes until DDLS resolved
061075 -
061076 - 23 Provide ASCII data files for Dutra will provide computer file
061077 - all surveys (past and future) file data in autocad format.
061078 - per section 01330 8.9.4, per COE to confirm data not needed
061079 - in ASCII
061080 -
061081 - Need to complete capturing contract to SDS record.
061082 - ..
061083 - 24 Submit procedures on floaters Dutra holds its 961111 letter
061084 - by 961107 per Corps letter is adequate response; COE
061085 - 961106, discussed at 961112 requires QC program change due
061086 - Prog Mtg, ref SDS 10 line 353 to public safety considerations
061087 -
061088 - Dutra agreed today to amend its
061089 - QC program by reference once its
061090 - methodology is approved on RFP
061091 - #19
061092 - ..
061093 - 25 Respond to inspector complaints COE will schedule preparatory
061094 - that ocean-bound scows have inspection for Dutra to explain
061095 - been filled above A-B line how to read 12 lines on scows
061096 - for evaluating compliance. Tom
061097 - White to coordinate with Phil
061098 - Torres
061100 - ..
061101 - Jim Galli advised different lines should be used based on
061102 - different times of the year.
061103 - ..
061104 - 26 Provide time, location, and Dutra to submit letter today on
061105 - sieve analysis data foe EACH intent to comply or contest
061106 - instance of overflow from scows this requirement, 961126
061107 - per Corps letter dated 4/15/96
061108 -
061109 - Look for Dutra's letter on Action Item #26 due today.
061110 - ..
061111 - 27 Provide over-dredging COE agreed to investigate and
061112 - quantities, --if any-- by notify Dutra of any action it
061113 - Polygon is required to take on this
061114 - matter.
061115 -
061116 - COE to notify Dutra of action needed on over-dredging quantities.
061117 - ..
061118 - 28 Provide electronic X, Y Jim Gallie advised this is being
061119 - positioning data for tugs provided.
061120 - until DDLS resolved
061121 -
061122 - COE to investigate adequacy of reporting on X,Y positioning data
061123 - of tugs.
061124 -
061125 -
061126 -
061127 -
061128 -
061129 -
061130 -
061131 -
061132 -
0612 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"