440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 25, 1996 03:51 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Submit notes for Progress Meeting on Oakland project.
2...Communication Metrics Practices
3...Port Concerned Welch Directing Meetings
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0201 - COE, Oakland Harbor Project 510 532 4838 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Thomas W. White; Project Engineer =510 532 4838
Corps of Engineers, SFD, Oakland Project
Weekly Progress Meeting, 961119
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000, ref SDS 12 0000.
040602 -
040603 - Completed writing the 1st draft of the notes, got reviews and made
040604 - edits, then published a final version.
040605 -
040606 - For the draft version, used procedure for notes of the meeting on
040607 - 961112. ref SDS 6 0000
040608 -
040609 - The transmittal of the first draft asks for particular attention on
040610 - the Galbraith stuff, ref DIT 1 line 32, from ref SDS 8 line 640, since
040611 - this is sensitive and complex.
040612 -
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0407 -
0408 -
0409 - 1038 visited Leonard SooHoo and Tom Keesling
0410 - ..
041001 - Leonard was at a staff meeting today, which Tom Keesling held.
041002 - When it completed, he asked if I have published notes of the meeting
041003 - last week yet.
041004 -
041005 - I advised of having brought a copy for him to review, as well has
041006 - sending him a copy via internet this morning. Leonard reviewed the
041007 - draft while I waited and met with Tom Keesling and Marc McGovern. When
041008 - he finished he said the draft appears to be accurate and complete. I
041009 - said he can use to run the meeting tomorrow, since there do not seem
041010 - to be any edits from others.
041011 -
041012 - Leonard asked for the list of Action Items from the review meeting on
041013 - 961118, ref SDS 7 line 96. I gave him a copy and noted there are some
041014 - items that were not completed, although I got more input from Marc
041015 - McGovern later in the afternoon.
041016 - ..
041017 - Reviewed the draft with Tom Keesling on the matter of
041018 - Communication Metrics, vis a vis the Port ref SDS 8 line 286, and
041019 - Dutra, ref SDS 8 line 322; and, on the Galbraith and RFP #19. He
041020 - feels they correctly reflect understandings he has from discussions
041021 - with Marc, Leonard and others who attended the meeting.
041022 -
041023 - I asked Herb Cheong to review the notes and he said he would advise
041024 - of any comments before 1200, if he has any, so I can publish before
041025 - COE through Tom White.
041026 -
041027 -
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - 1353 Published Final Notes
0414 - ..
041401 - I checked email and there were no edits.
041402 - ..
041403 - However, I have a few from review with various people this
041404 - morning. One thing I am changing is "hazzardous waste" to "hazzardous
041405 - material," since the latter is the phrase used in Dutra's documents.
041406 -
041407 - Submitted ref DIT 2 line 30 to Tom White via internet.
041408 -
041409 -
041410 -
041411 -
0415 -
0416 -
0417 - 1618 called Tom White
0418 -
041801 - Left message for him, but his voice mail indicated he has still not
041802 - returned from being away last week.
041803 -
041804 -
041805 -
041806 -
0419 -
0420 -
0421 - 1905 received call from Tom White
0422 - ..
042201 - He received the final notes and submitted them via internet with
042202 - printed copy faxed to Dutra, per ref DIT 2 line 28.
042203 -
042204 -
042205 -
0423 -
Progress Meetings
Policy and Procedures
Directing Meetings is Not Communication
Welch Asks Questions, Does Not Direct
Productivity of Meetings very Poor, People
Proactive Management Discovers Problems
Speaking at Meetings, Port Objects Welch is
Com Manager Deliberates Organizational Memory Different Tasks from Tr
2411 -
241101 - ..
241102 - Communication Metrics Practices
241103 -
241104 - When I talked to Herb Cheong this morning for review of the meeting
241105 - notes, I also explained the matter about the Project Management Plan
241106 - and Communication Metrics, ref SDS 8 line 287.
241107 -
241108 - Herb said he spoke to Marc and to Tom Keesling today about this.
241109 -
241110 - They want me to attend the Progress Meeting tomorrow and so Herb is
241111 - advising Rob Andrews today that I am attending. Evidently, Herb told
241112 - Rob and/or Ralph Gin last week, that I would not be attending the
241113 - weekly Progress Meetings any longer, as a result of discussions with
241114 - Max at the meeting with the Port last Thursday, ref SDS 10 line 86,
241115 - where Max advised Herb of his earlier thinking at ref SDS 4 line 67.
241116 - ..
241117 - So he is correcting that understanding today.
241118 -
241119 -
241120 - ..
241121 - Port Concerned Welch Directing Meetings
241122 -
241123 - Herb indicated that Rob Andrews and perhaps Ralph Gin are not yet
241124 - familiar with Communication Metrics since we have not had a chance to
241125 - do the presentations they requested, per the record on 961121.
241126 - ref SDS 10 0001 They advised at the meeting last week on Project
241127 - Management Plan that Welch is directing the Progress Meetings, and
241128 - they feel this role should only take notes, similar to Marcus'
241129 - concerns on 961017. ref SDS 2 1127
241130 -
241131 - Herb feels it is hard for people who do not work often with the Welch
241132 - method of Communication Metrics to grasp why it is necessary for the
241133 - Communication Manager to speak at meetings to obtain clarification for
241134 - an accurate record, rather than simply write down what is said by
241135 - others. We did not take time to review this point, which has come up
241136 - with Marcus on 961017, ref SDS 2 1127, and with Monti on 961024,
241137 - ref SDS 3 7740 and more recently Tom White on 961115. ref SDS 5 1678
241138 - ..
241139 - On 920128 similar concern at DNRC. ref SDS 1 3354
241140 -
241141 - Herb suggests that to help Rob and Ralph become acclimated to the
241142 - Communication Metrics process, for the next period or so, he wants me
241143 - to avoid asking questions at the meetings, even though this diminishes
241144 - the service COE has contracted to obtain with respect to aligning
241145 - people through Communications Metrics.
241146 -
241147 - We considered that my contract is to provide Communication Metrics
241148 - which requires digging out of the system the misunderstandings, nuance
241149 - and opportunities that are otherwise overlooked, so that productivity
241150 - of meetings and of managers is improved. This requires asking
241151 - questions.
241152 -
241153 - Herb wants to moderate this aspect for awhile until the Port gets a
241154 - better understanding of the process. I agreed.
241155 -
241156 - [On 961125 set meeting with Len Cardoza to show Communication
241157 - Metrics methodology for Port management. ref SDS 14 4773]
241158 -
241159 - [On 961127 Herb reported the Port observed that Communication
241160 - Metrics is effective. ref SDS 15 3747]
241161 -
241162 -
241163 -
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241172 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"