440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: November 4, 1996 02:28 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Prepare Welch/COE contract budget amendment.
2...Justification for Welch Contract Modification
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Increase Budget, Port of Oakland
Tom Keesling, Modify Welch Contract
Contract DACW07-96-P-0705
0705 - ..
0706 - Summary/Objective
0707 -
070701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 0000, ref SDS 5 0000.
070702 -
070703 - Per discussion with Tom Keesling on Friday, ref SDS 8 8888, here is a
070704 - first look at budgeting for the next 6 months or so to accomplish the
070705 - scope requested by USACE. The total amount is $172K. ref SDS 0 W23O
070706 - The Welch contract runs for something less than 5 months, since the
070707 - original period was 180 days, ref DRP 1 M4FY, and we have done a month
070708 - and a half. The 6 month period is selected based on Dutra contract
070709 - completion of 970427; of course that date is likely to be exceeded by
070710 - at least another 6 months.
070711 -
070712 - [On 961202 USACE changed amount to $100K for 4 months to fit
070713 - expedited contract procedure that avoids calling for public bids.
070714 - ref SDS 11 0001
070715 -
070716 - [...submitted revised proposal. ref SDS 12 0001
070717 -
070718 - [On 961206 Com Metrics extension of services approved.
070719 - ref SDS 13 0001
070720 -
070721 -
070722 -
070723 -
0708 -
0709 -
0710 - Budget Review
0711 -
071101 - ..
071102 - Justification for Welch Contract Modification
071103 -
071104 - Additional contract management support hours have resulted from
071105 - proliferation of problems caused by the Contractor's failure to
071106 - perform its contract requirements, e.g., progress meeting on 961029.
071107 - ref SDS 6 8471 This has led to increased exposure to the government
071108 - from new claims (e.g., piling/debris removal; shoaling,
071109 - acceleration/delay) which require increased support in assisting the
071110 - government to obtain contract compliance at a reasonable cost and in
071111 - an expeditious time. An example on 961104 is the draft letter on
071112 - scheduling completion of the project, ref SDS 9 0000. COE has added
071113 - formalized Action Item reviews through consultant's specialized
071114 - methods called "Communication Metrics." Increased oversight of
071115 - project scheduling will arise in the period ahead which the Welch
071116 - contract can support.
071117 - ..
071118 - There are three main elements to a possible increase in Welch
071119 - scope and consequent budget:
071120 -
071121 -
071122 - 1. Communication Metrics that produces and maintains the "knowledge
071123 - space" to position COE for timely accurate decision making, and
071124 - meeting Action Item objectives.
071125 -
071126 - [This is the leadership aide, intelligence role, discussed
071127 - with General Hatch last April, ref SDS 1 3229.]
071128 -
071129 - [See letter to COE on unique character of Communication
071130 - Metrics provided by Welch, ref SDS 10 7749.]
071131 -
071132 - Experience on the project shows the following level of effort is
071133 - typically entailed on a weekly basis:
071134 -
071135 -
071136 - Prepare for meetings,
071137 -
071138 - 1 Review the record
071139 - 1 Clarify understandings from others
071140 - 1 Prepare Agendas, objectives, highlight key information
071141 - 1 Develop strategies/tactics
071142 -
071143 - 2 Attend meetings,
071144 -
071145 - 1 Travel
071146 - Clarify comments and representations by attendees
071147 - Align COE communications with the record
071148 - Confirm Action Item scope and target dates
071149 -
071150 - 1 Brief others and gather impressions
071151 - ..
071152 - Analyse meetings, calls, discussions, documents
071153 -
071154 - 3 Write (Clear, Concise, Complete), ref SDS 2 line 307
071155 - Protect interests of the customer
071156 - Link the record, Integrate with existing record
071157 - 2 Capture external documents, scan, identify
071158 - 1 Verify understandings and integrate into notes
071159 - Action Items, Develop
071160 - 1 Headlines, Craft
071161 - Document Log, Maintain
071162 - 1 Subject Index, Maintain
071163 - Contacts, Maintain
071164 -
071165 - Schedule Follow Up
071166 -
071167 - Controllable action items linked to history/diary
071168 -
071169 - Obtain Comments
071170 -
071171 - 1 Print and/or distribute the record via internet
071172 - 2 Visit parties to convey impressions, alert Action Items
071173 - Obtain edits
071174 - 1 Enter edits
071175 - Determine desired distribution
071176 - 1 Print and/or distribute the record via internet
071177 - Coorelate conflicting edits, impressions
071178 - ----
071179 - 21
071180 -
071181 -
071182 - 2. Management Support to Align Communications
071183 -
071184 - 2 Draft proposed communications that convey management
071185 - objectives in a way that recognizes the record and contract
071186 - requirements.
071187 -
071188 -
071189 - 3 Collaborate on strategy and implementation tasks to maintain
071190 - alignment of management actions with organizational
071191 - objectives based on the daily interaction among affected
071192 - staff.
071193 - ---
071194 - 5
071195 -
071196 -
071197 - 26 Hrs per mtg, assume 1.5 mgts/week 39 x 4 x 6 = 936 93600
071198 -
071199 - [Tom the 1.5 is of course arbitrary. We are thinking of
071200 - doing Action Item reviews, which could increase these hours.]
071201 -
071202 -
071203 - 3. Training COE staff to apply the record using the SDS software
071204 - program.
071205 -
071206 - 2 Initially this is providing orientation of the methodology to
071207 - create awareness that software and technology can directly
071208 - support communications that comprise the majority of a
071209 - manager's time.
071210 -
071211 - 2 Provide SDS record for use by COE.
071212 -
071213 - 2 Provide training to permit staff to acquire knowledge of the
071214 - technology at a pace commensurate with their schedule and
071215 - needs.
071216 -
071217 - ---
071218 - 6 x 4 x 6 144 14400
071219 -
071220 -
071221 - Note the goal is institutionalize training, which requires
071222 - significantly more time, but that can likely occur after the
071223 - 6 months of the Oakland completion.
071224 -
071225 - One approach is to farm it out to Golden Gate University,
071226 - George Washginton or some other place that does executive
071227 - training.
071228 -
071229 -
071230 - A fourth possible element is:
071231 -
071232 - 4. Administration support
071233 -
071234 - This person would perform the document scanning and some logging,
071235 - some data entry, so Welch can focus on the ideas and building the
071236 - linkages that comprise the knowledge space that is the ultimate
071237 - deliverable of Communication Metrics. A key advantage is to
071238 - perform daily Action Item and Doc Log status for more thorough
071239 - follow up.
071240 -
071241 - 170 hours per month at $60 x 6 61200
071242 - ---------
071243 - 169200
071244 -
071245 - Contractor's hourly rates include office
071246 - expense, insurance, computer equipment
071247 -
071248 - ..
071249 - Telephone 200 x 6 1200
071250 - Travel 300 x 6 1800
071251 - Supplies L.S. 500
071252 - -------
071253 - 3500
071254 -
071255 - $172,700
071256 -
071257 -
071258 - [...submitted revised proposal. ref SDS 12 0001
071259 -
071260 - [On 961206 Com Metrics extension of services approved.
071261 -
071262 -
071263 -
071264 -
071265 -
0713 -