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1...[We need some way to identify this event in the record, when did
2...Gail Staba advised that Dutra must move tug from berth 8, since it is
3...Gail advised Dutra should remove "junk" at berth 9.
4...Leonard SooHoo and Bob Johnston scheduled a meeting for early next
0201 - Dutra Oakland Project Ofc 510 522 3758 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Chris Peterson; =510 522 2378
020102 - Mr. Phil Torres; =510 522 2378
020103 - Mr. Ken Esse; Safety Engineer =510 522 2378
020104 - Mr. Jack Fink; =510 522 2378
020105 - Mr. Dan Chow; =415 721 2139
0202 - Dutra Dredging Company 415 721 2131 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Robert D. Johnston; President
020202 - Mr. James J. Galli, P.E.; Manager =415 258 1583
020203 - West Coast Dredging =Telephone/fax
0203 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020301 - Ms. Ofelia R. Rosales; Contract Specialist =415 977 8499
020302 - Contracting Division
020303 - Mr. Herb Cheong,; Project Manager =415 977 8705; PPMD
0204 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020401 - Mr. Glen N. Chafe 415 331 0404
020402 - Mr. Thomas W. White; Project Engineer =510 532 4838
0205 - Gahagan & Bryant Associates, Inc. 415 883 7683 fax 1589
020501 - Mr. Rick Olejniczak; Vice President
0206 - Gahagan & Bryant Associates, Inc. 415 883 7683 fax 1589
020601 - Mr. Rob Greybill; =415 883 7683
0207 - Port of Oakland 510 272 1100 fax or 800...
020701 - Ms. Gail R. Staba; Environmental Planner =510 272 1479
020702 - Mr. Mike Morely; =510 577 4318
Corps of Engineers, SFD, Oakland Project
Weekly Progress Meeting, 961029
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 7 line 80, ref SDS 4 line 88, re
040602 - line 94, ref SDS 2 line 74.
040603 -
040604 - Antone and Paula Lee working in Turning Basin. The DB 24 is still off
040605 - the project. Leaking scows corrected. Dutra submitted agenda for
040606 - partnering. COE submitted letter directing Dutra to update Schedule;
040607 - set meeting for 961101. Communication procedures clarified. Dutra
040608 - submits confirmation of submission yesterday on debris removal RFP.
040609 - Obstacle problem has narrowed. Survey complete, shows about 4M CY yet
040610 - to be dredged, 3.1M CY completed to date. Contractor requests timely
040611 - payment, funding status. Dutra cooperating on environmental issues.
040612 - Dutra needs COE report on sinking of Delta Linda. Dutra to improve
040613 - daily reporting on QC, and update its submittal register.
040614 -
040615 -
040616 -
0407 -
Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of Work
Galbraith, Disposal
0805 -
080501 - ..
080502 - Project Status - Galbraith Proceeding; Ocean Disposal No Progress
080503 -
080504 - Leonard SooHoo reviewed Action Items from 961022 meeting, ref DIP 3
080505 - line 90, as set out below. Project status issues included:
080506 -
080507 - a. The weekly report on "Hard Digging" for the period ending
080508 - 961027 shows Antone and Paula Lee working the past week in IC
080509 - 10, 11, 12, on Galbraith Phase II; averaging 7,435 CY/day and
080510 - 10 day moving average 11,496 CY/day, ref DIT 1 line 101.
080511 -
080512 - Report shows no production on ocean disposal for past 26 days,
080513 - ref DIT 1 line 25.
080514 -
080515 - b. Contractor reports approximate completion status in Schnitzer
080516 - ___% complete, Todd ___% complete, IC 10, 11, 12, ____%
080517 - complete.
080518 - ..
080519 - COE submitted letter dated 961028 to Dutra at the meeting
080520 - today directing that it submit updated schedule, ref DIT 2 line
080521 - 54, and advise of any additional time needed to complete the
080522 - work. Meeting scheduled for 961101 on planning completion of
080523 - the work, ref DIT 2 line 82.
080524 -
080525 - c. Contractor submitted documents today ref DRT 1 line 11, that
080526 - confirm submission yesterday via fax of additional information
080527 - on RFP to perform piling/debris removal in Todd Wing and
080528 - Schnitzer Wings.
080529 -
080530 - [We need this document for the record ________________]
080531 -
080532 - The meeting notes for 961022 summarize project status as
080533 -
080534 - Project Status - Production Slowed by Debris in Work Areas
080535 -
080536 - ...this appears to conflict with the production report issued today
080537 - showing increased production for week ending 961022. The conflict
080538 - arises from misunderstanding due to an incomplete record, reported
080539 - in the notes for 961022, ref SDS 7 line 123, and in the Production
080540 - report received today, ref DIT 1 line 29.
080541 -
080542 -
080543 -
0806 -
Communication Metrics
SDS Notes for Weekly Progress Meetings
Objections to Meeting Notes
Port of Oakland Communication with Dutra
Less Formal Communications, Advocated by Dutra
Conventional Management Not Enough Time to
Conversation Fast and Easy Knowledge, Fools
Meetings, People "Know" What Happened,
Not Enough Time to Write Everything Down,
1812 -
181201 - ..
181202 - COE Confirms Communication Procedures
181203 -
181204 - Herb Cheong submitted at the meeting today serial letter #0010 dated
181205 - 961028, ref DIT 3 0000, confirming COE objectives and procedures in
181206 - communicating with the Contractor, including notes of weekly meetings,
181207 - as set out in the record of the meeting on 961022, ref SDS 7 8559, and
181208 - previously at the meeting on 961015. ref SDS 4 1217
181209 -
181210 -
181211 - ..
181212 - Port of Oakland Communication with Contractor Through COE
181213 -
181214 - Gail Staba reported on procedures reviewed recently by COE and the
181215 - Port of Oakland to expedite communication with the Contractor on the
181216 - project. COE is directing the work as set out in the contract. It is
181217 - the channel for communication on carrying out contract requirements.
181218 - The Port of Oakland is supporting COE to maintain these procedures
181219 - that ensure timely, accurate communication with the contractor, and
181220 - avoid confusion in the record.
181221 -
181222 -
181223 - ..
181224 - Dutra Requests Less Formal Communications
181225 -
181226 - The list of agenda items submitted by Dutra today includes an item
181227 - called: "Less formal communications." ref DRT 2 8444.
181228 -
181229 - [See follow up at 961230 meeting, ref SDS 21 4729.]
181230 -
181231 - Dutra should submit the communication procedures it wishes to follow,
181232 - the contract authority for same and/or any advantages it foresees in
181233 - improving production toward completing the work. Include examples of
181234 - successful implementation. COE will review Dutra's ideas to prepare
181235 - for a meeting on adopting same, as set out in the letter submitted to
181236 - Dutra at the meeting today. ref DIT 3 0916
181237 -
181238 -
181239 -
181240 -
1813 -
Quality Control
1904 -
190401 - ..
190402 - Dutra Must Improve Quality Control Reporting
190403 -
190404 - Tom White explained the need for Dutra to submit accurate and complete
190405 - quality control reports each day. Failure to submit these documents
190406 - was cited at the meeting on 961022, ref SDS 7 line 127, and is set out
190407 - in the Production Status report dated 961028, distributed today at the
190408 - meeting, ref DIT 1 line 29.
190409 -
190410 - Previously, Phil Torres performed this work well. Reports were
190411 - received on time each day and in good order. However, Dutra has
190412 - changed personnel and assigned others to perform this task. Since at
190413 - least 961010 COE has been receiving faxed documents that are missing
190414 - information and quantities. COE must be given the originals of this
190415 - QC documentation each day, and all relevant information must be
190416 - provided.
190417 -
190418 - [See correction noting Jack Fink and not Phil Torres is credited
190419 - with preparing accurate QC reports in connection with this time
190420 - frame, ref SDS 14 line 326. Phil did this work prior to Jack
190421 - taking over and his work was generally acceptable.]
190422 -
190423 -
1905 -
Submittal Schedule, Register, Procedures
2204 -
220401 - ..
220402 - Dutra Will Update Submittal Register
220403 -
220404 - Tom White asked about the status of obtaining an updated submittal
220405 - register from Dutra. He reported COE sent a letter to Marvin Mier
220406 - over a month ago on this matter.
220407 -
220408 - Jim Galli advised that Marvin Mier is no longer with the Dutra firm.
220409 -
220410 - Jim asked that COE send a copy of the letter to Marvin Mier, to Jim's
220411 - attention at Dutra, because they have been unable to locate the
220412 - original letter submitted by COE.
220413 -
220414 - COE will submit the letter to complete Dutra's records; however, the
220415 - contract calls for maintaining a current submittal register, and does
220416 - not require notice from COE for Dutra to proceed on this matter.
220417 -
220418 -
220419 -
220420 -
2205 -
Plan of Operation
Mud Budket in Todd, Schnitzer, IC 10 - 12,
2405 -
240501 - ..
240502 - Dutra will Submit Weekly Dredging Plan of Operations
240503 -
240504 - Herb Cheong asked about the record of submitting the Dredging Plan of
240505 - Operations, per ref SDS 7 line 273.
240506 -
240507 - Jim Galli recalled Dutra made a submission on this months ago.
240508 -
240509 - Tom White read out during the meeting the contract provision in
240510 - section 02480 para 4.2, ref OF 7 line 124, which calls for a series of
240511 - steps to be taken to investigate plan and coordinate the work on a
240512 - weekly basis, and submit a report to COE on the results of this
240513 - planning for COE comment prior to commencing work in the target area
240514 - each week.
240515 - ..
240516 - One approach to implement this requirement would be to assign a
240517 - team to investigate the anticipated work two weeks in advance, review
240518 - the plans and specs, and submit the report to COE, so there is at
240519 - least one week available to resolve any issues that arise from the
240520 - planning process, including COE comments, as have surfaced in recent
240521 - weeks.
240522 -
240523 - An example of the objective for the Plan of Operation is in section
240524 - 02480 para 4.3 which Tom White also read out during the meeting
240525 - concering use of mud buckets required for certain areas, ref OF 7 line
240526 - 150. Various interpretations were considered during the meeting with
240527 - respect to meaning; however, any such theory requies a determination
240528 - that takes time to obtain, as contemplated by the requirement for
240529 - planning under para 4.2.
240530 -
240531 - [See COE letter on this matter at ref SDS 17 line 435.]
240532 - ..
240533 - COE recognizes that an experienced firm like Dutra may have
240534 - better planning methods than the minimal requirements called out in
240535 - the contract, and seeks Dutra's input on carrying out effective
240536 - planning to achieve a successful project.
240537 -
240538 -
2406 -
Payments under Fixed Priced Construction
Payment Depends on Appropriations
Payment Submittals
2706 -
270601 - ..
270602 - Payment Funds and Procedures
270603 -
270604 - Bob Johnston asked about availability of funds to complete the work.
270605 -
270606 - Herb Cheong indicated there is approximately $2M in the current FY,
270607 - and about $6.5M available for 1997.
270608 -
270609 - Bob requested better cooperation on tracking status of processing
270610 - Dutra's progress payments. There was discussion that COE typically
270611 - makes payment within 14 days; however, some payments have taken 15 -
270612 - 18 days.
270613 -
270614 - Dan Chow reported difficulty obtaining status after processing by
270615 - Leonard SooHoo and Marc McGovern. There was references to COE staff
270616 - being unavailable to respond to Dutra's inquiries, due to vacation,
270617 - sickness, etc.
270618 - ..
270619 - Herb Cheong indicated COE payment personnel have complained
270620 - about contacts by Dutra which are not called out in the contract. He
270621 - asked that Dutra contact either him or Tom Benero on payment status,
270622 - which COE recognizes requires timely action. Substantiation of
270623 - Dutra's actual receipt of payments may be required to accomplish a
270624 - thorough review of this matter.
270625 -
270626 -
270627 -
270628 -
2707 -
Partnering, COE, Port, Dutra
Major Issues, Request Meeting
2905 -
290501 - ..
290502 - Project Management Meeting - Dutra Submits List of Issues
290503 -
290504 - Bob Johnston submitted an agenda of issues proposed for a partnering
290505 - meeting, ref DRT 2 line 21, per discussion at the meeting on 961022.
290506 -
290507 - Leonard SooHoo advised that the District Engineer instructed COE SFD
290508 - to meet with the Contractor to expedite determination of pending
290509 - issues, rather than apply "partnering." Dutra's list contains 13
290510 - items that require prompt attention, most of which entail careful
290511 - review of the contract and the project record; many require attention
290512 - week to week, as conditions evolve. Such issues are not amenable to
290513 - partnering. Additionally, various issues on Dutra's list have been
290514 - recently determined, e.g., Navy Sewer Line; Mobilization payments, and
290515 - so require action by Dutra, rather than further input from COE.
290516 - ..
290517 - Herb Cheong indicated that COE will meet with Dutra on its
290518 - "Partnering Meeting Agenda" at an early date to be mutually determined
290519 - after the meeting on updating the project schedule on Friday, 961101
290520 - (discussed below). Following such meeting on Dutra's agenda,
290521 - ref DRT 2 line 21, COE and Dutra can assess using partnering to focus
290522 - on any remaining issues that might be conducive to that methodology.
290523 -
290524 - Bob Johnston asked if the meeting on Friday, 961101 (discussed below)
290525 - is intended for discussion of Dutra's Partnering Agenda?
290526 -
290527 - Herb Cheong advised that some of the matters on Dutra's list impact
290528 - the schedule and so can be discussed in that vein; however, the
290529 - meeting on Friday is for planning the orderly performance of the work
290530 - and not for discussion of matters that have been determined and are
290531 - therefore subject to claim procedures. Since retention of earned
290532 - payments arises from Dutra's production, and since Quantity overruns
290533 - impact the schedule, that much of Dutra's list may be impacted by the
290534 - results of the schedule meeting, even though these issues are not the
290535 - purpose of the meeting.
290536 - ..
290537 - Bob Johnston asked if the Port of Oakland will attend the
290538 - meeting, and cited Rob Andrews, as a possible representative?
290539 -
290540 - Herb advised the Port may attend the meeting.
290541 -
290542 - Gail Staba advised that the Port of Oakland's communication with the
290543 - Contractor is through COE, per above.
290544 -
290545 -
2906 -
2907 -
Schedule for Construction, 52.236-15
Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of Work
Extension of Time, 1 CD/8K CY
Plan of Operation
3407 -
340701 - ..
340702 - COE Directs Dutra to Update the Schedule; Review Meeting Set
340703 -
340704 - Herb Cheong submitted at the meeting COE letter dated 961028 directing
340705 - Dutra to update its schedule within 10 days and on or before 961108,
340706 - ref DIT 2 line 54, citing contract requirements and prior discussions
340707 - at progress meetings on 961015 and 961022, e.g, ref SDS 7 line 282,
340708 - concerning release of retained earnings.
340709 -
340710 - [See receipt of Dutra's updated schedule, ref SDS 16 line 103.]
340711 -
340712 - Bob Johnston advised Dutra will meet with COE on 961101 as set out in
340713 - COE's letter, ref DIT 2 line 78.
340714 -
340715 - Herb Cheong proposed meeting in the morning, and he will notify Dutra
340716 - of a specific time on 961101 for the meeting.
340717 - ..
340718 - Bob Johnston requested a list from COE by Wednesday or Thursday,
340719 - of issues to be discussed at the meeting. This request may have
340720 - related to the proposed partnering meeting, discussed above.
340721 -
340722 - COE's agenda for the meeting on 961101 is solely the schedule to
340723 - complete the work, as discussed in the letter submitted to Dutra
340724 - today. A variety of matters impact the schedule, and in turn
340725 - developing a practicable schedule, as called out in the contract,
340726 - influences issues of concern to Dutra and to COE, e.g., shoaling,
340727 - retention of earned payments discussed at the meeting on 961022, ref
340728 - SDS 7 line 325, which is why COE is directing Dutra to perform this
340729 - requirement for determining a sensible order of work and the tasks and
340730 - resources needed to perform it.
340731 -
340732 - [See results of meeting on 961101 ref SDS 12 line 95.]
340733 -
340734 -
3408 -
Inner Harbor Work Area, Schnitzer
Piling encountered, Schnitzer
Todd Turning Basin
Debris Removal
3807 -
380701 - ..
380702 - Piling/Debris - Dutra Submitted Additional Information
380703 -
380704 - Bob Johnston submitted ref DRT 1 line 10 which is a large envelope
380705 - containing document(s) he described as confirming information
380706 - submitted to COE yesterday via FAX which supplements Dutra's submittal
380707 - last week ref DRP 5 line 27, on ideas for preparing an RFP to remove
380708 - the concentrated debris encountered in the Todd and Schnitzer Wings of
380709 - the Turning Basin.
380710 -
380711 - Separate sets were given to Leonard SooHoo and to Herb Cheong for
380712 - delivery to Tom Benero who did not attend the meeting.
380713 -
380714 - Bob indicated this submission has additional pricing information.
380715 - ..
380716 - Leonard SooHoo advised COE will review Dutra's information in
380717 - preparing an RFP, as discussed last week, ref SDS 7 line 374.
380718 -
380719 - [See COE RFP 19 issued at ref SDS 13 line 254; and COE letter
380720 - directing Contractor to contain floating debris, ref SDS 15 line
380721 - 92.]
380722 -
380723 -
3808 -
Inner Harbor Work Area, Schnitzer
Todd Turning Basin
Obstructions in Todd Wing (Dolphin, Ship,
4106 -
410601 - ..
410602 - Obstructions in Todd Wing; Dutra Assess Impact, Submits Sketch
410603 -
410604 - Bob Johnston reported that Dutra has submitted the sketch of its work
410605 - area where obstacles have been encountered, as discussed at the
410606 - meeting on 961022, ref SDS 7 line 551. There was no transmittal cited,
410607 - there was no date of submission offered, and the sketch was not
410608 - reviewed at the meeting.
410609 -
410610 - Bob advised that Dutra believes the Floating Drydock is not a major
410611 - problem.
410612 -
410613 - Ships described in the meeting on 961022 as interfering with Dutra's
410614 - work operations, ref SDS 7 line 531, were clarified today as occurring
410615 - only on the adjacent side of the pier where the Pembina is docked as
410616 - reported at the meeting on 961015, ref SDS 4 line 450. There was
410617 - discussion from Dutra staff today, that the primary problem is the
410618 - Pembina.
410619 - ..
410620 - Bob Johnston said ship traffic is endemic to dredging operations
410621 - in the harbor, and is typically accommodated by working areas subject
410622 - to ship docking when the ships move. The Pembina presents a problem
410623 - because it has been permanently docked at the pier.
410624 -
410625 - COE will review Dutra's sketch and respond. Herb Cheong advised of a
410626 - letter from COE to the U.S. Attorney's Office on dealing with the
410627 - Pembina.
410628 -
4107 -
4108 -
Safety and Health, Safety Seminar
4304 -
430401 - ..
430402 - New Procedures to be Posted from Dutra Safety Event
430403 -
430404 - Leonard SooHoo asked about Dutra's progress coordinating with Al
430405 - Bennitt on the memo from Dutra's safety event on 960923, per meeting
430406 - on 961001, ref SDS 2 line 281, and on 961009, ref SDS 3 line 356.
430407 -
430408 - Ken said he submitted information to Al Bennitt at COE about 3 - 4
430409 - weeks ago and understands that Al is preparing a memo on the results
430410 - of the safety event.
430411 -
430412 - [See follow up at ref SDS 14 line 706.]
430413 -
430414 - Dutra's cooperation in expediting reports can support project goals to
430415 - improve safety awareness and practices.
430416 -
430417 -
430418 -
430419 -
4305 -
Delta Linda Sank
4404 -
440401 - ..
440402 - Dutra Requests Report on Delta Linda Accident
440403 -
440404 - Bob Johnston advised Dutra needs a copy of COE report on sinking of
440405 - the Delta Linda some months ago, while performing contract work.
440406 -
440407 - There was discussion that COE counsel, John Eft, indicated this report
440408 - can be released to Dutra. Additionally, there was recollection that
440409 - the District Engineer supported release of the report to Dutra.
440410 -
440411 - Tom White speculated the report may not be finished.
440412 -
440413 - Bob would like the report, even if only in a preliminary form,
440414 - submitted to him via fax today, for use in another proceeding.
440415 - ..
440416 - Herb Cheong will investigate. Bob asked Herb to call him at
440417 - Dutra's main office in San Rafael this afternoon at 415 258 6876.
440418 -
440419 - [We need some way to identify this event in the record, when did
440420 - it occur __________________.]
440421 -
440422 - [See follow up getting Dutra's serial letter #0215 dated 961226 on
440423 - this matter, ref SDS 20 line 160.]
440424 -
440425 -
440426 -
4405 -
Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of
Navy Sewer Line, RR Slope Stability
Sewer Line Installation
COE Directs Contractor to Proceed
4807 -
480701 - ..
480702 - Navy Sewer Line - Dutra Has Not Secured UPRR Permit
480703 -
480704 - Dutra includes the Navy Sewer Line on its agenda for a meeting with
480705 - COE, received at the meeting today, per discussion above under
480706 - "Partnering", ref DRT 2 line 31.
480707 -
480708 - COE directed Dutra at the meeting on 961015 to perform this work, ref
480709 - SDS 4 line 567. COE confirmed this position and gave its reasoning in
480710 - a subsequent letter, as discussed at the meeting on 961022, ref SDS 7
480711 - line 653.
480712 -
480713 - As a predicate to meeting on this matter, Dutra should submit a letter
480714 - to COE setting out its concerns, its schedule for performing the work,
480715 - any new information it has obtained which may warrant further COE
480716 - consideration, and any authority Dutra relies upon for the action it
480717 - proposes COE to consider.
480718 -
480719 -
480720 - ..
480721 - Gate Valve 250 PSI Working Pressure
480722 -
480723 - There was no discussion of COE serial letter ...0098, dated 961029
480724 - directing that work proceed on the Navy Sewer line using a 250 PSI
480725 - gate valve, ref DIT 4 line 27. The letter responds to Dutra serial
480726 - letter #0176.
480727 -
480728 -
480729 -
4808 -
RFPs Soft-Hard Polygons
Justify Increase Unit Price
4905 -
490501 - ..
490502 - Hard/Soft Polygons Proposal - Dutra to Submit Justification for Audit
490503 -
490504 - Dutra's agenda for partnering shows an item:
490505 -
490506 - Cooperative efforts to settle soft-to-hard polygon change order
490507 -
490508 - At this time COE has cooperated in responding to Dutra's submissions,
490509 - and Dutra has indicated it is submitting additional information to
490510 - support its proposals, as discussed at recent weekly Progress
490511 - Meetings, e.g., ref SDS 7 line 675.
490512 -
490513 -
490514 -
490515 -
4906 -
Disposal at Galbraith
Waste Discharge Requirements for Galbraith
Environmental Protection
5206 -
520601 - Gail Staba introduced Frank Snitz, COE's representative on
520602 - environmental issues.
520603 -
520604 -
520605 - ..
520606 - EPA Violation Report May Result from Prior Testing
520607 -
520608 - Gail Staba reported that a notice of violation may result from the
520609 - testing performed under the conditions reported at the meeting on
520610 - 961022, ref SDS 7 line 702.
520611 -
520612 - She indicated no action is needed as a result of such notice, since it
520613 - is an aspect of a continual oversight process relative to the
520614 - Contractor's improvement in performing environmentally sensitive work,
520615 - as reported last week, ref SDS 7 line 711.
520616 -
520617 - There was no report today of Dutra having submitted an explanation of
520618 - conditions of prior testing, as suggested by Bob Johnston on 961022,
520619 - ref SDS 7 line 716.
520620 -
520621 -
520622 -
520623 - ..
520624 - Leaking Pipe to be Fixed by Others
520625 -
520626 - Gail Staba reported on cooperation being given by Dutra to adjust its
520627 - work at Galbraith in order for another contractor to fix a leaking
520628 - pipe, expected to take several hours. Phil Torres is coordinating
520629 - this effort for Dutra.
520630 -
520631 -
520632 -
520633 - Pizometer Needs Clearance
520634 -
520635 - Gail explained coordination needed on providing a trench to get rain
520636 - run-off away and or adequate clearance in connection with a pizometer.
520637 - ..
520638 - G & B will submit a missing site inspection report to Gail
520639 - Staba.
520640 -
520641 - [Gail reported at the next meeting that these matters were
520642 - satisfactorily performed
520643 -
520644 - Rick seemed to be aware of this and indicated it can be provided.
520645 -
520646 -
520647 - ..
520648 - Dutra Must Vacate Berths 8 and 9
520649 -
520650 - Gail Staba advised that Dutra must move tug from berth 8, since it is
520651 - a rented facility and so is not available for temporary use by Dutra
520652 - without separate payment arrangements.
520653 -
520654 - [See Action Item review meeting 961118 ref SDS 19 line 171.]
520655 -
520656 - Gail advised Dutra should remove "junk" at berth 9.
520657 -
520658 - There was discussion that Jim Galli can contact Chris Peterson for
520659 - details on requirements, or Rob Andrews with Port of Oakland.
520660 -
520661 -
520662 -
5207 -
Variations in Estimated Quantities
Surveys Predredge, Postdredge
Quantity Surveys for Payment
Shoaling, Polygon IC 3,4
5907 -
590701 - ..
590702 - Project Wide Survey - Completed, 7.1M CY on Project
590703 -
590704 - Rick Olejniczak reported the survey work by G.B. Star Company is
590705 - being submitted to Dutra following the meeting today.
590706 -
590707 - Subject to receipt of the actual report, Rick gave a general summary
590708 - of key results:
590709 -
590710 - Approximately 4.0M CY remain to be dredged.
590711 -
590712 - [See indication by Dutra that some of this 4M CY is below
590713 - grade, ref SDS 18 line 131.]
590714 -
590715 - Approximately 3.1M CY have been dredged to date.
590716 -
590717 - <ED61 Approximately 140K CY of overdepth occurs in the areas
590718 - changed from "Soft" to "Hard" polygons.
590719 -
590720 - Considerable shoaling is reported.
590721 -
590722 - [See receipt of schedule at ref SDS 16 line 192; and notes of
590723 - Progress Meeting on 961112, ref SDS 17 line 532.]
590724 -
590725 -
590726 -
5908 -
Quality Control
Scow Overflow and Leakage
6205 -
620501 - ..
620502 - Dutra Reports Correction of Scow Overflow Problem
620503 -
620504 - Rick Olejniczak advised there was some scow overflow this past
620505 - weekend. Tom White prepared a report under contract section 02480
620506 - para 4.5, " Overflow and Leakage," ref OF 7 line 173.
620507 -
620508 - Bob Johnston indicated the matter has been corrected.
620509 -
620510 -
620511 -
6206 -
6207 -
Disposal at Sonoma Baylands
Sonoma Baylands Disposal Requirements
6405 -
640501 - ..
640502 - Sonoma Baylands Submittals on Benches
640503 -
640504 - Leonard SooHoo submitted to Dutra during the meeting samples of
640505 - benches acceptable to COE, requested previously during the meeting
640506 - 961001. ref SDS 2 YX9G
640507 -
640508 -
640509 -
640510 -
640511 -
640512 -
640513 -
6406 -
e in OC-4B-5
6502 - =============================
6503 -
6504 -
650401 - ..
650402 - COE and Dutra to Meet on Electrical Cable RFP
650403 -
650404 - Leonard SooHoo and Bob Johnston scheduled a meeting for early next
650405 - week to discuss the electrical cable RFP.
650406 -
650407 -
650408 -
650409 -
650410 -
650411 -
650412 -
650413 -
650414 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"