440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 21, 1996 07:50 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Visited Tom Benero, Monti, Ofell, re piling RFP.
2...Analysis - Need Technical Analysis
3...Engineering Input
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thomas Benero; Chief =415 977 8511; Contracting Division
0202 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020201 - Ms. Monteze Jaggers; Contracting Officer =415 977 8511
020202 - Contracting Division
Inner Harbor Work Area, Schnitzer
Piling encountered, Schnitzer
Debris Removal Modification, 961017
Todd Turning Basin
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000, ref SDS 10 0000.
070802 -
070803 - Submitted planning draft of notes from meetings last week on piling
070804 - debris RFP. Received draft of RFP prepared by Leonard. Tom called
070805 - Leonard and scheduled further review tomorrow at the Oakland Project
070806 - Office. Ofell was not in this morning, so could not discuss with her.
070807 -
070808 -
070809 - ..
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Discussion
0712 -
071201 - Submitted list of pay items for the piling/debris removal operation
071202 - per internal discussion with COE staff on 961017, ref SDS 10 0001,
071203 - about implementing ideas reviewed in a meeting with the contractor
071204 - earlier the same day. ref SDS 9 9951 , where Leonard was planning to
071205 - determine preliminary quantities for budget purposes.
071206 -
071207 - [On 961022 discussion with Tom Keesling. ref SDS 13 CN5G
071208 -
071209 - Submitted record of meeting with contractor on 961017, ref SDS 9 0001,
071210 - and discussion with COE team, ref SDS 10 0001
071211 -
071212 - Printed this stuff for planning discussions.
071213 -
071214 -
071215 - Tom provided a draft submitted by Leonard SooHoo this morning, thus:
071216 -
071217 - ===================================================================
071218 - DRAFT
071219 -
071220 - October 18, 1996
071221 -
071222 -
071223 - Construction Service Branch (1180-1-1q)
071224 -
071225 - SUBJECT: Serial Letter No. COE-95-0003-????, Debris Removal and
071226 - Disposal
071227 -
071228 - Mr. Robert Johnston, President
071229 - Dutra Dredging Company
071230 - 1000 Point San Pedro Road
071231 - San Rafael, CA 94901
071232 -
071233 - Dear Mr. Johnston:
071234 -
071235 - Reference is made to your contract DACW07-95-C-0003 for (-)42'
071236 - Navigation Improvement, Oakland Inner and Outer Harbors, Alameda and
071237 - San Francisco Counties, California.
071238 -
071239 - This is a Request for Proposal, RFP-?? for removal and disposal of
071240 - debris in Todd and Schnitzer Wings of the Oakland Inner Harbor
071241 - turning basin. This change will be identified by the addition of
071242 - new Item 000??? as follows:
071243 -
071244 - QTY Unit
071245 - Item Description Unit Price Amount
071246 -
071247 - 000xxx Debris Log Boom 1 job L.S.
071248 -
071249 - 000xxx Remove debris in Todd and
071250 - Schnitzer Wings, Oakland
071251 - Inner Harbor ___ Ton
071252 -
071253 - 000xx1 Disposal of Debris to
071254 - approved land fill by
071255 - truck ___ Ton
071256 -
071257 - 000xx2 Disposal of dredge material
071258 - to approved land fill by
071259 - truck ___ Ton
071260 -
071261 - 000xx3 Disposal of dredge
071262 - material to Galbraith ___ CY
071263 -
071264 -
071265 - To minimize the debris removal, an undefinitized modification will be
071266 - issued for you to begin debris removal and disposal operations in an
071267 - amount not to exceed $100,000. this RFP will definitized the scope
071268 - for debris removal and disposal at a unit price for a total amount.
071269 -
071270 - A log boom shall be installed to contain floating debris in the work
071271 - area. Log boom shall be maintained and in good operating oder at all
071272 - times. Floating debris shall be removed and disposed of at approved
071273 - disposal site. Debris to be separated from derdge material and
071274 - disposed of in approved land fill by truck. Remaining dredge material
071275 - to dispose of in aproved land fill by truck. Disposal of ramaining
071276 - dredge material in Galbraith disposal site to be approved by the
071277 - contracting officer.
071278 -
071279 -
071280 - ..
071281 - Analysis - Need Technical Analysis
071282 -
071283 - Monti explained the need for a Technical Analysis.
071284 -
071285 - There was discussion of Monti meeting with Leonard and assisting with
071286 - the format of the Technical Analysis requirement. She related the
071287 - importance of accomplishing this step.
071288 -
071289 - The material will be excavated and placed in a scow, hauled and
071290 - of -loaded, then processed to separate debris from contaminated and
071291 - non-contaminated material. There may not be an opportunity to weigh
071292 - the material until and unless some of it is hauled to a land fill
071293 - location for final disposal.
071294 -
071295 - We need pay quantities for budgeting purposes, per discussion with the
071296 - COE team on 961017. ref SDS 10 NT5F
071297 -
071298 - It may be easier to pay the contractor by the CY for removal from the
071299 - project work area, which is the primary objective that correlates with
071300 - the contract pay quantities. Once that is accomplished, then there
071301 - are several steps of disposal. One is to separate contaminated
071302 - material from non-contaminated, assuming there is sufficient
071303 - non-contaminated material to make it worth the cost of processing as
071304 - opposed to the cost of disposal at the land fill site.
071305 -
071306 - So it seems a simple approach might be to pay by the Ton for disposal
071307 - of contaminated material that has to be hauled, and to pay by the CY
071308 - of material hauled Galbraith in the scow, since that is an ongoing
071309 - operation.
071310 -
071311 - Possibly further discussion with the Contractor is helpful to get a
071312 - good breakout on the task operations.
071313 -
071314 - Has Leonard determined if creosote material can be taken to Galbraith,
071315 - per planning in meeting with contractor on 961017? ref SDS 9 0W5M
071316 -
071317 - [On 961022 discussed with Tom Keesling. ref SDS 13 7730
071318 -
071319 -
071320 - Engineering Input
071321 -
071322 - Should COE Engineering Division have input on adequate attention to
071323 - specification issues, based on the Zaccor contract?
071324 -
071325 -
071326 -
071327 -
0714 -
0715 -
0716 - 0855 Tom called Leonard
0717 -
071701 - While meeting with Monti and I, Tom called Leonard. In that call,
071702 - they decided to meet at 0900 and discuss the above points for an hour
071703 - before the regularly scheduled progress meeting with the Contractor
071704 - tomorrow, which will be at 1000.
071705 -
071706 - Leonard advised of having submitted, via LAN, the Technical Analysis.
071707 - This was located and reviewed during the telecon. Monti feels the
071708 - Technical Analysis should be a formal document. She will review with
071709 - Leonard tomorrow.
071710 -
071711 - After Tom completed the call to Leonard, discussed submitting via fax
071712 - notes of the meetings with the Contractor on 961017, ref SDS 9 0001,
071713 - reviewed by Tom Benero and Monti Jaggers this morning, to Leonard,
071714 - including notes of the meeting with the COE team following the meeting
071715 - with the Contractor. ref SDS 10 0001
071716 -
071717 -
071718 -
071719 -
0718 -
0719 -
0720 - 1418 submitted background to Marc
0721 -
072101 - In another record today, included this record in the letter to Marc as
072102 - background to prepare for the meeting tomorrow, per ref SDS 12 PY6K
072103 -
072104 -
072105 -
072106 -
072107 -
072108 -
072109 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"