440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 16, 1996 01:20 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Prepare notes of Progress Meeting on Oakland project, 961015.
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thompson F. Keesling, Architect; Assistant Chief =415 977 8473
020102 - Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
Corps of Engineers, SFD, Oakland Project
Weekly Progress Meeting, 961015
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 11 0000, ref SDS 6 0000.
040602 - ..
040603 - Completed first draft of meeting notes. I omitted discussion
040604 - about payments, because it does not seem to directly performance of
040605 - the work, but if Herb wants to put it we can do that.
040606 -
040607 - [See submission of final notes at ref SDS 15 line 62.]
040608 -
040609 - Need to do the notes for the visit to Pier 5 on Alameda which is the
040610 - Todd Wing, ref SDS 12 line 87.
040611 -
040612 - Prepared draft for edit by COE staff. Will distribute to:
040613 -
040614 - Herb
040615 - Offel
040616 - Marcus
040617 - Tom Benero
040618 - Tom Keesling
040619 -
040620 - Leonard
040621 - Glen
040622 -
040623 - Rick Olenizack
040624 -
040625 -
040626 -
040627 - ..
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - 0730 Delivered Drafts
0410 -
041001 - Took a draft to Tom Keesling.
041002 -
041003 - Asked him to look in particular at the section explaining receipt
041004 - of COE's letter on the meeting notes for 961009, ref SDS 11 line
041005 - 161.
041006 -
041007 - Tom indicated the explanation in the notes of COE's response is
041008 - adequate.
041009 -
041010 - I also asked Tom to look at what Dutra should provide at the
041011 - meeting on 961017 with Leonard on the piling stub matter, ref SDS 11
041012 - line 376.
041013 -
041014 - Tom felt this language was adequate.
041015 -
041016 - He will review the rest of the nots and advise of any concerns
041017 - with respect to the Claim Team effort or on other matters.
041018 -
041019 - I asked Tom about meeting with Max, who is in the office today, on
041020 - the letterhead for the meeting notes, per discussion with Max at
041021 - ref SDS 9 line 200. Tom indicated this matter can be taken up
041022 - later.
041023 -
041024 -
041025 - 0745 visited with Herb Cheong
041026 -
041027 - Herb will review the notes and make any comments.
041028 -
041029 - He has action items at
041030 -
041031 - Herb asked about the meeting with Tom Keesling yesterday on the SDS
041032 - program and Subject Indexing, ref SDS 13 line 52.
041033 -
041034 - I explained the objective to show the methodology and get COE
041035 - ideas on implementation.
041036 -
041037 - Herb asked about seeing a demonstration. We set a meeting for
041038 - Friday morning between 0730 and 0800.
041039 -
041040 - [See follow up at ref SDS 14 line 44.]
041041 -
041042 - I came by about 1130 to see if he had completed his edits, and
041043 - he was meeting with Rob Andrews, with Port of Oakland. Herb
041044 - indicated he would have his edits ready tomorrow morning.
041045 -
041046 - I mentioned to Rob about meeting to demonstrate SDS for the
041047 - Port of Oakland management at a convenient time, per our
041048 - discussion yesterday, ref SDS 10 line 156.
041049 -
041050 - [See follow up at ref SDS 16 line 59 and ref SDS 16 line
041051 - 89.]
041052 -
041053 - ..
041054 - 0815 visited Tom Benero Marcus and Offel
041055 -
041056 - Submitted notes to Tom. He will let me know on edits.
041057 -
041058 - I think I asked Tom to look at the matter of Dutra's concern
041059 - about the meeting notes, and that he approved this part of the
041060 - notes, similar to Tom Keesling.
041061 -
041062 - Submitted notes to Marcus. He will review and advise of edits.
041063 -
041064 - He will meet with us tomorrow at Leondard SooHoo's office to
041065 - support the work with Bob Johnston on solving the piling stub
041066 - problem.
041067 -
041068 - I put a copy of the notes on Offel's desk. When I checked at noon
041069 - for edits, She did not seem to have come in today.
041070 -
041071 -
041072 -
041073 -
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - 1148 Checked for Edits
0414 -
041401 - Herb said his edits will be ready oa 0600 tomorrow. Marcus was not
041402 - in his office, but the notes were open to about page 5 on his desk,
041403 - indicating he was not finished.
041404 -
041405 - ..
041406 -
041407 - Tom Benero said he had not yet had a chance to complete reading the
041408 - notes. His review is not critical, since he did not attend the
041409 - meeting, but he may wish to look at the Communication Metrics matter
041410 - on Dutra's concern about accuracy of the notes, and on the piling
041411 - stub matter.
041412 -
041413 -
041414 -
041415 -
041416 -
041417 -
041418 -
041419 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"