440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 11, 1996 07:06 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with Max on VEP and Piling problem, project notes procedures.
2...Obtain Comments on Meeting Notes
3...Evaluation Communication Metrics Applied to Meeting Notes
4...SDS Line Numbers - Knowledge Space for Management Details
5...Summary Linked to Detail
6...Subject Indexing
7...Reporting for Decision Support; Intelligence Role
8...SDS Applied to COE Geography Data Base
9...Authorship of Project Meeting Notes
10...Agreement on Everything All the Time is Impossible Standard
11...Feedback Needed for Accurate Record, Build Shared Meaning
12...Discoverying Differences, Constructive Disagreement
13...Command and Control of the Record
14...QA for GB Star Survey Work
15...Received Instruction on Dutra's VEP Proposal
16...Language for Piling Letter
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Ms. Monti Jaggers; Contracting Officer =415 977 8511
020102 - Contracting Division
0202 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020201 - Mr. Thomas Benero; Chief =415 977 8511; Contracting Division
0203 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020301 - Mr. Max R. Blodgett, II, P.E., L.S.
020302 - Chief =415 977 8444; Construction Operations Division =415 977 8480
Evaluation, Orientation Comm Metrics, SDS
0503 - ..
0504 - Summary/Objective
0505 -
050501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 15 line 34, ref SDS 14 line 43.
050502 -
050503 - Got comments from District staff on Oakland Project weekly progess
050504 - meeting notes for 961009.
050505 -
050506 - Discussed procedures with Max and showed Communication Metrics work
050507 - being done on weekly progress meetings.
050508 -
050509 -
050510 -
050511 - ..
0506 -
0507 -
0508 - Progress
0509 -
050901 - Obtain Comments on Meeting Notes
050902 -
050903 - The contracting officer, Tom Benero, did not come in today.
050904 -
050905 - His secretary, Betty, called him and Tom told her that he had no
050906 - changes to the draft I prepared.
050907 -
050908 - Obtained some changes from Monti on the RFPs.
050909 -
050910 - She was in the office for a brief meeting, so I saw her after picking
050911 - up her edits from draft she left on her desk.
050912 - ..
050913 - I advised that Tom Benero and Tom White reviewed the notes and
050914 - did not make the changes to the RFP on Soft to Hard polygon.
050915 - ..
050916 - I added the sentence she proposed of "tracking the proposal
050917 - pricing to the contract unit prices," ref SDS 11 line 501. The
050918 - original language may have covered it, but Monti's edits make it more
050919 - clear.
050920 -
050921 -
050922 -
050923 -
050924 -
0510 -
0511 -
0512 -
Evaluation, Orientation Comm Metrics, SDS
Line Numbers, Summary Linked to Details
Executive Summary, Action Items
Subject Indexing Data Base
Max on SDS Record Implementation
Decision Support, Military Intelligence
Meeting Notes, Formal Events Omit Analysis
Intelligence, Summary Linked to Details
Productivity of Management
Usefull Technology Must be Used by
Subject Index
2314 - Discussion with Max
2315 -
231501 - ..
231502 - Evaluation Communication Metrics Applied to Meeting Notes
231503 -
231504 - Submitted the draft Tom White used to make comments on 961009 notes,
231505 - and submitted the notes to Max for information and guidance on 961001
231506 - weekly meeting.
231507 -
231508 - Max read through the notes and was complimentary on the quality of the
231509 - exposition and organization of the information. He likes the headings
231510 - that summarize large parts of the narrative.
231511 -
231512 -
231513 - ..
231514 - SDS Line Numbers - Knowledge Space for Management Details
231515 -
231516 - Max asked how the SDS line numbering system works. I used explanation
231517 - given to Tom Benero on 960919. ref SDS 6 8850
231518 -
231519 -
231520 -
231521 - Summary Linked to Detail
231522 -
231523 - We looked at how the Executive Summary and Action Items are keyed into
231524 - management details through the line numbers, as discussed with Intel
231525 - at the meeting on 960326.
231526 -
231527 -
231528 - ..
231529 - Subject Indexing
231530 -
231531 - Max asked about how we are tracking the details on all of the various
231532 - "Issues" that seem to be cropping up on Oakland?
231533 -
231534 - I explained how "Issues" are represented in SDS by the organic
231535 - structure of elements that occur in contract plans and specifications,
231536 - per work on 960921, ref SDS 5 3521, and other control criteria like
231537 - Schedule activity nodes, cost accounts, regulations, policies, any
231538 - informational business system that has a structure and some
231539 - permanence. That is why dates are prominent aspect of SDS. They
231540 - offer a simple structure that is constant, per our original meeting on
231541 - 960105. ref SDS 3 8552
231542 -
231543 - [On 961015 reviewed SI with Tom Keesling. ref SDS 20 5305]
231544 -
231545 - ..
231546 - Reporting for Decision Support; Intelligence Role
231547 -
231548 - Max said he feels Communication Metrics has a strong potential to be
231549 - helpful to COE based on the SDS design that organizes information and
231550 - ties things together, per his request on 960920 to capture "hiccups"
231551 - in the project record. ref SDS 4 8854
231552 -
231553 - He noted that he has not personally benefited from it and so far has
231554 - not seen where the SDS record has been used on a daily basis. He
231555 - feels that is the real proof of utility and benefit he is seeking, per
231556 - our discussion in January, ref SDS 3 8444.
231557 -
231558 - I mentioned that the record is being used daily to support COE, and as
231559 - the record grows each day the opportunities for use increase as well.
231560 -
231561 - [On 961218 example on RFP #19, ref SDS 28 5790]
231562 -
231563 - [On 970417 support District counsel. ref SDS 30 0000]
231564 -
231565 - [On 980520 Max reported Communication Metrics save the government
231566 - money. ref SDS 33 2405]
231567 -
231568 -
231569 -
231570 -
231571 -
231572 -
231573 -
2316 -
Corps of Engineers, SFD, Applications
Geography MSI, per Max 961011
Geographic Template Management, 961011
Environmental Management
2707 -
270701 - ..
270702 - SDS Applied to COE Geography Data Base
270703 -
270704 - Max feels Communication Metrics can support an objective LTC Thompson
270705 - has identified to develop an integrated data base of narrative and
270706 - vector graphics to manage geography.
270707 -
270708 - This seems to be the application Tom Keesling mentioned on 961002....
270709 - ref SDS 8 8845
270710 -
270711 - Max indicated he has been considering this idea for some time, and so
270712 - now that the District Engineer has expressed interest in developing
270713 - such a system, it may be possible to accomplish it with Communication
270714 - Metrics.
270715 - ..
270716 - He wants me to demonstrate Communication Metrics to the DE.
270717 -
270718 - [On 961118 presentation to DE at ref SDS 26 8833.]
270719 -
270720 - [See discussion with Tom Keesling that Mike Murphy is working on
270721 - GSI for the District, ref SDS 29 9945; turns out this is a
270722 - different, but related system.]
270723 -
270724 - [See DE Operation Plan proposing changing the organization of
270725 - District along geographic template, ref SDS 32 5098.]
270726 -
270727 - [On 970417 District counsel requested a report on Oakland
270728 - concerning environmental management. ref SDS 31 8033.]
270729 -
270730 - [On 981027 District counsel reports Communication Metrics saved
270731 - government $190K. ref SDS 34 7315]
270732 - ..
270733 - Max wants to see the SDS subject indexing methodology, and see
270734 - how the notes can be assembled on particular matters (i.e.,
270735 - "Issues"/Subjects) In a few more weeks after we get more information
270736 - we will do this demonstration. Then he wants to demonstrate it for
270737 - LTC Thompson.
270738 -
270739 - [See schedule of this for 961108, ref SDS 25 3384.]
270740 -
270741 - [On 961118 presentation to DE. ref SDS 26 0000]
270742 -
270743 - [On 961218 report on RFP 19 issued to Max. ref SDS 27 7739]
270744 -
270745 -
270746 -
2708 -
SDS for Project Meeting Notes
Letterhead, Author
Discovery in Lawsuit
Conflict Discover, Dig Out of System
Understanding Discover Conflict and Fix
Anger, Frustruations from Erroneous Meeting
Agreement, Not Goal of Meeting Notes
Conflicts, Discover/Correct/Notify
Shared Meaning, Build, Maintain
Feedback Critical to Communication
Conflict Improves Productivity Early Notice Problems
4414 -
441401 - ..
441402 - Authorship of Project Meeting Notes
441403 -
441404 - We had an extended discussion about how to communicate the notes to
441405 - COE and the Contractor. I mentioned Tom White's complimentary
441406 - expression yesterday, that Rod Welch "deserves" credit for the notes.
441407 - ref SDS 16 469I
441408 -
441409 - Max and I considered the procedure applied with Tom Keesling of using
441410 - the COE letterhead and Tom's name. Max seemed to feel that is one
441411 - appropriate method for the Oakland Project, using Tom White's name as
441412 - the project engineer. This procedure was used last week when the
441413 - notes were not distributed.
441414 -
441415 - Since Tom White expressed interest in having Rod Welch's name on the
441416 - document, Max suggested I submit them to Tom under the Welch name, and
441417 - then Tom can make distribution as part of Quality Assurance. This
441418 - though would result in having multiple sets of meeting notes in the
441419 - record. We considered the discussion with Tom Keesling about avoiding
441420 - submission of multiple sets of meeting notes, ref SDS 8 line 120.
441421 - ..
441422 - I suggested that I proceed using Tom White's name this week, and
441423 - then Tom Keesling, Max and I can visit about the procedure next week,
441424 - when Tom is in the office.
441425 -
441426 - [See follow up with Tom White at ref SDS 17 line 87, and with Tom
441427 - Keesling the following Tuesday, ref SDS 18 line 91.]
441428 -
441429 - [See follow up with Tom Keesling at ref SDS 21 line 86.]
441430 -
441431 -
441432 - ..
441433 - Agreement on Everything All the Time is Impossible Standard
441434 - Feedback Needed for Accurate Record, Build Shared Meaning
441435 - Discoverying Differences, Constructive Disagreement
441436 -
441437 - I explained having visited with Tom White yesterday and Tom Benero,
441438 - today, Marc McGovern yesterday, Monti Jaggers yesterday and so on to
441439 - get their input on the record of the meeting on 961009.
441440 -
441441 - Max recognized that we cannot gain complete agreement by everyone that
441442 - attends a meeting. If we tried to do that we wind up with no notes,
441443 - because we would have to line out stuff that was not heard by various
441444 - people. Moreover, COE cannot permit the Contractor to dictate what is
441445 - contained in the record. In that case, the record becomes sanitized
441446 - and useless, or even harmful to COE. The Contractor is not permitting
441447 - COE to control the content of its communications with COE, but rather
441448 - submits to COE what the Contractor wants COE to receive.
441449 - ..
441450 - The objective is to synthesize input from various sources in
441451 - order to ensure nothing important is overlooked, see for example paper
441452 - on "Knowledge Space," ref OF 2 line 189, given to Jim Stout,
441453 - ref SDS 23 line 188. The role of the Communication Manager is to frame
441454 - the record in a constructive manner, per POIMS at ref OF 1 line 538,
441455 - as discussed with Leonard the other day, ref SDS 9 line 107, being
441456 - sensitive to people's feelings and the needs of the work.
441457 -
441458 - There is also an awareness of legal exposure, per telecon with Dave
441459 - Buoncristiani, ref SDS 7 line 67.
441460 -
441461 - Ultimately a key purpose of the notes is to discover differences with
441462 - the Contractor so these can be resolved before they cause mistakes
441463 - that cost money and delay the work. Therefore, the fact that the
441464 - Contractor may object to aspects of the notes as incorrect and/or
441465 - being misleading, presents an opportunity to adjust understandings
441466 - with corrections and additions so COE is not "misled." -- per
441467 - discussion on 951103. ref SDS 2 9066
441468 - ..
441469 - On 880907 feedback metrics were reivewed on Broadwater Dam.
441470 - ref SDS 1 8944
441471 -
441472 - [See follow up with Herb Cheong, Tom Benero and Rob Andrews with
441473 - Port of Oakland, ref SDS 19 line 139.]
441474 -
441475 - [On 961017 reviewed feedback metrics with Marcus and Glenn on
441476 - progress meetings. ref SDS 22 5832]
441477 -
441478 -
441479 - ..
441480 - Command and Control of the Record
441481 -
441482 - Max was concerned that I deleted stuff Rick Oleniczak, G&B, requested
441483 - with respect to meeting with Dutra on disputed invoices, ref SDS 16
441484 - line 112.
441485 -
441486 - He feels COE is hiring Welch to record what is said, and if I heard
441487 - it, then I should at most annotate that someone feels something should
441488 - not be in the notes. I explained my sense that COE is hiring Welch to
441489 - support its management and this entails using judgement about the
441490 - content of the notes which are intended to position the client to
441491 - succeed, under the POIMS theory of "Command and Control of the
441492 - Record," ref OF 1 line 538.
441493 - ..
441494 - In this case, my sense is that the "disputed" invoices by
441495 - definition are material to the work, even though they may be nominally
441496 - removed from the direct contract between COE and Dutra. So I removed
441497 - the material from the notes for the Dutra Progress meeting on 961009,
441498 - but linked it into the conversation where the request occurred to make
441499 - the change, ref SDS 16 line 100.
441500 -
441501 -
4416 -
Quality Assurance
GB Star
Project Office
4706 -
470601 - ..
470602 - QA for GB Star Survey Work
470603 -
470604 - I mentioned the discussion with Tom White yesterday and Rick Oleniczak
470605 - at ref SDS 16 line 148.
470606 -
470607 - Max feels the Project Engineer should be doing Quality Assurance on
470608 - the GB Star work.
470609 -
470610 -
470611 -
4707 -
Navy Sewer Line Re-design
4804 -
480401 - ..
480402 - Received Instruction on Dutra's VEP Proposal
480403 -
480404 - I intended to check with Tom Keesling on language to use. Does he
480405 - have a sample of rejecting a VEP?
480406 -
480407 - Tom did not come in today. He is sick.
480408 -
480409 - Max said to simply advise the contractor that its VEP is denied and
480410 - to perform the work according to the contract.
480411 -
480412 -
480413 -
480414 -
4805 -
Piling encountered, Schnitzer
4904 -
490401 - ..
490402 - Language for Piling Letter
490403 -
490404 - We need to ask the contractor for its ideas on what to do about the
490405 - piling problem, ref SDS 14 line 65.
490406 -
490407 - Should it be a force account directive?
490408 -
490409 - Max said the government does not perform work on force account,
490410 - although there are cases where the effect is similar.
490411 -
490412 - We also need to discuss with Max, and perhaps those in Engineering who
490413 - prepared plans and specs, if any aspect of the contract documents were
490414 - intended to address encountering piling, ref SDS 14 line 99.
490415 - ..
490416 - Max feels the contractor should be directed to perform the work
490417 - and to submit a proposal. We mainly need to ask what form to submit
490418 - the proposal.
490419 -
490420 - Since the piling is comingled with the dredging, one idea would be
490421 - for the contractor to quote on the basis of CY hauled in this
490422 - instance to Galbraith. There will be additional work associated with
490423 - this effort, so the unit price is higher.
490424 -
490425 - The next challenge is to determine the quantity to be paid. The
490426 - material comes up comingled with everything else. Will the inspector
490427 - and the contractor agree on the percentage of the load is
490428 - "contaminated" with piling?
490429 -
490430 - Max expressed concern that Welch was asked to assist Offel in
490431 - preparing the RFP. He feels this is out of scope. Max said I should
490432 - have told them I would do it after submitting an RFP.
490433 - ..
490434 - I did not pursue this other than to note the dynamics of the
490435 - situation at the meeting on Wednesday where Marc McGovern raised it,
490436 - and noting that since I am paid by the hour that this effort is not
490437 - significant. I noted that the collaboration scope may fit what is
490438 - entailed. Max noted that Contracting should be doing this work, so
490439 - his concern in suggesting that I submit an RFP may have been that my
490440 - time should be charged to the contracting division, rather than
490441 - construction.
490442 -
490443 -
490444 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"