440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 9, 1996 08:04 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Tom White re visit barge Antone tomorrow.
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0201 - COE, Oakland Harbor Project 510 532 4838 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Thomas White; Project Engineer =510 532 4838
Corps of Engineers, SFD, Applications
Differing Site Condition, 52.236-2
Piling encountered
Physical Data (Character of Work)
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 20 0000, ref SDS 19 0000.
070802 -
070803 - Tom said he has been reading COE inspector's reports and those from
070804 - Rick Oleniczak's people with Ghahagen and Bryant, which indicate the
070805 - piling cannot be seen because they do not stick up above the water. He
070806 - therefore feels a trip to the site which we were planning for tomorrow
070807 - would not be worthwhile.
070808 - ..
070809 - I explained my sense that the contractor has given notice of a
070810 - problem that he feels requires additional payment and for a procedure
070811 - to perform unexpected work. We need to ask the contractor for its
070812 - ideas on what to do, since they have undoubtedly encountered this
070813 - before, and we need visit the work to fully grasp the impact of the
070814 - problem.
070815 -
070816 - [See meeting with Contractor at ref SDS 21 line 92.]
070817 - ..
070818 - Tom feels the COE and GBA people on the job have adequately
070819 - memoralized the condition.
070820 -
070821 - We discussed the idea that to understand the scope of the problem and
070822 - formulate an instruction to the contractor, COE people need to observe
070823 - the work operation.
070824 -
070825 - Tom said pre-dredge survey indicates a mound in the area where the
070826 - piling is reported by COE inspectors and Dutra.
070827 - ..
070828 - I asked if the COE inspector reports indicate whether the
070829 - dredging operation was slowed or otherwise hampered?
070830 -
070831 - Tom said the COE reports do not indicate that dredging has been
070832 - slowed. This is consistent with Bob Johnston's comment during the
070833 - meeting today that Dutra's dredging operation has not been effected.
070834 -
070835 - I recalled that Chris Peterson, the Captain of the DB 24 Dredge, said
070836 - at the meeting today that the impact is on off-loading the dredge at
070837 - the Galbraith site, because the large pieces get stuck in the pumps
070838 - that are unloading the dredge.
070839 -
070840 - Tom said there are no inspection reports on this part of the problem,
070841 - because the inspectors are on the land. This suggests something to
070842 - investigate.
070843 - ..
070844 - There is also a concern that Dutra will have to chase down
070845 - floating splinters of piling that occur as a result of the clam shell
070846 - extracting piling. Tom read inspector reports on the smell of
070847 - creosote. Tom recalled that Dutra's letter does not say that
070848 - splintering has actually occurred, only that it can occur.
070849 -
070850 - We also need to discuss with Max, and perhaps those in Engineering who
070851 - prepared plans and specs, if any aspect of the contract documents were
070852 - intended to address encountering piling. This problem must come up
070853 - on virtually every dredging job, so it is not new.
070854 -
070855 - [See discussion with Contractor ref SDS 21 line 91.]
070856 - ..
070857 - We discussed meeting with the Contractor tomorrow to hear his
070858 - approach to solving the problem.
070859 - ..
070860 - Tom will call me in the moring on this.
070861 -
070862 - We reviewed the discussion with Marc McGovern when I delivered the
070863 - soil samples to his office, and that Marc has a list of outstanding
070864 - issues to be raised with the contractor on failure to perform, per
070865 - Marc's discussion at the meeting this afternoon, ref SDS 19 line 114.
070866 - So this can expedite the letter to the contractor which Marc urged be
070867 - sent, but thought could not prepared until after he returns from
070868 - vacation to make the list of issues, ref SDS 19 line 121.
070869 -
070870 - Tom said he prepared the list, and submitted it to Tom Keesling.
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Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"