440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 1, 1996 10:00 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Progress meeting -42' Navigation Improvement, Oakland Harbor.
2...New Acting Project Manager for Corps of Engineers
3...Project Status
4...Antone Goes to Maintenance Service
5...Change from 17 to 24 CY Bucket on Antone
6...Project Funding Pending Congressional Approval of Budget
7...Environmental Tasks Pending; Information Needed from Dutra
8...EPA Report on Change in Ocean Disposal
9...Safety Program - Dutra Event Yields New Procedures
10...Navy Sewer Line VEP - Dutra Working on Proposal
.....Need Analysis of Schedule Impacts
11...Hard/Soft Polygons Proposal - COE Reviewing New Information from Dutra
12...Communication Metrics Supports Timely, Accurate Decisions
13...Project Wide Survey - 80% Complete
14...Inclement Weather Days COE Reviewing Dutra Request
15...Maintenance Dredging - Conflicting Surveys Question Need for Work
16...Punch List for Sonoma Baylands
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0201 - Dutra Oakland Project Ofc 510 522 3758 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Jeff McWilliams
020102 - Mr. Chris Peterson; =510 522 2378
020103 - Mr. Jack Finn; =510 522 2378
020104 - Mr. Phil Torres; =510 522 2378
020105 - Mr. Ken Esse; Safety Engineer =510 522 2378
020106 - Mr. S. Hutchensen; =510 522 2378
0202 - Dutra Dredging Company 415 721 2131 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Robert D. Johnston; President
020202 - Mr. James J. Galli, P.E.; Manager =415 258 1583
020203 - West Coast Dredging =Telephone/fax
0203 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020301 - Mr. Thomas Benero; Chief =415 977 8511; Contracting Division
020302 - Ms. Ofelia R. Rosales; Contracting Officer =415 977 8499
020303 - Contracting Division
0204 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020401 - Mr. Glen N. Chafe 415 331 0404
0205 - Port of Oakland, Airport 510 577 4160 fax or 800...
020501 - Mr. Karl Kuhlmann
020502 - Acting Principal Engineer in Charge of Construction =510 577 4160
0206 - Port of Oakland 510 272 1100 fax or 800...
020601 - Ms. Gail Staba; Environmental Planner =510 272 1479
0207 - Port of Oakland 510 272 1100 fax or 800...
020701 - Mr. Rob Andrews; Engineering Project Manager =510 272 1166
0208 - Moffatt & Nichol Engineers 510 446 7740 fax or 800...
020801 - Mr. Len Cardoza; Project Manager
0209 - Gahagan & Bryant Associates, Inc. 415 883 7683 fax 1589
020901 - Mr. Rick Olejniczak; Vice President
Corps of Engineers, SFD, Oakland Project
Weekly Progress Meeting
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 3 0000, ref SDS 2 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Antone will undergo maintenance for 4 days. Paula Lee will replace
050604 - the Antone and may continue simultaneously with Antone following
050605 - maintenance. Environmental tasks are underway. COE is reviewing
050606 - Dutra's 960926 letter on the RFP changing some polygons from soft to
050607 - hard. Dutra is working on pending proposals. Dutra held a successful
050608 - safety seminar, new procedures to be posted.
050609 -
050610 - [See distribution at ref SDS 6 line 66.]
050611 -
050612 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Discussion
0510 -
051001 - New Acting Project Manager for Corps of Engineers
051002 -
051003 - Herb Cheong will be new the acting Project Manager. Jake Harari has
051004 - retired.
051005 -
051006 -
051007 -
0511 -
Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of Work
Galbraith, Disposal
0905 -
090501 - ..
090502 - Project Status
090503 -
090504 - Leonard SooHoo reviewed the notes from the last meeting, ref DIT 1
090505 - 0000
090506 -
090507 - a. The weekly report on "Hard Digging" for the period ending Sep
090508 - 29, 1996, shows production of "Antone" with 17 CY bucket,
090509 - ref DIT 2 0000.
090510 -
090511 - b. Jeff McWilliams advised Dutra will begin disposal at Galbraith
090512 - on Wednesday, 961002, during the night shift, as discussed at
090513 - the Progress Meeting on 960924 in connection with Phase II
090514 - start-up, per ref DIT 1 line 16.
090515 -
090516 -
0906 -
0907 -
Polygon Work Area OC10; Schnitzer
Service Dredging Equipment
Paula Lee, Antone
1606 -
160601 - ..
160602 - Antone Goes to Maintenance Service
160603 -
160604 - Jeff McWilliams advised that the Antone goes to maintenance service
160605 - tomorrow at Berth 9 for approximately 4 days.
160606 -
160607 - Dutra plans to have the Paula Lee begin work in the Schnitzer Wing
160608 - polygon while the Antone is being serviced. Consideration is being
160609 - given to working the Paula Lee and the Antone simultaneously,
160610 - following completion of service on the Antone, which will improve
160611 - production.
160612 -
160613 - Leonard advised that Max Blodgett with COE wants to visit the Antone
160614 - tomorrow with dignitaries from Washington, D.C.
160615 -
160616 - Jeff said the Antone may be taken off-production for service about
160617 - 0400, after completing two (2) more barge loads.
160618 -
160619 - Dutra will accommodate COE to the extent practicable with respect to
160620 - visitors.
160621 -
160622 -
160623 - ..
160624 - Change from 17 to 24 CY Bucket on Antone
160625 -
160626 - Tom White asked if Dutra still expects to change the bucket on the
160627 - Antone during the Maintenance Service, over the weekend, which was
160628 - planned at the meeting last week. He noted that production figures
160629 - indicate a larger bucket could help the project make up lost time.
160630 -
160631 - Bob Johnston advised that Dutra will notify the Corps on the schedule
160632 - for making the change to a larger bucket. He indicated some issues
160633 - have arisen that require special work to configure the large bucket,
160634 - so it may take another week or so.
160635 -
160636 - Tom Benero encouraged Dutra to expedite measures that improve
160637 - progress, so that late completion penalties do not become an issue,
160638 - as requested by Dutra.
160639 -
160640 -
160641 -
160642 -
160643 -
1607 -
Continuing Contracts, Funding, 52.232-5001
1704 -
170401 - Project Funding Pending Congressional Approval of Budget
170402 -
170403 - Tom Benero advised that Congress has not yet passed funding for
170404 - current FY that affects projects, per section 00800-10, ref OF 5 line
170405 - 551.
170406 -
170407 -
170408 -
170409 -
1705 -
Quality Control
1904 -
190401 - Phil Torres, the Quality Control manager, is back on the job.
190402 -
190403 -
190404 -
1905 -
Environmental Protection
Galbraith Disposal Requirements
2205 -
220501 - ..
220502 - Environmental Tasks Pending; Information Needed from Dutra
220503 -
220504 - Gail Staba related understandings from a meeting on 960919 with the
220505 - Port of Oakland, COE and Dutra on Galbraith Disposal Order reporting
220506 - requirements, relative to Dutra's schedule to commence Phase II
220507 - operations on Wednesday, 961002, during the night shift, confirmed by
220508 - Jeff McWilliams at the meeting this morning (see Project Status
220509 - above).
220510 -
220511 - [On 971004 Gail confirms and clarifies the record. ref SDS 12
220512 - 3758
220513 -
220514 - There were no published understandings from the meeting on 960919
220515 - meeting, but the following procedures were determined:
220516 -
220517 - MEC will pickup sediment test samples from GBA.
220518 -
220519 - Initial delivered material will be sampled and analysed by MEC
220520 - on short turn around before decant water is released into the
220521 - Bay.
220522 -
220523 - Gail will fax daily results of surface water sampling and
220524 - analysis to the Dutra site manager (as occurred during Phase I).
220525 - This will help in managing the routing of decant water through
220526 - the VCA.
220527 -
220528 - Gail advised that the Port needs both Dutra's and COE's Daily
220529 - Operations form by 1000.
220530 -
220531 - [See report all procedures are working, ref SDS 7 line 261.]
220532 -
220533 - Gail said Paul Krause, MEC, has been notified to bring bottles
220534 - tomorrow to Rick Oleniczak at COE Oakland project office.
220535 -
220536 - Gail requested phone numbers for Dutra's staff to contact in the event
220537 - of emergency environmental problems.
220538 -
220539 - Jeff McWilliams gave his home number.
220540 -
220541 - [Would be prudent to have two other numbers in case Jeff is not
220542 - available when an emergency occurs.]
220543 -
220544 -
220545 - ..
220546 - EPA Report on Change in Ocean Disposal
220547 -
220548 - Rob Andrews advised that EPA needs to be informed of any change in
220549 - the quantities of disposal in the ocean.
220550 -
220551 - Gail will re-submit a proposed letter to EPA on the changes to ocean
220552 - disposal, to Marc McGovern, COE.
220553 -
220554 - [This was done on 961002, ref SDS 5 line 314.]
220555 -
220556 - Len Cordoza advised this is a critical time for extension of the
220557 - ocean disposal site.
220558 -
220559 -
220560 -
220561 -
2206 -
Safety and Health
2304 -
230401 - Safety Program - Dutra Event Yields New Procedures
230402 -
230403 - On 960924 Dutra sponsored a partnering safety event conducted by Al
230404 - Bennit and John Hoff, COE Safety Officer, following up safety issues
230405 - discussed at the 960924 Progress Meeting, ref DIT 1 line 21.
230406 -
230407 - The safety program being implemented on the Oakland Project was
230408 - presented.
230409 -
230410 - A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from the event on "lessons
230411 - learned" for better safety will be reviewed for consideration of
230412 - revised procedures that can be posted at Dutra working areas,
230413 - including floating equipment.
230414 -
230415 - [See follow up at ref SDS 7 line 341.]
230416 -
230417 -
2305 -
Value Engineering, 52.248-3
Navy Sewer Line Re-design
Commencement, Prosecution, Completion of
2707 -
270701 - ..
270702 - Navy Sewer Line VEP - Dutra Working on Proposal
270703 -
270704 - Leonard asked about Dutra's expanded cost estimate for current design
270705 - and for revised crossing, as discussed at the Progress meeting last
270706 - week, ref DIT 1 line 12.
270707 -
270708 - Bob Johnston said this is still in progress within Dutra.
270709 -
270710 -
270711 - Need Analysis of Schedule Impacts
270712 -
270713 - Dutra should include tasks, durations and CPM sequencing that
270714 - shows impact on project schedule, if VE proposal is accepted.
270715 -
270716 - What dates must be met for design changes by Dutra, review and
270717 - approvals by COE, and procurements, if any, by Dutra, in order to
270718 - avoid delaying the project?
270719 -
270720 -
270721 -
270722 -
2708 -
RFPs Soft-Hard Polygons
Welch Support, Communication Metrics
Justify Increase Unit Price
3006 -
300601 - ..
300602 - Hard/Soft Polygons Proposal - COE Reviewing New Information from Dutra
300603 -
300604 - Bob Johnston advised Dutra has submitted the information requested by
300605 - COE in the meeting on Sep 20, that ...
300606 -
300607 - 1. Explains rational basis for lump sum payment above unit prices
300608 - bid for dredging hard material in polygons not subject to
300609 - change, per ref SDS 1 line 112. Is there a material change
300610 - in the character of hard material in different polygons that
300611 - permits the government to pay more than unit bid prices?
300612 -
300613 - 2. Shows credit owed the government for the change in disposal
300614 - sites discussed at meeting on 960920, ref SDS 1 line 65.
300615 -
300616 - Tom Benero advised the COE Review Team will meet on Thursday to
300617 - consider Dutra's new information with respect to requesting an audit
300618 - of Dutra's proposed costs, per meeting between COE and Dutra on Sep
300619 - 20, ref SDS 1 line 106.
300620 -
300621 - [See follow up at ref SDS 5 line 260, and at next progress
300622 - meeting, ref SDS 7 line 491.]
300623 -
300624 -
300625 - ..
300626 - Communication Metrics Supports Timely, Accurate Decisions
300627 -
300628 - Tom introduced Rod Welch, with the Welch Company, who is helping COE
300629 - evaluate Dutra's RFPs. Welch uses automated tools, called SDS, for a
300630 - system of "Communication Metrics" that aligns understandings from
300631 - meetings, like today, with correspondence and other documents so that
300632 - decisions can be made in a timely manner that are aligned with
300633 - contract requirements and commitments. It applies the practice of
300634 - cost and schedule "metrics" (e.g., CPM), to the wider field of daily
300635 - management communications through dialog and documents, so that
300636 - mistakes can be discovered and corrected before they impact cost and
300637 - schedule.
300638 -
300639 - [On 961015 Bob Johnston offered corrections to the record for
300640 - today; Com Metrics procedures were reviewed. ref SDS 8 1217
300641 -
300642 - [On 970107 Bob Johnston commended SDS for Com Metrics being more
300643 - effective than expected. ref SDS 11 4953
300644 -
300645 -
300646 -
300647 -
300648 -
300649 -
300650 -
3007 -
Variations in Estimated Quantities
Surveys Predredge, Postdredge
Quantity Surveys for Payment
3506 -
350601 - Project Wide Survey - 80% Complete
350602 -
350603 - Rick Oleniczak reported the field work by G.B. Star Company is
350604 - expected to be completed tomorrow. Drawings may be available next
350605 - week and calculations should follow, as discussed in the progress
350606 - meeting on 960924, ref DIT 1 line 8.
350607 -
350608 - Bob Johnston asked for an estimate of overall completion of the
350609 - survey. Rick indicated work is approximately 80% complete.
350610 -
350611 -
350612 -
350613 -
3507 -
Time Extension 1 CD/8K CY
Time for Completion, 840 CD
Time Extension for Weather Delays
3806 -
380601 - Inclement Weather Days COE Reviewing Dutra Request
380602 -
380603 - Tom White advised COE has a draft response under review with respect
380604 - to Dutra's request for additional time, received on Sep 6, 1996.
380605 -
380606 -
380607 -
380608 -
3807 -
RFP __ Maintenance Dredging, Inner Harbor
3904 -
390401 - Maintenance Dredging - Conflicting Surveys Question Need for Work
390402 -
390403 - Bob Johnston reported that Dutra has received the RFP and submitted a
390404 - proposal last week to perform the work.
390405 -
390406 - There was discussion that two (2) surveys show different conditions
390407 - with respect to the work required.
390408 -
390409 - Rob Andrews posed considerations about whether the work is actually
390410 - needed in light of conflicting surveys.
390411 -
390412 - COE will respond to Dutra's proposal for Maintenance Dredging.
390413 -
390414 - [This was rejected; see later discussion at ref SDS 10 line 116.]
390415 -
390416 -
3905 -
Sonoma Baylands, Disposal
4004 -
400401 - ..
400402 - Punch List for Sonoma Baylands
400403 -
400404 - Bob Johnston asked Rob for the supplier of outside benches.
400405 -
400406 - Rob will inquire and advise Dutra if this information is available.
400407 -
400408 - [On 961029 submission to Dutra. ref SDS 9 W44K
400409 -
400410 -
400411 -
400412 -
400413 -
400414 -
400415 -
400416 -
400417 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"