440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: September 30, 1996 06:55 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Examine plans for Port of Oakland job, showing hard and soft material.
2...Examine Plan Sheet 14 of 20, Ammed 0001
3...Should Contractor be Compensated Based on Contract Unit Prices
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0201 - Corps of Engineers, SFD 415 977 8400 fax 8483
020101 - Mr. Thomas Benero; Chief =415 977 8511; Contracting Division
0202 - Corps of Engineers, Sausalito 415 331 0404 fax or 800...
020201 - Mr. Leonard SooHoo, P.E.; Chief; Construction Service Branch
IC-3,4 Hard Material, Changed Condition
Hard Material Dredge to -43'
Material Classification Polyons and
Amendment 0001, SF 30, 941122 - 9 pages
OC-4B-5 Hard Material, Changed Condition
OC-4B-1,2 Hard Material, Changed Condition
IC-2 Hard Material, Changed Condition
0009 IC-3,4 Hard Material
0009r IC-3,4 Hard Material
0010 OC 4B-5 Hard Material
0011 OC 4B-1,2 Hard Material
al Dredge to
1514 - =============================
1515 -
1515 - ..
1516 - Summary/Objective
1517 -
151701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 20, ref SDS 7 line 72, re
151702 - line 49, ref SDS 3 line 82.
151703 -
151704 - Examined plan sheet 14 on Dutra's contract drawings, showing the
151705 - original contract called for dredging hard and soft material in the
151706 - same polygons.
151707 -
151708 -
151709 - ..
1518 -
1519 -
1520 - Progress
1521 -
152101 - Examine Plan Sheet 14 of 20, Ammed 0001
152102 -
152103 - Found plan sheet 14 that has the designations of hard and soft, ref OF
152104 - 1 line 8.
152105 -
152106 - The main thing it shows is that the contractor has hard and soft
152107 - material throughout the job. What differentiates the hard
152108 - material encountered under the RFPs from the hard material bid
152109 - under the original contract?
152110 -
152111 - Per analysis at ref SDS 7 line 100, I found that sheet 14 issued by
152112 - amendment 0001 shows numerous polygons with both hard and soft
152113 - material.
152114 -
152115 - Accordingly, bidders had to estimate the level of effort and
152116 - consequent cost to perform both catagories of work. To consititute a
152117 - "differing site condition" that justifies a different unit cost of
152118 - performance on "hard" material, requires a showing that the character
152119 - of the material actually encountered is materially different from that
152120 - which a prudent bidder would otherwise have been on notice to expect
152121 - to encounter based upon what was disclosed.
152122 -
152123 - The Contractor has a duty of proof which its submissions do not seem
152124 - to meet, nor even address. Indeed, the contractor's insistance in its
152125 - responses dated 960731 showing a uniform production rate, indicate it
152126 - foresees no difference in effort or cost to dredge soft and hard
152127 - materials. This indicates that encountering hard material in an area
152128 - designated as "soft" on plan sheet 14, is not a material change within
152129 - the meaning of "Differing Site Conditions." The only material change
152130 - in the RFPs, therefore, is the change in the disposal site.
152131 -
152132 - The Contractor's notices merely indicate that a larger quantity of
152133 - hard material was encountered. The Contract terms compensate the
152134 - Contractor for this eventuality by paying for the increased quantity
152135 - at the unit bid prices. The RFPs permit the Government to award an
152136 - equitable adjustment to account for the difference in cost to dispose
152137 - of material in the ocean rather than the Galbraith and Sonoma Baylands
152138 - disposal sites.
152139 -
152140 -
152141 -
1522 -
1523 -
1524 - 0923 visited with Tom Benero
1525 -
152501 - He came by Tom Keesling's office in response to my call about riding
152502 - with him to the project meeting tomorrow.
152503 -
152504 - We reviewed the above considerations. Tom said Dutra has not offered
152505 - any explanation in meetings beyond the four submissions it made on
152506 - 960730, with respect to why the cost of dredging hard material in
152507 - areas designated as "soft" should exceed the unit cost of dredging
152508 - hard material in areas designated as "hard" on the contract drawings.
152509 -
152510 -
152511 - ..
152512 - Should Contractor be Compensated Based on Contract Unit Prices
152513 -
152514 - Followed up work at ref SDS 6 line 175.
152515 -
152516 - I asked if the approximate 1M additional yards the Contractor is
152517 - dredging relative to the original bid quantities, is comprised of the
152518 - additional 1' over dredging required for the increase in the amount of
152519 - hard material? My understanding from Tom today is that the additional
152520 - yardage is about 800K, but the change in the amount of hard material
152521 - further increases the amount of material for which the contractor is
152522 - being paid. Thus, under the theory of unit pricing, the Contractor
152523 - has reaped a windfall merely by performing the work at the unit prices
152524 - bid, since the quantity has greatly increased. Unless, of course the
152525 - Contractor bid the items at or below cost, either by mistake or per
152526 - considerations at ref SDS 1 7855
152527 -
152528 -
152529 -
1526 -
Orientation, Welch Contract; Communication Metrics
Inspector's Daily Reports
Resident Engineer SDS Orientation, Leonard SoHoo
200601 - ..
2007 -
2008 -
2009 - 1021 visited with Leonard SooHoo
2010 -
201001 - Tom Benero introduced Leonard, who is the Resident Engineer, and
201002 - Assistant Contracting Officer, reporting to Max, and to Tom.
201003 -
201004 - Tom asked me to explain my particiption at weekly progress meetings
201005 - for the Oakland Harbor project, beginning tomorrow, per Max's request
201006 - on 960924. ref SDS 4 4454
201007 -
201008 - I gave a brief explanation of supporting Max's Assistant Chief, Tom
201009 - Keesling, in evaluating contract claims. My job at project meetings
201010 - is to capture the record of understandings relative to prior
201011 - statements, contract requirements, and correspondence. In the meeting
201012 - on 960920, Max called these "hiccups." ref SDS 2 8854
201013 -
201014 - [On 961003 meeting with Marc McGovern, ref SDS 12 0001, and
201015 -
201016 - [On 961004 met with Max to advise of having accomplished SDS
201017 - orientation meetings. ref SDS 13 0001
201018 -
201019 - [On 961008 met again with Leonard SoHoo at his office in
201020 - Sausalito, ref SDS 15 0001
201021 -
201022 - I showed Leonard a quick overview of SDS, which was open on my
201023 - notebook computer, which I was using to set up SDS on Tom Keesling's
201024 - computer. ref SDS 9 KK8M
201025 - ..
201026 - Leonard feels the SDS program could be helpful for COE
201027 - inspectors to capture the record and link the work performed to
201028 - applicable contract provisions, and to other commitments. He said COE
201029 - procedures call for this, but it is hard to do,
201030 -
201031 - USACE's experience that good management practices are not actually
201032 - implemented, aligns with the report on 951004 that ISO calls for
201033 - tracability to original sources, but nobody does it, because everybody
201034 - is too busy with problems caused by failure to maintain the record.
201035 - SDS solves the problem, by reducing the time required to capture and
201036 - organize the record. Another part of the answer is providing skills of
201037 - a Com Manager to create a useful record that does not cause people to
201038 - worry about accountability.
201039 -
201040 - [On 971001 Tom Benero recommended in a meeting with COE Oakland
201041 - Project team, that SDS be used to capture "lessons learned" for
201042 - the duration of the project. ref SDS 10 7222
201043 -
201044 - Leonard asked me to visit the Project Engineer, Tom White, at the
201045 - Oakland Harbor Project office and demonstrate SDS capabilities. He
201046 - will let Tom know that SDS looks like it can support Tom's management
201047 - of the project.
201048 -
201049 - [On 961001 met with Tom White explained Com Metrics assignment.
201050 - ref SDS 11 0001
201051 -
201052 - [On 961003 met with Tom White, demonstration of SDS was deferred
201053 - to another time; reviewed need for improving management.
201054 - ref SDS 14 HU5J
201055 -
201056 -
201057 -
201058 -
201059 -
201060 -
201061 -
201062 -
201063 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"