440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 29, 1996 09:45 AM Wednesday; Rod Welch

Meeting Turner and Dave Buoncristiani re Asilomar Conference.

2...Conference Objective:
3...Leadership and Technology; Solving Time/Information Crunch
................New World Order Needs Old Time Religion
....Technology to Help Managers "Be Prepared"
....From "Documentation" to "Continuous Automated Knowledge Stream"
....Technology may support change ("paradigm shift") from the
4...Coordinating "Business Case" with "Legal Case" for Leadership Support
.......................Concurrent Discovery
.....................Communication Management
......................Communication Manager
5..."Microscope" of Litigation: Metrics and Discovery
...........The Latent Semantic Analysis Theory of Acquisition,
6...Understanding Drifts Off Course Due to Constant Information
7...Construction Has Procedures to Avoid Drifting Off Course
8...Leadership with a Broader Vision:
9...Internal Project Management Using Communication Metrics
10...Technology Must Add Value to Existing Roles
11...New Technology, New Business Environment, New Work Role
12...CPM was Resisted for 40 Years
13...Ambassadors of Change Transition Culture Awareness
14...Evolution of Event Title:
15...Taking Quantum Leap...Leadership & Technology
16...Asilomar Goal Has Not Changed
17...Information Highway Requires Better Leadership
18...The core idea that faster information flows require adjustments to
19...Technology Must Integrate to Create Better "Intelligence"
20...Turner's Outline
....Panel Discussion on Sunday - Russ
21...Illustrate Communication Complexity
22...Contractor's Contract Manual Shows Project Communication Methods
....Pictures and Data - Enterprise Workflow
....Linking Information into a Web of Knowledge
23...Turner Precedes TMJ&B at Asilomar
24...Audio Visual Requirements - Speakers Can Bring There Own
25...Need Turner's Paper within next few Weeks
.....1...Define the level of effort needed for effective communications
.....2...Turner uses a system of controls to identify deviations from
.....3...Technology that "integrates" may achieve a "paperless office"
26...David's Paper Needed in a Few Weeks
.....1...Law is a "metric" of human conduct that "adjusts course" to
.....2..."Metric" of traceability to original sources discovers "truth"
.........Being prepared is essential. A lawyer who is unprepared for a
27...Questions That May Emerge from Presentations on Construction and Law

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0201 - Turner, City Hall Retrofit         415 863 0273 fax 2712
020101 - Mr. Russell F. Oberlander; Resident Engineer
0202 - Turner Const. SF                   415 274 2900 fax 989 1370
020201 - Mr. Steve Rule; Territory Engineer =415 274 2917
020202 - Engineering Department
0203 - Thelen, Marrin, Johnson & Bridges  415 392 6320
020301 - Mr. David Buoncristiani, Esq.

Turner, Russ Oberlander, Steve Rule
Buoncristiani, Dave, TMJB

0504 -    ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Follow up ref SDS 38 0000, ref SDS 37 0000.
050602 -
050603 - Coordinated presentations on construction business practices and legal
050604 - practices.  Received Turner's latest outline.  David explained idea of
050605 - legal discovery as a "microscope" to analyse understandings and events
050606 - relative to project requirements.  Reviewed how contracting and law
050607 - relate to the event theme of technology to support leadership.
050608 -
050609 -    [See follow up at ref SDS 39 line 51, and at ref SDS 40 line 106.]
050610 -
050611 -
050612 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Discussion
0510 -
051001 -  ..
051002 - Conference Objective:
051003 - Leadership and Technology; Solving Time/Information Crunch
051004 -
051005 - Initially, Dave read through the 960419 letter, ref DIP 7 line 32, to
051006 - PMI Communications on how the Asilomar conference correlates to the
051007 - article in the May issue of PMNETwork entitled:
051008 -
051009 -  ..
051010 -
051011 -                New World Order Needs Old Time Religion
051012 -
051013 -    The letter explains the coordination of speaker scope which Russ
051014 -    recommended that PMI perform at the 960125 meeting, ref SDS 6 line
051015 -    555 (submitted to Turner along with a copy of the May PMNETwork,
051016 -    via Welch 960502 letter, ref DIP 10 line 30, per ref SDS 23 line
051017 -    135).  Russ had not seen the 960419 letter, so Steve made copies to
051018 -    support the meeting today.
051019 -
051020 -         [See follow up where Russ reported reading the paper, ref SDS
051021 -         48 line 67.]
051022 -
051023 -    The New World Order paper was submitted to Turner and discussed on
051024 -    960125 at ref SDS 6 line 457, and it was submitted to David and
051025 -    discussed on 960307 at ref SDS 8 line 84, as identifying an
051026 -    emerging business environment, called the...
051027 -
051028 -                        Information Highway
051029 -
051030 -       ...comprised of constant meetings, calls, email, data, reports,
051031 -       documents, fax and visual material (graphs, plans, photos).
051032 -    ..
051033 -    David's 960405 letter to PMI accepting the invitation to
051034 -    speak at Asilomar says in part:
051035 -
051036 -        In our experience, many disputes stem from systemic problems
051037 -        like ponderous communication channels or even a wholesale
051038 -        failure to keep the required personnel apprised of all
051039 -        available information.  Litigation frequently involves piecing
051040 -        together all of the facts which were available and should have
051041 -        been known and considered by the participants in an effort to
051042 -        determine true responsibility for a mishap. This task is
051043 -        facilitated if there are clear cut lines of communication and
051044 -        regular, meaningful record keeping procedures. All too often,
051045 -        we must piece together the story from the recollection of the
051046 -        players -- an imperfect tool at best, subject to individual
051047 -        bias which dwindles over time.
051048 -
051049 -
051050 -
0511 -

SDS Explanation
Automated Integration of Time, Information,
Paradigm Shifts
Time - Too Busy Being Busy
Prepared, Nobody Has Time on Information
Documents to Automated Knowledge
Knowledge Worker Communication Manager

1710 -
171001 -     ..
171002 -    Technology to Help Managers "Be Prepared"
171003 -    From "Documentation" to "Continuous Automated Knowledge Stream"
171004 -
171005 -    This excellent explanation of legal practice supplements Turner's
171006 -    presentation on construction management practices.
171007 -
171008 -    Technology may support change ("paradigm shift") from the
171009 -    traditional focus on knowledge as isolated "documentation," e.g.,
171010 -    books, articles, letters, memos, reports, to an integrated
171011 -    "knowledge" stream, similar to the way people think and remember,
171012 -    ref OF 2 line 40, as developed on 960319. ref SDS 10 7483.  This
171013 -    might empower leadership to focus on "intelligence" that avoids
171014 -    conflict through enhanced command and control of the project
171015 -    record, as called for by General Hatch in the meeting on 960410.
171016 -    ref SDS 16 3229
171017 -
171018 -        [On 001219 steps using SDS new way of working. ref SDS 55 QT6F
171019 -    ..
171020 -    The NWO paper (PMnetwork article submitted to Turner on
171021 -    960502 at ref SDS 23 7485) says the new reality of faster
171022 -    information impedes understanding when there isn't enough time to
171023 -    use sound management practices, ref OF 1 1675, advocated by Covey,
171024 -    Drucker and others to first review and analyse before taking
171025 -    action.  Work with General Hatch to speak at Asilomar suggests the
171026 -    challenge of the Information Highway is summarized by the Army's
171027 -    goal to always...
171028 -
171029 -
171030 -                           be prepared
171031 -
171032 -
171033 -    Military commanders spend a lot of time preparing, similar to
171034 -    lawyers; entertainers and sports people, who invest a lot of time
171035 -    preparing to perform their work. as shown in the record on 960317,
171036 -    ref SDS 9 6870
171037 -    ..
171038 -    Managers feel, however, that technology means...
171039 -
171040 -                       there isn't enough time
171041 -
171042 - review the record to prepare for meetings, make phone calls
171043 -    or craft meeting notes.  Cursory analysis from too little time to
171044 -    write down and link up the details of management work, or to
171045 -    distribute the record that builds shared meaning, causes errors
171046 -    that are hidden from the conscious mind.  Managers believe they
171047 -    understand, but later mistakes and conflicts bubble up in cost and
171048 -    schedule reports that are attributed to "Murphy's Law," or to
171049 -    others who don't tell the "truth," as discussed with Turner at the
171050 -    meeting on 951116 in connection with Primavera. ref SDS 5 7473
171051 -
171052 -    Technology may support using the legal process of discovering
171053 -    causation, thereby reducing mistakes and increasing opportunity on
171054 -    the Information Highway.  It may also support leaders in being
171055 -    prepared by providing faster access to the record rather than
171056 -    relying on personal mental acuity, per analysis in the record on
171057 -    901008. ref SDS 2 6993
171058 -
171059 -
171060 -
1711 -

Discover & Fix Mistakes
Construction as Communication Manager
Communication Metrics
Traditional Communication Training

2407 -
240701 -  ..
240702 - Coordinating "Business Case" with "Legal Case" for Leadership Support
240703 -
240704 - Asilomar will show that "discovery" in the legal process reveals gaps
240705 - and conflicts in understandings that occur because "truth" is a moving
240706 - target, ref DIP 7 7662, on the "Information Highway," where it is
240707 - difficult to see all the connections between a lot of new information
240708 - each day, and prior meetings, calls, documents, contracts, plans and
240709 - specs.  Asilomar can show how technology that supports an ongoing
240710 - process of...
240711 -
240712 -  ..
240713 -
240714 -                       Concurrent Discovery
240715 -
240716 -     ...similar to concurrent engineering, uses technology to make the
240717 -     "microscope" of discovery, ref SDS 0 4250, a powerful lever that
240718 -     empowers leaders by giving "truth" an ally on the Information
240719 -     Highway, per letter to PMI Communications. ref DIP 7 7662
240720 -
240721 -       [On 960620 wrote paper explaining "concurrent discovery." see
240722 -       ref SDS 46 1101]
240723 -
240724 - Turner's presentation can show how leadership of cross-functional
240725 - teams (see PMBOK section 2.3.2, ref OF 4 7228; section 9.1, ref OF 5
240726 - 7377, ref OF 5 8206) uses traditional business practices that align
240727 - communications, and maintain shared meaning among affected parties.
240728 - ..
240729 - Steve asked where in the PMBOK "leadership" is defined as
240730 - aligning people through communications?
240731 -
240732 - We found it in section 2.4.1, ref OF 4 9002, as discussed in the
240733 - meeting on 960515, ref SDS 32 5294, and on 960125, ref SDS 6 4829, per
240734 - analysis submitted to Turner on 950802 by Welch letter, ref DIP 2,
240735 - confirming understandings from meeting with Steve Rule. ref SDS 4 1428
240736 -
240737 - These practices can be summarily called:
240738 -
240739 -  ..
240740 -
240741 -                     Communication Management
240742 -
240743 -    ...which is described in section 10 of the PMBOK.  The "General"
240744 -    contractor role evolved to coordinate all of the many crafts and
240745 -    organizations needed to construct a project.  Since communication
240746 -    is the means by which this coordination is managed, a major part of
240747 -    project leadership is being a...
240748 -
240749 -  ..
240750 -
240751 -                      Communication Manager
240752 -
240753 -       ...which is the way Steve described Turner in the meeting on
240754 -       960125. ref SDS 6 8508
240755 -
240756 -    Turner's role at Asilomar addresses the new business environment
240757 -    that augurs for wider use of the Communication Manager role by
240758 -    firms outside the construction industry.  Bill DeHart explained in
240759 -    the meeting on 960515 that most of PMI's members are from other
240760 -    industries who are trying to use "project management" to meet the
240761 -    increased risks of a global economy created by technology that
240762 -    compresses time and distance, ref SDS 6 0300.  Asilomar seeks to
240763 -    show through an experienced contractor, Turner, the level of effort
240764 -    needed to accomplish this goal, ref SDS 32 7381.  The PMBOK calls
240765 -    for certain "processes" but Turner can offer real life examples of
240766 -    why these processes are essential secrets of success in high risk
240767 -    work characterized by fast moving communications, as discussed in
240768 -    our meeting on 960125. ref SDS 6 4829
240769 -
240770 -
240771 -
240772 -
2408 -

Law is Microscope of Discovery for Truth,
Metrics, Discover and Fix Mistakes
Truth is a Moving Target
Hubris, Self-Dialog to Discover Errors
Information Highway Causes Mistakes, Lack

2808 -
280801 -  ..
280802 - "Microscope" of Litigation:  Metrics and Discovery
280803 - --------------------------------------------------
280804 - Russ pointed out that leadership challenges arise beyond effective
280805 - communications.  He recalled problems have occurred even when it
280806 - seemed that the parties held common understandings.
280807 -
280808 - Russ asked if Dave has had any cases involving Turner?
280809 -
280810 - Dave recalled involvement on an interesting foundation claim that
280811 - occurred in constructing the building where we are meeting today,
280812 - Turner's San Francisco office.  He is not planning to cite the names
280813 - of firms or individuals in his presentation at Asilomar.
280814 - ..
280815 - David noted that the "microscope" of litigation focuses narrowly
280816 - on only a very few of the many issues that confront a project manager
280817 - each day.  Seemingly minor deviations that escape notice when they
280818 - occur, are greatly magnified at trial.  Conflicts are revealed between
280819 - what people "understand" and what is actually set out in a contract,
280820 - letter, meeting memorandum, etc.  An example is the Blount litigation
280821 - in 1989 where the lead architect completely forgot he had issued a
280822 - letter in 1984 stating the project would be "fast track" and that plan
280823 - check review would performed by the owner rather than the architect,
280824 - ref SDS 1 3890.
280825 -
280826 - Other examples are explained in the NWO... paper. ref OF 1 0742
280827 - ..
280828 - Concurrent Discovery, discussed above, ref SDS 0 2905, uses
280829 - technology as a "microscope" that empowers managers to recognize
280830 - critical details at a time when action can be taken to avoid loss.
280831 -
280832 -     [On 960620 prepared paper on these ideas. ref SDS 46 1101]
280833 -
280834 - Dr. Landauer, who was considered as a speaker for Asilomar, points out
280835 - in his paper on human cognition,
280836 -
280837 -                     A Solution to Plato's Problem:
280838 -           The Latent Semantic Analysis Theory of Acquisition,
280839 -               Induction, and Representation of Knowledge
280840 -
280841 -    ...that "meaning" drifts away (changes) within an individual mind
280842 -    and between individuals who experience common events; input from
280843 -    subsequent events changes our perception, i.e., "knowledge," about
280844 -    the meaning of prior events, ref SDS 33 line 282.  The NWO paper
280845 -    cites Aristotle's observation that over time this drift widens to a
280846 -    gulf leading to serious calamity, ref OF 1 line 37.
280847 -
280848 -
280849 -  ..
280850 - Understanding Drifts Off Course Due to Constant Information
280851 -
280852 - Common understanding at time "now," will later, at time "now + t1," (a
280853 - day, week, month, year), drift apart, absent effort to maintain shared
280854 - meaning.  Since it occurs slowly and incrementally, people are unaware
280855 - of "knowledge creep."  Executives are particularly burdened because
280856 - they are less subject to being questioned about what they know, by the
280857 - people they encounter in daily work.  The absence of a daily "metric"
280858 - to link communication back to original sources, reinforces belief that
280859 - our knowledge is consistent when it has actually drifted off course
280860 - under Landauer's finding of induced meaning.
280861 -
280862 - As a result, leaders are drawn to the common sense conclusion that
280863 - others have not told the truth, or are less dedicated to working hard
280864 - than they are, discussed in the 960419 letter to PMI Communications,
280865 - ref DIP 7 line 85.  Only rarely do executives get the chance to
280866 - discover their "knowledge" is mistaken, as when being examined by a
280867 - lawyer who shows documentation that conflicts with testimony, ref SDS
280868 - 1 line 150.  Those occasions are often dismissed as "blowing things
280869 - out of proportion," rather than a recognition that business practice
280870 - needs to be adjusted to avoid the malady of false knowledge due to the
280871 - mind's bent to drift off course.  People don't like change; they
280872 - resist it, especially when it is "dressed in coveralls and looks like
280873 - work."  Being questioned is no fun.
280874 - ..
280875 - How can technology help leaders make the adjustments needed to
280876 - avoid drifting off course?
280877 -
280878 -
280879 -
2809 -

Construction Communication Methods Derive
Legal Metrics
Construction Communications Align People

3106 -
310601 -  ..
310602 - Construction Has Procedures to Avoid Drifting Off Course
310603 -
310604 - The culture of the construction industry over centuries has made these
310605 - adjustments under legal opinions that guide business conduct to avoid
310606 - the harm of false knowledge and executive hubris, as an obstacle to
310607 - effective leadership, discussed in our meeting on 950125, ref SDS 6
310608 - 7741.  Communication procedures, called "notice provisions," seem
310609 - exasperating, ponderous and conflicting with the goal to expedite and
310610 - reduce cost.  But, when they are not followed, problems ensue due to
310611 - knowledge creep endemic to human mental faculties, as described by Dr.
310612 - Landauer.  Daily work reports, RFIs, document logs, submittals,
310613 - meeting notes, as listed in Turner's outline, ref DRT 1 6220, all have
310614 - evolved to help contractors build and maintain shared meaning over
310615 - time, and thus avoid the harm of "knowledge creep" that undermines
310616 - leadership.  Industry culture informs contractors that their role in
310617 - leading a diverse team requires being an effective Communication
310618 - Manager, as Steve says is Turner's role, ref SDS 6 8508.
310619 - ..
310620 - Contractors don't need a class on communications nor to hear
310621 - about Dr. Landauer's "meaning drift."  They need merely follow the
310622 - General Conditions, the company manual, and emulate the people around
310623 - them, because it has all been worked out for contractors.  Their only
310624 - challenge is being able to use good management practices consistently
310625 - to meet exponential growth of information brought on by technology and
310626 - regulation.
310627 -
310628 -     [See application to paper prepared on 960620 for Dave at Asilomar,
310629 -     ref SDS 46 0082.]
310630 -
310631 -     [See reports of Contractors going bankrupt, ref SDS 51 8854.
310632 -     having difficulty applying effective communication methods
310633 -     consistently, ref SDS 47 0046.]
310634 -
310635 -
310636 -
3107 -

Management, Reengineer/Improve
Internal Management Needs Metrics
Leadership with Broader Vision

3406 -
340601 -  ..
340602 - Leadership with a Broader Vision:
340603 - Internal Project Management Using Communication Metrics
340604 -
340605 - Industries adopting project management without using contracts that
340606 - encourage consistent use of good communication practices, have
340607 - suffered, as discussed with Turner at the 960405 meeting, ref SDS 13
340608 - line 159.  They are downsizing, using psychologists to improve
340609 - listening and dialog skills; they ask people to work harder and "tell
340610 - the truth."
340611 -
340612 - Asilomar is trying this year to offer a broader vision of leadership,
340613 - combining the rigor of contract communications, which Turner will
340614 - present, with the "metrics" of legal discovery and adjudication
340615 - ("adjusting course") to correct mistakes when those procedures are
340616 - inadequately applied or otherwise fail.  Since other industries do not
340617 - use contracts on internal projects, technology may make it easy and
340618 - fast enough so they can apply Turner's role as a Communication Manager
340619 - even without the compunction of legal sanction.
340620 -
340621 -
340622 -
340623 -
3407 -

Add Value to Existing Staff
Congestion Caused by More Managers

3705 -
370501 -  ..
370502 - Technology Must Add Value to Existing Roles
370503 -
370504 - Russ indicated that secretaries support communication management for
370505 - Turner, similar to this role for other contractors, as he pointed out
370506 - when we met on 960125, ref SDS 6 9905.
370507 -
370508 - Steve noted that Assistant Project Managers and Project Engineers do
370509 - some of this for RFI's, schedule and change order analysis.
370510 -
370511 -     [See study by U.S. Air Force Institute of Technology on entropy
370512 -     infecting information systems over time, ref SDS 50 0108.  More
370513 -     managers create congestion that eviscerates understanding and
370514 -     weakens leadership, ref SDS 49 5503, unless careful attention is
370515 -     paid to traceability to original sources.]
370516 -
370517 -     [See discussion with Steve where he indicates Tunrer is already
370518 -     performing Communication Metrics, ref SDS 54 9556.]
370519 - ..
370520 - Bill DeHart has earlier related that some years ago technology
370521 - enabled PG&E to combine the previously separate cost engineer role,
370522 - with the schedule engineer function, to create a hybrid position, they
370523 - call a "Project Analyst," to assist Project Managers.
370524 -
370525 -  ..
370526 -
370527 - Russ commented that Asilomar Conference can show how further evolution
370528 - in technology will add value to existing roles.  Turner's long history
370529 - of "real world" experience will enable Asilomar conferees to see how
370530 - key PMBOK processes impact project success.  David's presentation on
370531 - the law offers clues on how technology can do this by empowering
370532 - people to discover causation on a daily basis, rather than wait for a
370533 - law suit.
370534 -
370535 - As discussed at the 960405 meeting, Intel plans to show a timeline on
370536 - improving technology, ref SDS 13 5581.  For some executives, using
370537 - email is a cultural hurdle, but email does not improve management very
370538 - much.  Whether a letter arrives today or tomorrow is not critical most
370539 - of the time.  What the letter means and what action is taken relative
370540 - to requirements and commitments, is what "management" is all about.
370541 -
370542 -
370543 -
370544 -  ..
370545 - New Technology, New Business Environment, New Work Role
370546 -
370547 - The correlation of construction business practice with legal practice
370548 - lays the foundation for "reengineering" management by using technology
370549 - to add value to existing work roles.  In some cases, a dedicated
370550 - position may be needed to support communications, similar to cost and
370551 - schedule engineers, to avoid the risks endemic to the emerging
370552 - business environment of the Information Highway.  This fits Asilomar's
370553 - theme of building a better partnership between leadership and
370554 - technology.
370555 -
370556 -
370557 -
370558 -
3706 -

Ambassadors for Change
Broader Vision to Make Technology a
Leadership Broader Vision to Apply New
CPM Contractors Avoid Accountability
Change Resisted, Feared

4308 -
430801 -  ..
430802 - CPM was Resisted for 40 Years
430803 - Ambassadors of Change Transition Culture Awareness
430804 -
430805 - Getting leaders to use technology for analysis takes leadership with a
430806 - broader vision.  CPM was developed in the 1950s to support military
430807 - procurement, but only within the past 10 years or so has it become an
430808 - industry standard.  For years, contractors would only use CPM if it
430809 - was specified in the bid documents.  Today, contractors use CPM on
430810 - major projects, whether specified or not, because they know from long
430811 - experience that it is an investment that pays off.  General Hatch may
430812 - close Asilomar with the idea that organizations need an executive to
430813 - champion needed change to meet the demands of a changing business
430814 - environment.  In recent years TQM has become an umbrella effort where
430815 - new methods are examined and tested, reflecting Dr. Landauer's book on
430816 - "The Trouble with Computers" submitted to Turner on 960516, per
430817 - ref DIP 12 line 30.
430818 -
430819 -      [On 960612 Lynn Conway helped overcome cultural resistance to
430820 -      advance VLSI technology that launched PC industry. ref SDS 44
430821 -      1368
430822 -
430823 -      [On 011210 50 years required to overcome resistance to new way of
430824 -      working that improves productivity in established culture.
430825 -      ref SDS 56 R66K
430826 -
430827 -
430828 -
430829 -
430830 -
430831 -
430832 -
430833 -
430834 -
4309 -

Quantum Leap to the Future
Leadership and Technology, Partnership for
New World Order
Information Overload

4907 -
490701 -  ..
490702 - Evolution of Event Title:
490703 - Taking Quantum Leap...Leadership & Technology
490704 -
490705 - Russ asked if changes in the Asilomar Conference title require changes
490706 - in Turner's presentation?
490707 -
490708 - In sum, Turner need make no changes in its preparations due to changes
490709 - in the Asilomar title.
490710 -
490711 - Event titles have evolved from a year ago when PMI's initial program
490712 - contemplated 4 events.  The 950717 letter inviting Turner's
490713 - participation used the title "Technology Serving The Manager" ref DIP
490714 - 1 line 28.  The title "Taking the Quantum Leap..." was used in the
490715 - 951120 letter after the program was narrowed from 4 events to 2.  In
490716 - February the Asilomar Committee settled on "Leadership and Technology,
490717 - Partnership for the Future," to describe Asilomar.
490718 -
490719 -
490720 -  ..
490721 - Asilomar Goal Has Not Changed
490722 - Information Highway Requires Better Leadership
490723 -
490724 - The objective for Asilomar is explained on page 2 of the official
490725 - Asilomar Schedule submitted to Turner in April:
490726 -
490727 -     The variety and volume of technology available to assist those
490728 -     who lead and manage has never been greater. This is most
490729 -     evident in the burgeoning communication field including the
490730 -     Internet, E-mail, voice mail, pagers, cell phones, networks and
490731 -     computer software designed to manage this "Information High-
490732 -     way". However, the promise of technology for most leaders often
490733 -     has not produced better decisions. New leadership skills will
490734 -     be required to add value to people and organizations seeking to
490735 -     win in a global economy. The Asilomar Conference will outline a
490736 -     blending of skills and technology that can fill the needs of
490737 -     effective leadership.
490738 -
490739 -  ..
490740 -
490741 - The core idea that faster information flows require adjustments to
490742 - make leadership and management effective is consistent with Turner's
490743 - outline that explains communication practice in construction.  This
490744 - sets an agenda of what technology needs to accomplish in order to be
490745 - useful to leadership.  At the 960515 meeting there was discussion
490746 - about how Turner's ideas in effect specify what needs to be automated
490747 - in order to reach the dream of an automated notebook and the paperless
490748 - office, ref SDS 32 line 264.
490749 -
490750 -     [See evidence of faster communication, ref SDS 52 line 290.]
490751 -
490752 -
490753 -
4908 -

Intelligence, Military
Automated Integration of Management Tasks

5405 -
540501 -  ..
540502 - Technology Must Integrate to Create Better "Intelligence"
540503 -
540504 - The letter to PMI Communications, ref DIP 7 7466, cites a recent book
540505 - on how technology has historically required leaders to adopt new
540506 - habits and change work practices in order to avoid being overwhelmed
540507 - by too much information.  This reflects Turner's outline forecasting a
540508 - "substantial increase in communication... during the pre-construction
540509 - stage." ref DRT 1 3857.  Turner sees a need for "integration of
540510 - documents."  This is a strong point to flesh out at Asilomar.
540511 -
540512 - The letter to PMI notes that the CIA was formed as a work "adjustment"
540513 - at the governmental level to convert daily information into meaningful
540514 - "intelligence."  General Hatch said in his letter accepting the
540515 - invitation to speak at Asilomar (ref DRP 2 0000 reviewed by Turner at
540516 - the meeting on 950405, ref SDS 13 4857), that business leaders may now
540517 - need an "intelligence" function to analyse and organize new
540518 - information generated each day.  This sounds similar to combining the
540519 - detailed communication management which contractors use, with the
540520 - analysis that lawyers use, to give information meaning relative to
540521 - objectives, opportunities and risks.  This means "integration" called
540522 - for by Turner.
540523 - ..
540524 - The problem is cost.  Businesses cannot afford a whole
540525 - department to create "intelligence."  Asilomar can explore whether
540526 - technology makes business leaders more effective by making it cost
540527 - effective to accomplish the "intelligence" mission faster and more
540528 - accurately, similar to how technology has mainstreamed the use of CPM
540529 - in recent years.
540530 -
540531 -
540532 -
540533 -
5406 -

Turner, Russ Oberlander, Darrell Petray,
Meaning, Identification
Information, Convert into Knowledge
Pictures Not Text, Enterprise Workflow, Integrate
PMBOK, ISO 10006 Compliance
Construction Communications Align People as
Complexity Managed by Power of Microcosm
Enterprise Workflow, Pictures Less Powerful Than Text for

7111 -
711101 -  ..
711102 - Turner's Outline
711103 -
711104 - Russ submitted Turner's outline, ref DRT 1 line 23, and noted that it
711105 - covers how Turner does business.  He feels Turner can address how it
711106 - relates to formalizing a new work role, if there is a question from
711107 - the audience on Communication Managers.
711108 -
711109 - Turner's outline on the "role" of communication, and on PMI, affords
711110 - an opportunity to address the PMBOK, ref DRT 1 line 58, per the
711111 - understandings at the 951116 meeting, ref SDS 5 line 156.
711112 -
711113 - Turner's explanation of why communications in construction are unique,
711114 - fits the Asilomar theme and compliments the legal presentation.  The
711115 - discussion today about Asilomar goals may be helpful in placing
711116 - emphasis on aspects of Turner's presentation.
711117 -
711118 -
711119 -     ..
711120 -    Panel Discussion on Sunday - Russ
711121 -
711122 -    Russ asked about a joint Q&A from the audience on Turner's and
711123 -    David's remarks.  This is a good approach to focus on integrating
711124 -    construction practice with legal practice, provided we leave enough
711125 -    time.  There are 90 minutes for both David's and Turner's remarks.
711126 -
711127 -    We reviewed the Asilomar Schedule showing a formal panel on Sunday
711128 -    comprised of all the speakers.  Russ will represent Turner on the
711129 -    panel.
711130 -
711131 -    This offers another occasion when Turner and Dave can engage joint
711132 -    issues, together with technology and leadership speakers.  General
711133 -    Hatch may chair the Sunday panel.
711134 -
711135 -
711136 -  ..
711137 - Illustrate Communication Complexity
711138 - Contractor's Contract Manual Shows Project Communication Methods
711139 -
711140 - David observed that Turner's point III, 2. A, ref DRT 1 5233, would
711141 - make a strong graphic to illustrate the complexity of communications
711142 - on projects.  It reflects Russ' point that construction requires many
711143 - different forms of communication that all contractors use to manage
711144 - the wide range of issues and multiple stakeholders that arise on
711145 - construction projects, as seen for the alignment between Turner's
711146 - outline on communication pracitces for Asilomar, and Swinerton &
711147 - Walberg's construction operations manual, see ref SDS 7 8544.
711148 -
711149 -     [On 970905 Turner's methods were cited in discussion for a book on
711150 -     Project Communication, ref SDS 53 8445.]
711151 -
711152 -     [See discusison on 970922 with Steve Rule on difference between
711153 -     traditional contractor communication practices and Communication
711154 -     Metrics, ref SDS 54 9556.]
711155 - ..
711156 - Steve indicated Turner plans to make this a graphic.
711157 -
711158 - David asked about the "digital videos" in the outline under section
711159 - IV, 4, ref DRT 1 9996, concerning documentation.  Steve indicated that
711160 - Turner expects before too long to be able to transmit job site
711161 - pictures, perhaps via internet, to an engineer for analysis.  This
711162 - reflects Intel's goals for stronger use of technology. ref SDS 28 3502
711163 -
711164 -
711165 -     ..
711166 -    Pictures and Data - Enterprise Workflow
711167 -
711168 -    Turner's outline on "The Future - Communication in Construction"
711169 -    section IV para 2, 5 and 6, ref DRT 1 9993, reflects work within
711170 -    the A/E community to use automation for "Enterprise Workflow,"
711171 -    reported in the May-Jun, 1994 issue of "AEC Computer Solutions" on
711172 -    p. 1, ref SDS 3 0453.
711173 -
711174 -        [See correlation with Stanford's CIFE program, ref SDS 40
711175 -        9571.]
711176 -
711177 -    Advocates of EW believe, per ref OF 8 9522, that automated
711178 -    integration can reengineer management to:
711179 -       ..
711180 -       Eliminates redundant, inefficient work processes Reduce
711181 -       manual effort, i.e. speeds the work Increase client satisfaction
711182 -       Improve employee morale Expedite retrieval of data Improve
711183 -       organizational productivity and earnings
711184 -
711185 -    These goals fit the Asilomar theme for useful technology.
711186 -
711187 -     ..
711188 -    Linking Information into a Web of Knowledge
711189 -
711190 -    David's presentation can cover how textual analysis discovers the
711191 -    "meaning" of pictures and data to executives and organizations, and
711192 -    thereby comprises the knowledge that supports leadership decisions.
711193 -
711194 -    Turner's use of "links" under outline section III B 1) at ref DRT 1
711195 -    line 179, may be an example of how this is supported under present
711196 -    technology.  How are understandings in a letter linked to an RFI, a
711197 -    plan detail, a Schedule activity, a phone call, a contract section?
711198 -
711199 -
711200 -
711201 -
7113 -

Order of Speakers

7204 -
720401 -  ..
720402 - Turner Precedes TMJ&B at Asilomar
720403 -
720404 - Russ suggested that the correlation discussed today indicates that
720405 - Turner should precede David at Asilomar.  David agreed.  This change
720406 - was discussed by Bill DeHart at the 960515 meeting, ref SDS 32 line
720407 - 100, and so may already have been submitted to the Asilomar Committee.
720408 - In any case, it is a formality which Turner and David can work out
720409 - between themselves.
720410 - ..
720411 - Steve suggested one more meeting in mid-June with David.  We
720412 - will coordinate this to set a specific date and time.
720413 -
720414 -     [See follow up at ref SDS 40 6448.]
720415 -
720416 -
720417 -
7205 -

Visual Aids, Overhead Projector

7304 -
730401 -  ..
730402 - Audio Visual Requirements - Speakers Can Bring There Own
730403 -
730404 - Steve said Turner recently acquired a new, high quality projector for
730405 - showing Powerpoint and other slides from a computer.  He asked if
730406 - Asilomar will have comparable equipment?  David mentioned as well that
730407 - TMJ&B has new equipment that does an excellent job of projecting in
730408 - large scale the visuals he is thinking of using.
730409 -
730410 - We discussed the report of a PMI Committee team visiting Asilomar last
730411 - month and reporting there is adequate audio visual support. Turner and
730412 - David might consider submitting the specifications of their equipment
730413 - so PMI can investigate to ensure Asilomar has comparable support, and
730414 - if not, they can bring it with them to Asilomar.
730415 - ..
730416 - PMI will coordinate audio visual support in more detail over the
730417 - next few weeks.
730418 -
730419 -      [See follow up at ref SDS 41 line 141.]
730420 -
730421 -
730422 -
7305 -

Paper for Event Binders, Turner

7604 -
760401 -  ..
760402 - Need Turner's Paper within next few Weeks
760403 -
760404 - Steve is working on a paper for the Event Binders that will be given
760405 - to attendees.  It would be helpful to have Turner's paper in time to
760406 - include with Event Binders; however, Turner is considering handing it
760407 - out at the time of their presentation.  An approach might be something
760408 - like making three simple points:
760409 -
760410 -       [See Turner's paper at ref SDS 42 line 84.]
760411 -
760412 -  ..
760413 -
760414 -     1.  Define the level of effort needed for effective communications
760415 -         in a fast paced, high risk environment that places a premium
760416 -         on avoiding misunderstandings; so, managing communications is
760417 -         a major part of leadership in construction.
760418 -
760419 -         This can include examples showing why careful and thorough
760420 -         communications are needed to lead cross-functional teams, per
760421 -         meeting on 960125, ref SDS 6 line 285.
760422 -
760423 -  ..
760424 -
760425 -     2.  Turner uses a system of controls to identify deviations from
760426 -         cost and schedule objectives early enough so corrective action
760427 -         can be taken in time to be effective.
760428 -
760429 -     3.  Technology that "integrates" may achieve a "paperless office"
760430 -         that one day enables controls ("metrics"), similar to cost and
760431 -         schedule, to be applied more effectively to "communications,"
760432 -         so leaders are empowered to retrieve critical knowledge when
760433 -         it is needed.
760434 -
760435 -
7605 -
7606 -

Paper for Event Binders, Turner
Com Manager Different Tasks from Traditional Management
Knowledge Worker Communication Manager
Be Prepared SDS Provides 80% of Preparation Automatically
Para Manager Aide to Collaborate Research Prepare Case
Com Manager Why What is Role Does Not Replace Executive Com Manager C
Legal Practice
Proactive Needs to Dig Out Key Information
Law Metric of Conformance to Accepted Agreed Conduct
Traceability & Aligning Communications
Management Evolution of Practices

9214 -
921401 -  ..
921402 - David's Paper Needed in a Few Weeks
921403 -
921404 - David expects to have a paper for the binder within the same time
921405 - frame.  He feels the meeting today helped focus his presentation to
921406 - better fit Turner's role at Asilomar.  David might make three simple
921407 - points under the title proposed at the meeting on 960307. ref SDS 8
921408 - 4571
921409 -
921410 -       [On 960612 received David's paper. ref SDS 43 0001
921411 -
921412 -         Dialog, Documents and Human Memory, a Legal Perspective
921413 -
921414 -           "There wasn't enough time to check the contract, the CPM,
921415 -           the letter, the regulation, the submittal log..."
921416 -
921417 -          ..
921418 -
921419 -     1.  Law is a "metric" of human conduct that "adjusts course" to
921420 -         meet established standards through a process called
921421 -         "adjudication."  Much of the procedures used by contractors to
921422 -         communicate, as set out by Turner, are mandated by law which
921423 -         has evolved over hundreds, even thousands of years of hard won
921424 -         human experience in the construction field, that shows
921425 -         careful, thorough and timely communications are essential to
921426 -         avoid the harm of mis-communication on high risk work.  These
921427 -         are generally called "notice" provisions in contracts.
921428 -  ..
921429 -     2.  "Metric" of traceability to original sources discovers "truth"
921430 -         and applies the correct adjustment that conforms the outcome
921431 -         of a dispute to accepted standards. This is called "discovery"
921432 -         to find out what really happened and expose misunderstandings;
921433 -         and "citations" to ensure, as best that humans can, that the
921434 -         facts are known and the proper rule (law, regulation,
921435 -         contract) is applied.
921436 -         ..
921437 -         Traceability shows that discovering and knowing the
921438 -         "truth" is a complex, expensive job that takes a lot of time.
921439 -
921440 -  ..
921441 -
921442 -         Being prepared is essential.  A lawyer who is unprepared for a
921443 -         meeting with the judge, called a "hearing" or "trial," can be
921444 -         fined for contempt or disbarred.  On 960418 reviewed practice
921445 -         for lawyers to use aides for preparing and trying cases,
921446 -         called para legals or associate attorneys, because the volume
921447 -         of information, issues and research, is too great for the
921448 -         "lead" attorney to manage. ref SDS 14 8839  Using an aide may
921449 -         be a model for leaders in other fields to ensure that the
921450 -         right connections are prepared that convert information into
921451 -         knowledge for proactive problem handling on the Information
921452 -         Highway of the 21st century.
921453 -
921454 -
921455 -
921456 -  ..
921457 - Questions That May Emerge from Presentations on Construction and Law
921458 -
921459 -
921460 -   1.  Can our friends in technology devise a way to use the "metric"
921461 -       of traceability to discover the "truth" concurrently with
921462 -       performance of the work, similar to concurrent engineering, so
921463 -       leaders can be prepared to keep up on the Information Highway?
921464 -
921465 -   2.  Would this supplement and make cost and schedule control more
921466 -       effective by discovering misunderstandings that cause problems
921467 -       before they actually occur, so that corrective action can be
921468 -       taken to prevent deviations from cost and schedule objectives?
921469 -
921470 -   3.  What work is underway to accomplish the integration Turner sees
921471 -       is needed to improve communications?  Who is doing it?  What
921472 -       experience has accumulated that shows how it will affect
921473 -       leadership?  What intermediate steps are needed to achieve the
921474 -       goal?
921475 -
921476 -          [See follow up with Stanford on Integrated Facilities
921477 -          research program, ref SDS 45 line 111.]
921478 -       ..
921479 -   4.  Might a new player be needed and can we add value to
921480 -       existing players to ensure leaders are prepared to succeed, by
921481 -       ensuring new technology is actually applied, under the theory
921482 -       that a new lever that can lift the world to new heights is
921483 -       useless if there is no one who can run it?  What are the skills
921484 -       that add value in the New World Order of the Information Highway
921485 -       which make possible the dream of a "paperless office?"
921486 -
921487 -
921488 -
921489 -
9215 -
9216 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"