440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 21, 1996 10:03 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Steve at Turner on various matters.
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0201 - Turner Const. SF 415 274 2900 fax 989 1370
020101 - Mr. Steve Rule; Territory Engineer =415 274 2917
020102 - Engineering Department
Turner, Alan Wetzel, Steve Rule
Buoncristiani, Dave, TMJB
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 22 line 64, ref SDS 19 line 157.
050602 -
050603 -
050604 -
050605 -
050606 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Progress
0510 -
051001 - Left message for Steve to call per ref SDS 21 line 39 back on:
051002 -
051003 -
051004 - Meeting with Intel this Friday 960524 1000.
051005 -
051006 -
051007 - Meeting with Dave Buoncristiani on Thursday, Tuesday or Wednesday,
051008 - per ref SDS 22 line 83.
051009 -
051010 -
051011 - Submit audio visual requirements and reservations for Asilomar to
051012 - Sherrill McDonald.
051013 -
051014 -
051015 - Paper ready by end of month; I will submit draft.
051016 -
051017 -
051018 -
051019 -
051020 -
0511 -
0512 -
0513 - 1409 called Steve back
0514 -
051401 - He cannot make the meeting with Intel, ref SDS 21 line 39, but is
051402 - checking with Darrell and with Russ to see if either of them wants to
051403 - attend.
051404 -
051405 - He is checking with Russ to when he is available for a meeting with
051406 - David Buoncristiani, per ref SDS 22 line 83.
051407 -
051408 - Steve will call back on these two points.
051409 -
051410 - Steve has not yet submitted the audio visual requirements nor Turner's
051411 - reserviations to Sherrill McDonald, but will do so.
051412 -
051413 - I did not mention a paper, because Steve said he is working on it and
051414 - so I do not want to crowd him. I will prepare a draft for him to
051415 - consider and will submit at the meeting with the Dave Buoncristiani.
051416 -
051417 - [See follow up at ref SDS 23 line 41.]
051418 -
051419 -
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051422 -
0515 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"