440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 20, 1996 09:21 PM Monday;
Rod Welch
Call Bill on Asilomar - Hatch; Turner; Intel.
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General Hatch, Fluor/Corps of Engineers
Asilomar Schedule
0504 - ..
0505 - Summary/Objective
0506 -
050601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 29 line 62, ref SDS 23 line 53,
050602 - line 49, ref SDS 20 line 47, ref SDS 19 line 39, ref SDS 11
050603 - and ref SDS 8 line 259. Bill's discussion with Ahmet on Hank Hatch to
050604 - close the event.
050605 -
050606 -
050607 -
0507 -
0508 -
0509 - Discussion
0510 -
051001 - He did not attend the PMI Asilomar committee meeting last Friday, and
051002 - has not yet talked to Ahmet or Sherrill on the results but expects to
051003 - do so tomorrow to verify Hatch's expenses will be paid, per ref SDS 24
051004 - line 93.
051005 -
051006 - Bill will send official acceptance to Hatch; I will notify him
051007 - informally, per ref SDS 27 line 71.
051008 -
051009 -
051010 -
051011 -
0511 -
Asilomar Schedule, Moderator
0604 -
060401 - Follow up work at ref SDS 23 line 89, ref SDS 19 line 76.
060402 -
060403 - Bill has not had a chance to review the level of preparation needed
060404 - for the moderator role. He plans to do so this week.
060405 -
060406 -
060407 -
0605 -
Technology & Leadership Today
0704 -
070401 - Followed up work at ref SDS 23 line 115, ref SDS 19 line 92, about
070402 - opening speaker scope, and also on demonstration of how technology is
070403 - being used today, as a baseline of understanding where are we today,
070404 - and where we are headed, ref SDS 15 line 144 and ref SDS 15 line 281.
070405 -
070406 - Discussed with Bill that the only apparent possible places in the
070407 - program to show the current state of the art is:
070408 -
070409 - 1. Turner will explain Expedition and cite their design drawing in
070410 - several cities, per ref SDS 7 line 271.
070411 -
070412 - Actually even this sounds tentative, per meeting today.
070413 -
070414 - 2. Intel, may demonstrate SDS on the implementation of David's
070415 - 1991 Byte article, but probably will not do so, ref SDS 22 line
070416 - 151. They may demonstrate email, but that is their future
070417 - story. Possibly they will say here is how it works today, and
070418 - here is how it will be better.
070419 -
070420 - Actually, we can get a better idea of this at the meeting on
070421 - 960524.
070422 -
070423 - Neither of these ideas actually reflect the theme of how the
070424 - leadership role is supported by technology, rather than burdened by
070425 - it, i.e., automating the Covey stuff, ref SDS 6 line 692.
070426 -
070427 - 3. Morris could show how he uses Ecco Pro, as originally planned,
070428 - but that was to have been a separate effort.
070429 -
070430 - [See follow up at ref SDS 31 line 130.]
070431 -
070432 - Seems like more ideas are needed on this point.
070433 -
070434 - Bill seemed to indicate that Sherrill has spoken to Lois Zells about
070435 - these points, but without anything in the record on what was said,
070436 - there is nothing that supports coordinating opening remarks with other
070437 - presentations to provide continuity of ideas.
070438 -
070439 - Bill indicated the other speakers will have papers submitted by the
070440 - end of the month.
070441 -
070442 -
070443 -
0705 -
Turner, Alan Wetzel, Steve Rule
Buoncristiani, Dave, TMJB
0905 -
090501 - Follow up work at ref SDS 23 line 146, ref SDS 19 line 132,
090502 - line 98 and discussion with Steve today at ref SDS 17 line 110 re his
090503 - concerns and Welch letter ref DIP 2 line 38, about 13lling the truth,
090504 - ref DIP 2 line 214.
090505 -
090506 - Consider joint meeting with Dave and Turner, per ref SDS 26 line 78.
090507 -
090508 - I will call call David tomorrow to schedule this.
090509 -
090510 -
090511 -
090512 -
090513 -
0906 -
Asilomar Schedule, Moderator
Wink, Ed
Bea, Robert
Zells, Lois (may replace Walsh)
Ballon on Stephen Covey
1308 -
130801 - Follow up work at ref SDS 19 line 166, to schedule interviews to
130802 - orient presentations on event theme leadership and technology.
130803 -
130804 - Bill seemed to indicate that Sherrill has spoken to the these speakers
130805 - about these points, but without anything in the record on what was
130806 - said, there is nothing that supports coordinating opening remarks with
130807 - other presentations to provide continuity of ideas.
130808 -
130809 - Bill indicated these speakers will have papers submitted by the end of
130810 - the month.
130811 -
130812 - [See results from Asilomar at ref SDS 32 line 101.]
130813 -
130814 -
130815 -
1309 -
1310 -
Offringa, Peter, J., Kaiser Engineers
PMBOK, ISO 10006 Compliance
Leadership, Definition
Technology & Leadership Today
1707 -
170701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 29 line 198.
170702 -
170703 - Bill seemed to note that Sherrill is coordinating this.
170704 -
170705 -
170706 -
170707 -
1708 -
Seminar Binder
Event Binders
1905 -
190501 - Follow up work at ref SDS 3 line 457. Bill said there is a team
190502 - putting these binders together. They need all of the input by the
190503 - end of the month.
190504 -
190505 - We need to notify speakers of this schedule.
190506 -
190507 -
190508 -
190509 -
1906 -
Intel, David Vannier
2004 -
200401 - Bill said he cannot attend the 960524 meeting at Intel because he has
200402 - to pick Pat up at the airport at 1100.
200403 -
200404 - I have already indicate there will be at least two people attend. I
200405 - will call to see if anybody else wants to see Intel's rev 0.
200406 -
200407 -
200408 -
200409 -
200410 -
200411 -
2005 -
Chips, Morris Jones, V.P., Founder
2104 -
210401 - Followed up work at ref SDS 28 line 148, ref SDS 30 line 147 and at
210402 - ref SDS 10 line 74 on his paper, per ref SDS 9 line 79.
210403 -
210404 - Bill wants another meeting with Morris to coordinate his scope.
210405 -
210406 - I suggested he call Morris to arrange it. We considered trying to
210407 - schedule it on Friday after the meeting with Intel, except if he is
210408 - picking up Pat at 1130 at the airport, then he cannot get back to San
210409 - Jose in time.
210410 -
210411 -
210412 -
210413 -
210414 -
2105 -