440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: May 10, 1996 08:11 AM Friday;
Rod Welch
Analysed letter from Dave at Intel; develop data, info, knowledge idea.
2...Knowledge is Making Connections - "Consciousness"
...intelligence......................... see 970416, ref SDS 44 1191
3...Humanity has evolved various ways to describe the innate congitive
4...Management is Complex and Hard to Automate
......On 960518 "meaning drift" is defined similar to "Knowledge Creep"
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0202 - Chips & Tech. O-00000039 0101
Intel, SDS Study
Correlation to accepted practice and
Data, Wisdom, Distinct from Data, Information, Wisdom
Data/Information Converted into Knowledge
Convert Information into Knowledge
Consciousness, Wisdom v. Common Sense, Judgement
Information v. Knowledge
Cognition Linking Present to Past,
Intelligence Converts Information into
2211 -
2211 - ..
2212 - Summary/Objective
2213 -
221301 - Follow up ref SDS 36 0000.
221302 -
221303 - Needed to connect up the ideas on "data" v. "information" ref SDS 36
221304 - 7723, similar to information and wisdom, discussed with Morris on
221305 - 960227, ref SDS 16 0022, and analysed at ref SDS 12 8550.
221307 - ..
221308 - I received a congratulatory note from Pam Buck via email, and sent her
221309 - the email to David to answer her question on efforts to generate
221310 - business from the NWO article.
221312 - ..
221313 - I also sent a copy of the letter to David, ref SDS 36 8488, to Bill
221314 - and to Morris.
221315 -
221316 -
221317 -
221319 - ..
2214 -
2215 -
2216 - 2030 called Morris
2217 -
221701 - Knowledge is Making Connections - "Consciousness"
221702 -
221703 - From the record reviewing Dave Vannier's letter received yesterday,
221704 - 960509 ref SDS 36 7722 and discussion with Hank at ref SDS 24 8847 and
221705 - ref SDS 24 7477 about the value of SDS providing "connections," rather
221706 - than simply storing information, as an element of "consciousness,"
221707 - from analysis on 960409 of Time Magazine article, ref SDS 23 7211, and
221708 - analysis on 950830 of information, knowledge, wisdom, ref SDS 12 8550
221709 - and discussion on 960227 with Morris, ref SDS 16 0022. This also
221710 - relates to meetings with Intel on 950927, ref SDS 13 4839 and on
221711 - 960326, ref SDS 22 4839.
221713 - ..
221714 - Discussed various states of "consciousness" noted also by Peter
221715 - Drucker reviewed on 931130. ref SDS 4 5567
221717 - ..
221718 - intelligence......................... see 970416, ref SDS 44 1191
221719 - --+---------
221720 - |
221721 - | +----- Vision (seeing the future by knowing the past)
221722 - +--------+ History (specialists write and form judgements)
221723 - SDS helps -+ Wisdom (i.e., "uncommon sense")
221724 - this | Common Sense (judgement)
221725 - | Knowledge
221726 - +----- Information -----+
221727 - +--- Data +- IT is struggling to bridge
221728 - Computers do | Words/Numbers -----+ this gap
221729 - this stuff --+ Bytes
221730 - | Bits
221731 - +--- 01 [see.........970416, ref SDS 44 1111]
221732 - on off, yes no, up down, right wrong, life death
221733 -
221734 - wider templates of associations relative to time, which
221735 - reflects the accumulation of experience, is supported by Landauer's
221736 - LSA model, per ref SDS 19 8888.
221738 - ..
221739 - Concept of case studies, case law, common sense, wisdom was
221740 - developed at ref SDS 12 8550.
221742 - ..
221743 - History was discussed at ref SDS 3 7344.
221745 - ..
221746 - The idea of memory as "stories" that evolve into "history" was
221747 - developed at ref SDS 38 line 450.
221749 - ..
221750 - Memory as "chunks" is supported by Landauer's paper ref SDS 20 line
221751 - 357.
221753 - ..
221754 - Morris is beginning to see the declination of consciousness, or mental
221755 - acuity that results in Communication Metrics, explained on 950327, at
221756 - ref SDS 9 8008, I mentioned the article in Time magazine on
221757 - consciousness, religion, soul, "turning water into wine." ref SDS 22
221758 - line 208.
221759 -
221760 - [On 960627 used this in meeting with Intel, ref SDS 39 4833.]
221762 - ..
221763 - [On 960620 idea of human memory as "stories" at ref SDS 38 1485.]
221765 - ..
221766 - Humanity has evolved various ways to describe the innate congitive
221767 - structure of the mind....
221768 -
221769 - Law calls it......................"discovery"
221770 - Theology calls it.................."religion"
221771 - Military calls it.............."Intelligence"
221772 -
221773 - ...from work on 960307 explaining goals for the Asilomar Conference
221774 - in meeting with Dave Bounchristiani, ref SDS 18 4492.
221775 -
221776 -
221777 -
221778 -
2218 -
Difficult to Understand, Management is Complex
Management is Integrating Craft, Poetry, Harmony, Balance
Meaning, Maintain Shared, Knowledge Creep, Drifting Off Course
Meeting Notes, confirm understandings, Intelligence, Military
Communication Manager, Management productivity
Harmony, Applying Work Practices together
Conflicting Understandings, Discover
Psychologically Demanding, Truth/Errors,
Understanding aided by Technology
Meetings Unproductive Misunderstanding Failed Communication Causes Re
4812 -
481301 - ..
481302 - Management is Complex and Hard to Automate
481303 -
481304 - Morris expressed frustration that a room full of very smart people get
481305 - mad because everyone comes to different conclusions on the same set of
481306 - "data" and/or "information," similar to our meeting with Bill DeHart
481307 - on the agenda for Asilomar. ref SDS 44 7390 Everybody remembers
481308 - things differently, as reported at PG&E on 941211. ref SDS 7 6488
481310 - ..
481311 - This reflects the fact that data and information are converted into
481312 - knowledge by each individual whose varying experience leads them
481313 - through "common sense" to different meanings since there is not enough
481314 - time for people to align what is said by a lot of people in a short
481315 - time span with the variety of related information, per analysis on
481316 - 960518 of Tom Landauer's paper explaining knowledge acquisition. see
481317 - ref SDS 37 8787, and "meaning drift" ref SDS 37 3734
481319 - ..
481320 - Morris feels this is an impossible challenge for technology to bridge.
481321 -
481322 - [On 960326 Intel found that Communication Metrics improves
481323 - meetings. ref SDS 22 3004.]
481324 -
481325 - [On 960721 meetings between Chips, Intel, Lockheed/Martin
481326 - conflict, anger because people remember what happened at the last
481327 - meeting differently. ref SDS 41 0896
481329 - ..
481330 - [On 970123 Intel uses "constructive confrontation" for meetings.
481331 - ref SDS 42 1111
481333 - ..
481334 - Ann Bevington cited this problem on 950605, ref SDS 11 1842. Actually
481335 - Morris raised this earlier in a different context, ref SDS 8 1994.
481337 - ..
481338 - On 951101 they were trying psychologists, ref SDS 14 5500, and also on
481339 - 951103. ref SDS 15 4355
481341 - ..
481342 - On 960301 we considered the challenge of "managing managers" based on
481343 - Drucker's writing. ref SDS 17 5760
481345 - ..
481346 - On 911123 we discussed the advantage of SDS to improve on conventional
481347 - "feel good" management. ref SDS 2 4930
481348 -
481349 - [On 960721 meeting notes from contracting parties that conflict,
481350 - ref SDS 41 0896, and Morris' concern that Welch's SDS records are
481351 - inaccurate, ref SDS 41 6666
481353 - ..
481354 - [See explanation of how technology can support "understanding" in
481355 - paper for Morris, ref SDS 40 8201
481357 - ..
481358 - This reflects analysis of Wiederhold's paper on Mediators, ref SDS 6
481359 - 7500, and earlier Campbell's explanation of the challenges to make AI
481360 - useful, ref SDS 1 3002.
481362 - ..
481363 - A key concept in Communication Metrics to achieve common understanding
481364 - is that management is an "integrating" craft to harmonize resources
481365 - and interests which vary over time, ref OF 1 5884. In order to get an
481366 - improvement of the management process, all of the elements of good
481367 - management have to be improved together, as explained in the paper on
481368 - POIMS. ref OF 1 2415
481370 - ..
481371 - A key ingredient that is generally overlooked in efforts to improve
481372 - management is that executives are not aware of mistakes of induction
481373 - caused by divergent experience, discussed with Fluor Daniel on 960501.
481374 - ref SDS 32 6728. The theory of inducation in cognitive science can
481375 - help bridge gaps in understanding among different people, as explained
481376 - in Landauer's paper reviewed on 960321. ref SDS 19 8888
481378 - ..
481379 - On 960518 "meaning drift" is defined similar to "Knowledge Creep"
481380 - ref SDS 37 3734, in the NWO paper, ref OF 2 9449, that shows
481381 - conflicting meeting notes reported on 960721, ref SDS 41 0896,
481382 - and concern about inaccurate records, ref SDS 41 6666, eminate
481383 - from of a common cause that is soleved by Communication Metrics.
481385 - ..
481386 - I mentioned Dr. Landauer's paper on LSA in the record for 960321 that
481387 - sets out the role of induction under a theory of dimension matching,
481388 - ref SDS 19 2882, that causes people to give common information from
481389 - events like business meetings different meanings, based on their
481390 - experience, ref SDS 19 1234, from discussions with Fluor Daniel on
481391 - 960501. ref SDS 32 6728, reflecting Jeromy Campbell's observation
481392 - reviewed on 900303 that humans are not logic machines, they are
481393 - "experience machines." ref SDS 1 3002. The NWO paper says the mind is
481394 - too complex to replicate through AI, so, quoting Dr. Landauer, let's
481395 - instead look for things it can do that are helpful, ref OF 2 line
481396 - 1068, such as discover the mental pictures (paradigms) we have. Let's
481397 - leverage the capacity to think, remember and communicate.
481399 - ..
481400 - I mentioned my sense that the IT industry is blinded to SDS by its
481401 - cultural paradigm of "data" and now "information" while I am working
481402 - on creating knowledge and wisdom, as a function of experience, as
481403 - discussed above. ref SDS 0 2222
481405 - ..
481406 - We looked at the J.C. Penny observation on "vision." ref SDS 10 5622
481408 - ..
481409 - Morris indicated Penny's point did not relate the role of experience
481410 - in extending "vision."
481411 -
481412 -
4815 -