440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: May 6, 1996 11:25 AM Monday; Rod Welch

Called Steve re time for their Asilomar talk; letter to Sherrill.


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0201 - Turner Const. SF                   415 274 2900 fax 989 1370
020101 - Mr. Steve Rule; Territory Engineer =415 274 2917; Engineering Department

Turner, Darrell Partey, Steve Rule

0403 -    ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 19 line 65, ref SDS 18 line 66, 
040502 - line 80, ref SDS 13 line 82, ref SDS 11 line 81, ref SDS 8ref SDS 6 line 71 and ref DIP 9 line 30, and proposal on SFO project
040504 - at ref DIP 1 line 30, to try Communication Metrics.
040505 -
040506 -
040507 -
040508 -
0406 -
0407 -
0408 - Progress
0409 -
040901 - As a result of discussions with Bill where his computer is down and he
040902 - could not call Steve, I called and advised Steve that I followed up
040903 - per his request and that Bill will be calling him.
040904 -
040905 - I indicated my general understanding that Turner will have 45 minutes
040906 - to speak.  Steve feels they can meet later in the week, Thursday or
040907 - Friday.  Bill will coordinate it, including possible joint meeting
040908 - with Dave Buoncristiani.
040909 -
040910 - Steve feels the draft letter to Sherrill may be too strong in
040911 - suggesting that Welch did not tell the truth.  I indicated that is a
040912 - baseline position, so he can edit it to reflect his perspective. Steve
040913 - feels Turner is adequately informed at this time and it is not
040914 - necessary to send a letter to Sherrill.
040915 -
040916 - He indicated the connection between empowerment and telling the truth
040917 - is not apparent from his experience.  I mentioned Steve's work in TQM
040918 - from the meeting we had on 960405, ref SDS 6 line 163, and that
040919 - Communication Metrics extends those ideas so it is possible to apply
040920 - sound communication practices consistently.  I asked Steve if we could
040921 - work on his ideas at a convenient time down the road.  He feels this
040922 - might be helpful.  This would develop his formulation of Turner as a
040923 - "Communication Manager." ref DIP 12 line 263 and at ref SDS 5 line
040924 - 108.
040925 -
040926 -
040927 -
040928 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"