440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 28, 1996 08:44 AM Sunday;
Rod Welch
Investigate installing W95 after getting os2 running again.
.....Windows 95 Boot Disk CPU #8 DOS 6.22
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0201 - Microsoft Corporation Telephone
020101 - Mr. Erik =Telephone Last Name; Technician
020102 - MS Dos Support 800 936 5700 (costs $25)
0403 - ..
0404 - Summary/Objective
0405 -
040501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 3 line 50, ref SDS 2 line 128. Windows
040502 - 95 will not boot up now.
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0406 -
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0408 - Analysis
0409 -
040901 - The problem might be that the system files needed to boot w95 that are
040902 - not transfered when the sys command is used on the w95 boot disk to
040903 - transfer the system files to c:.
040904 -
040905 - The list of files on the w95 boot disk and the C: drive are:
040906 -
040907 - Windows 95 Boot Disk CPU #8 DOS 6.22
040908 - ------------------------------
040909 - IO.SYS 223148 95-07-11 IO SYS 40,774 05-31-94
040910 - IO DOS 223,148 07-11-95
040911 - DRVSPACE.BIN 71287 95-07-11 DRVSPACE BIN 66,294 05-31-94
040912 - MSDOS.SYS 9 95-10-31 MSDOS SYS 38,138 05-31-94
040913 - MSDOS DOS 6 04-09-96
040914 - EBD.SYS 0 95-10-31
040915 -
040916 - It appears that the io.sys file now installed is for DOS 6.22 and we
040917 - need to swap this for io.dos
040918 -
040919 - Do same for drvspace.bin, msdos.sys
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040921 -
040922 -
040923 -
040924 - ..
0410 -
0411 -
0412 - 0922 called Microsoft
0413 -
041301 - This is to get help to install the thing, following up ref SDS 1 line
041302 - 55.
041303 -
041304 - Talked to Erick. Gave him the MBNA credit card for $35 per incident.
041305 -
041306 - Talked to Mike. task: 16412035
041307 -
041308 - When w95 startup message, hit F8.
041309 -
041310 - We tried opetion 3 to boot in "safe mode". This failed.
041311 -
041312 - He recommends installing W95. From DOS prompt:
041313 -
041314 - j: win95 setup /p f
041315 -
041316 - [On 960506 called back to follow up. ref SDS 4 0001
041317 -
041318 -
041319 -
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0414 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"