440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 25, 1996 04:44 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Called Morris re Asilomar.
2...Introducing a New System of Knowledge is Challenging
.....Metrics of Communications, Illustrated
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0201 - Chips & Tech. O-00000039 0101
020101 - Mr. Morris E. Jones
020102 - Sr. Vice President
PMI Event Program, Planning Jul Event, Speakers, Morris
Welch Management Method
Leadership Associate/Aid
0605 -
0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Follow up ref SDS 17 0000, ref SDS 15 1811.
060703 - ..
060704 - Advised Morris he will be getting the official agenda from Sherrill.
060705 - He talked about contacting Sherrill to clarify his presentation,
060706 - however, he left it unclear what he plans to do.
060707 -
060708 - [See follow up at ref SDS 25 line 79.]
060709 -
060711 - ..
0608 -
0609 -
0610 - Discussion
0611 -
061101 - He has just returned from a week in Utah where he was vacationing, and
061102 - has picked up Jarrod from Bringham Young University, for a weekend at
061103 - home.
061105 - ..
061106 - I explained Bill's request that I notify him about Sherrill's letter
061107 - transmitting the Asilomar agenda, ref SDS 23 line 148. I asked if he
061108 - has made any progress on formalizing his remarks for Asiloamar?
061110 - ..
061111 - Morris asked about his presentation. I explained he is scheduled as
061112 - last speaker and this will be at 0900a on Sunday, then there will be
061113 - a panel that closes.
061115 - ..
061116 - I read the description of his presentation in the Schedule. Morris
061117 - feels this has changed from what Sherrill asked him to do when they
061118 - met in March, although "obstacles" is still there. I explained the
061119 - evolution in the description of Morris' presentation, ref SDS 19 line
061120 - 121. Morris commented this evolution reflects my personal agenda for
061121 - the event, rather than Sherrill's objectives. I noted that my agenda
061122 - is for Morris to define the need for a "Communication Manager" role to
061123 - apply technology that supports leadrship, similar to the "Leadership
061124 - Aide" or "intelligence" role Hank Hatch identified, ref SDS 16 line
061125 - 655. It is my general sense that Sherrill has not focused on this
061126 - objective.
061127 -
061128 - [See follow up at ref SDS 26 line 148.]
061129 - ..
061130 - Morris said he he will call Sherrill after he receives the
061131 - schedule in the mail, to clarify the ideas Sherrill has in mind for
061132 - the closing speaker. He feels the close should be inspiriational. He
061133 - will ask Sherrill about whether he should plan on closing with
061134 - inspirational, or whether this will be done with General Hatch.
061136 - ..
061137 - I mentioned my understanding that Bill is still working with Ahmet on
061138 - getting General Hatch to close the event, maybe with a 10 or 15 minute
061139 - talk, per ref SDS 23 line 136. Morris asked if Hatch has actually
061140 - agreed to speak. I read Hatch's letter on this ref DRP 4 line 23,
061141 - received at ref SDS 13 line 154.
061143 - ..
061144 - Morris said he will not discuss Hatch with Sherrill.
061146 - ..
061147 - He observed that his topic gives him considerable flexibility on the
061148 - message to bring to Asilomar. This is consistent with my view
061149 - discussed previously at ref SDS 17 line 75.
061150 -
061151 -
061152 -
061153 -
0612 -
Culture Shock, Communication Metrics
Summary & Outline Agenda
Asilomar Schedule
Leadership with Broader Vision to Apply New
Change is Needed/Resisted, Innovation
Ambassadors of Change
Metrics, Measuring Understanding with
Ignorance, Fear, Denial
Metrics, Discover and Fix Mistakes
1911 -
191201 - ..
191202 - Introducing a New System of Knowledge is Challenging
191203 -
191204 - Morris noted that my objectives for Asilomar are not being realized,
191205 - as measured by comparing the proposed agenda ref OF 2 line 45, with
191206 - what has been produced by the Asilomar Committee, ref DRP 4 line 134.
191208 - ..
191209 - Metrics of Communications, Illustrated
191210 -
191211 - Analysis on 960416 shows differences between the planned scope to
191212 - present Communication Metrics and what is actually scheduled,
191213 - which offers no solutions; in doing so, it illustrates the
191214 - "metrics" which Morris has had difficulty grasping the past year
191215 - or so. ref SDS 18 9520
191216 -
191217 - [On 960721 Morris reported that speakers did not address the
191218 - published theme at Asilomar. ref SDS 29 8258]
191220 - ..
191221 - Morris' comment of a disjunction between planned and actual
191222 - results shows he has has "measured" planned scope communicated to
191223 - him by Welch against actual scope communicated by the Asilomar
191224 - Committee, and grasped that these do not correlate, i.e., "align."
191226 - ..
191227 - On 950223 Morris worried about the meaning of effective "metrics"
191228 - for communications. ref SDS 3 5567
191230 - ..
191231 - I concurred it has been challenging to align Asilomar with the NWO
191232 - vision of a new management science, information technology and tools
191233 - to improve leadership. The theme is okay, and the thesis is adequate.
191234 - Educating the PMI committee and the speakers requires dedication and
191235 - imagination. SDS helps generate ideas and keeps actions coming
191236 - forward, however, I need lots of help from others who share the goal
191237 - of better technology to support leadership.
191239 - ..
191240 - That is why I am trying to educate Morris, General Hatch, Dave Vannier
191241 - and others who have a nominal interest in better management, so they
191242 - can tell the story at Asilomar. It takes credible sources to help
191243 - people less motivated to improve the practice of management, to reach
191244 - out for better tools and to invest the time needed to grasp the power
191245 - of new ideas.
191247 - ..
191248 - I told him about the experience with Kwan Henmi, where Denis said
191249 - yesterday that he did not put Communication Metrics in his proposal,
191250 - as he had indicated 5 months ago was done, because it is a "foreign
191251 - term," ref SDS 22 line 98. Trying to make it "un-foreign," like
191252 - accountant, architect, street sweeper, broker, takes time and
191253 - opportunities to permit people to experience the meaning so it can be
191254 - ingrained like the value of the alphabet.
191255 -
191256 - [The challenge of introducing a new system of knowledge was later
191257 - developed in further review of George Gilder's book "Microcosm,"
191258 - at ref SDS 27 line 214.]
191260 - ..
191261 - [See post event review where Morris felt nobody addressed the
191262 - Asilomar theme, ref SDS 29 line 264, and analysis at ref SDS 28
191263 - line 135, ref SDS 28 line 568, and on accomplishments, ref SDS 28
191264 - line 760.]
191265 -
191266 -
191267 -
1913 -
Teleputer, $500 internet access
2003 -
2004 - 2102 called back
200501 - ..
200502 - Discussed recent interview on Charlie Rose program with Ellison who is
200503 - chairman at Oracle, citing a meeting with president Clinton and reps
200504 - from Sun MicroSystems. Morris seemed to indicate their objective to
200505 - make a $500 computer to access the internet are possible. He also
200506 - seemed to say that replacing DOS with something on the internet is not
200507 - feasible.
200509 - ..
200510 - We talked about the idea of transcending the operating system war with
200511 - a concept of making a personal computer an operating system for people
200512 - and organizations.
200513 -
200514 - [See follow up on a quote from Morris, ref SDS 24 line 73.]
200515 -
200516 -
200517 -
200518 -
2006 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"