440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 25, 1996 11:04 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Called Jeannette at PMI Comm. on Asilomar/NWO matter.
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0201 - PMI Communications 704 586 3715 fax 4020
020101 - Ms. Jeannette Cabais; News Editor =704 586 3715
PMI Asilomar Publicity
Asilomar & NWO
0804 - ..
0805 - Summary/Objective
0806 -
080601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 5 line 58, ref SDS 3 line 104, r
080602 - line 102, ref SDS 1 line 100, ref DIP 2 line 30 to Jim Pennypecker and
080603 - ref DIP 3 line 30, to Jeannette at her home.
080604 -
080605 -
080606 -
0807 -
0808 -
0809 - Discussion
0810 -
081001 - Jeannette said she received at her home the email ref DIP 3 line 34,
081002 - submitting the letter to Jim, ref DIP 2 line 30. She expected it was
081003 - also sent to PMI Communications office, so she expected to get it
081004 - there and since I only sent to her home, she has not read it contrary
081005 - to our understandings at ref SDS 1 line 114.
081006 -
081007 - Jeannette was injured in an accident at home last week. She has not
081008 - been feeling well, and has actually been hospitalized briefly. That
081009 - is why she did not do the work at her home, as we discussed last week.
081010 - She was intending to call me today to ask that I send the email to her
081011 - at work. She did not think of forwarding the email I sent to her at
081012 - home, to her work address.
081013 -
081014 - I asked if the copy I sent by mail has arrived? Jeannette said she
081015 - has not received her letter, and Jim has not given her any mail from
081016 - me. She will inquire though to see if it came in today.
081017 -
081018 - [See correction on the above point, they had the letter, ref SDS 7
081019 - line 122.]
081020 -
081021 - She asked me to submit the thing to the office.
081022 -
081023 - I zipped the file and sent it again.
081024 -
081025 -
081026 -
0811 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"