440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 17, 1996 05:00 PM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Attend PMI meeting at Gabbiano's in San Francisco.
2...Uses and Abuses of Power
.....Authority Conflicts with TQM
3...Asilomar Conference
5...Management of Global Banking Projects
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0201 - Raychem Corporation 415 361 3333 fax 5090
0202 - Raychem Corporation 415 361 3333 fax 5090
020201 - Mr. C. Douglas Ballon, A.I.A.; Project Manager
020202 - Corporate Real Estate and Construction
0203 - Sandia National Laboratories 510 294 2569 fax 2338
020301 - Mr. John C. McMichael
020302 - Organization 8305, Mail Stop 9056
PMI Monthly meetings
Change & Buy In; Cost/Benefit Evaluation
Management productivity & Teamwork
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Follow up ref SDS 35 0000, ref SDS 30 0000.
070802 -
070803 - Speaker on "authority" advised that TQM is a fad that conflicts with
070804 - need for authority to direct the work.
070805 -
070806 -
070807 -
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Speakers
0712 -
071201 - Forum
071202 - Uses and Abuses of Power
071203 -
071204 - Monthly Newsletter says on page 2 that Dr. Don Rossmoore is from
071205 - Harvard University and has a Ph.D. from Anderson School of Management
071206 - at UCLA.
071207 -
071208 - In 1974 Dr. Roosmoore founded and operated the American Boiler
071209 - Cleaning Company in New York. He sold that business and started a
071210 - record production and music publishing company that operated on both
071211 - coasts.
071212 -
071213 -
071214 - Reengineering
071215 -
071216 - He has designed reengineering at MasterCard International,
071217 - Prudential, Hughes Aircraft.
071218 -
071219 - Facilitated reorganization of New York Stock Exchange in response
071220 - to declining market share.
071221 -
071222 - Consulting
071223 -
071224 - Consults on high tech firms like Apple and Hughes. He helped
071225 - build Apple Computer's server business from $40M to $250M.
071226 -
071227 - Politics
071228 -
071229 - Supported Mike Woo run for mayor of Los Angles.
071230 -
071231 - Helped Tom Bradley's last campaign for mayor.
071232 -
071233 -
071234 - Authority Conflicts with TQM
071235 -
071236 - This speaker said TQM is a fad that has no underlying rationale,
071237 - since it does not apply the hierarchial power concept. He said
071238 - the Japanese reputation for managing by concensus conflicts with
071239 - the reality of its hierarchial culture. The speaker seems to
071240 - conflict with the PMI article suggesting that negotiation can
071241 - replace authority, ref SDS 40 line 446.
071242 -
071243 - [See follow up on TQM at Varian at ref SDS 41 line 88.]
071244 -
071245 - The speaker seemed to be primarily experienced with internal
071246 - projects. He advised of need to negotiate at the outset of an
071247 - undertaking for adequate authority. This means the authority must
071248 - be supported at a level high enough to cover the range of
071249 - functions included in the team and whose support or cooperation
071250 - are needed.
071251 -
071252 - I asked for an example of a document showing such authority and to
071253 - give us examples of how it was exercised, comparable to a
071254 - contract. Dr. Roosemoore said he would do this, but did not do
071255 - it.
071256 -
071257 -
071258 - Asilomar Conference
071259 -
071260 - Sherrill McDonald was introduced to explain Asilomar. He said there
071261 - will be interesting speakers, and thanked Bill DeHart and me for
071262 - helping on the agenda. Sherrill asked if there are any questions.
071263 -
071264 - I raised my hand and was recognized by Sherrill.
071265 -
071266 - I stood up and announced that Sherrill was "hiding his light under a
071267 - bushel." The membership should know of Sherrill's outstanding work
071268 - under the leadership of Ahmet Taspinar in assembling a compelling
071269 - slate of speakers to address the central question of management at the
071270 - dawn of the 21st century: how to implement sound management practices
071271 - in the PMBOK and ISO consistently in the face of the tyranny of the
071272 - Information Highway, so we can improve earnings, create more jobs and
071273 - transcend the decay of downsizing now afflicting much of the world. I
071274 - cited Sherrill's success in bringing Intel Corporation to Asilomar to
071275 - explain future technology to empower leadership; and, he is bringing
071276 - Turner Construction to the conference to show the level of effort
071277 - required for effective communications in high risk work. I mentioned
071278 - Doug Ballon is speaking Stephen Covey's idea to first "understand,"
071279 - then prescribe, and keeping a daily journal sharpens mental acuity. We
071280 - are all looking forward to hear at Asilomar how technology supports
071281 - these powerful secrets to effective leadership.
071282 -
071283 - Sherrill then cited Morris Jones from Chips & Technologies will be
071284 - talking on how technology can overcome obstacles to leadership. He
071285 - mentioned Dave Buoncristiani will explain how these obstacles are
071286 - manifest in mistakes because executives cannot remember critical
071287 - details, as seen from the discovery process in litigation and from
071288 - testimony at trial.
071289 -
071290 -
071291 -
071292 - Dinner
071293 - Management of Global Banking Projects
071294 -
071295 - Mr. Leo J. Schiavello, VP and Director of Private Bank Project
071296 - Management with BOA.
071297 -
071298 - I need to submit to Leo information on NWO.
071299 -
071300 -
071301 -
071302 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"