440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 16, 1996 07:47 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Completed notes of meeting with Hank Hatch at Fluor.
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0201 - Fluor Daniel Corporation 703 247 7723 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Henry J. Hatch; Vice President =703 247 7723
General Hatch, Fluor/Corps of Engineers
Leadership is Imploding
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 37 line 77, ref SDS 36 line 76.
050702 -
050703 - Seem to have this thing done. I am sending ref DIT 1 line 28, just
050704 - the notes of the meeting with a summary and action items, and I am
050705 - sending the POIMS paper, per Hank's request, ref SDS 33 line 238.
050706 - Called Rachael and got the address for his Irvine office. Sent a copy
050707 - to Irvine and to Arlington offices. Rachael said Hank is in transit
050708 - today and tomorrow to return to Irvine.
050709 -
050710 - Will send notes of the 960326 meeting with Intel later, if requested,
050711 - ref SDS 33 line 546.
050712 -
050713 - Sent separate email ref DIT 2 line 33, advising of mailing the notes
050714 - and asking about follow up with the
050715 -
050716 - Corps of Engineers ref SDS 33 line 1209
050717 - Scott at Fluor, ref SDS 33 line 1115
050718 - Vernon Walters Leadership Aide for him ref 3 line 673,
050719 - and ref SDS 33 line 1153.
050720 -
050721 - [See follow up at ref SDS 38 line 108.]
050722 -
050723 -
050724 - I advised that Bill and I are meeting with Sherrill McDonald today at
050725 - the PMI monthly meeting, per our understandings at ref SDS 33 line
050726 - 604.
050727 -
050728 - Submitting copy to Bill via email. Submitted a copy to Max and Tom at
050729 - COE, SFD.
050730 -
050731 -
050732 -
050733 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"