440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: April 15, 1996 01:04 PM Monday; Rod Welch

Called Embassy Suites re cancelled room.


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0201 - Fluor Daniel Corporation           703 247 7723 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Henry J. Hatch; Vice President =703 247 7723

General Hatch, Fluor/Corps of Engineers
Leadership is Imploding

0404 -    ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 28 line 68, ref SDS 21 line 267.
040602 -
040603 -          Embassy Suites confirmation:   81679517
040604 -
040605 - Flew to JWI, discussed Asilomar agenda and the results of the meeting
040606 - with Hank Hatch.  Decided not to stay over, flew back this evening.
040607 -
040608 -
040609 -
040610 -
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - Progress
0410 -
041001 - Received notice from Embassy Suites of a charge for $139 for a room we
041002 - did not rent last week for meeting at Fluor, ref SDS 28 line 111.
041003 -
041004 -
0411 -
0412 -
0413 - 1350 called Embassy Suites          714 553 8332
0414 -
041401 - Followed up discussions at ref SDS 21 line 364.
041402 -
041403 - Talked to William Gonnin.  I apologized for not being able to stay at
041404 - the hotel the other day and explained our circumstances that impaired
041405 - calling to cancel.  William said it is very helpful in managing
041406 - reservations for guests to call when plans are changed, but hotel
041407 - recognizes that every situation does not lend itself to making a call
041408 - to notify of cancellations.  I explained our history of staying at
041409 - Embassy Suites, high regard for the hotel and expectation of using the
041410 - hotel in Irvine more often in the future.  This occassion did not work
041411 - out and we were not positioned to call.
041412 -
041413 - William said he will put through a credit on this.
041414 -
041415 -
041416 -
041417 -
041418 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"