440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 5, 1996 08:36 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Received approval from Hank Hatch for quote on Asilomar.
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0201 - Fluor Daniel Corporation 703 247 7723 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Henry J. Hatch; Vice President =703 247 7723
General Hatch, Fluor/Corps of Engineers
Leadership is Imploding
PMI National Publications
0607 - ..
0608 - Summary/Objective
0609 -
060901 - Followed up work at ref SDS 22 line 70, ref SDS 21 line 68.
060902 - ..
060903 - Received ref DRT 1 line 30 from Hank approving proposed quote
060904 - submitted via ref DIP 7 line 42 at ref SDS 22 line 153.
060905 -
060906 - [See submission at ref SDS 24 line 185.]
060907 -
060908 - Bill reports Hank is still removed from the speaker slate. Bill plans
060909 - further efforts to correct this.
060910 -
060911 -
0610 -
0611 -
0612 - 2048 called Bill
0613 -
061301 - Told him about Hank's approval, per above.
061302 -
061303 - Bill said he met with Sherrill before the full Asilomar committee
061304 - meeting today. Sherrill said Pete told him he was willing to replace
061305 - Hank Hatch, contrary to understandings at ref SDS 21 line 100.
061306 -
061307 - Bill indicated that Sherrill feels Pete can do an adequate job
061308 - speaking at Asilomar. The idea that Hank and Pete could divide up the
061309 - scope, where one opens the conference ref OF 3 line 113, and the other
061310 - closes, ref OF 3 line 280 per work at ref SDS 1 line 424, was not
061311 - accepted by Sherrill, ref SDS 21 line 187, and was not considered by
061312 - the committee at the meeting today.
061313 -
061314 - [See follow up at ref SDS 23 line 104.]
061315 -
061316 - I mentioned strong recommendations received for General Hatch at ref
061317 - SDS 2 line 66. Those recommendations are consistent with Hatch's
061318 - biography, ref DRP 1 line 88, received at ref SDS 21 line 162. So far
061319 - there is nothing in the record indicating Pete is an inspirational
061320 - speaker, or brings the credentials Hatch offers. Where is Pete's
061321 - biography? Who has heard him speak on project management, the New
061322 - World Order, the need for cultural change?
061323 -
061324 - Bill plans to speak with Sherrill again about this tomorrow.
061325 -
061326 - It appears from this record that Hank's analysis of Kaiser advocating
061327 - a separate agenda is at work here, ref SDS 19 line 110.
061328 -
061329 -
061330 -
061331 -
061332 -
0614 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"