440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 3, 1996 10:09 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Began article to PMI Com on Asilomar conference.
2...Asilomar Event Article
3...Project World PMI Dinner Meeting
......Asilomar Survey of Support Managers Need
......Asilomar Post Event Article
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0201 - PMI Communications 704 293 9711 or 9714 fax 9801
PMI Asilomar Publicity
0603 - ..
0604 - Summary/Objective
0605 -
060501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 10 line 83, ref SDS 8 line 56, r
060502 - line 53, ref SDS 4 line 52 submitting ref DIP 3 line 30 and earlier
060503 - discussions at Project World at ref DIP 5 line 30 submitted at ref SDS
060504 - 3 line 66, per discussions at Project World PMI meeting, ref SDS 2
060505 - line 412.
060506 -
060507 - Began letter today. [Completed it at ref SDS 13 line 110.]
060508 -
060509 -
060510 -
0606 -
0607 -
0608 - Discussion
0609 -
060901 - He asked last night about the background on this. We discussed our
060902 - meeting on 960326 when he reviewed the telecon with Jim Pennypacker,
060903 - ref SDS 11 line 119.
060904 -
060905 - Bill wants to make sure my contact with PMI Communications is solely
060906 - from the perspective of commenting on the correlations between the
060907 - ideas in the NWO article, Asilomar and Project World.
060908 -
060909 - [See follow up at ref SDS 13 line 168.]
060910 -
060911 - I need a version of the agenda with a PMI rep letterhead to anchor my
060912 - comments to PMI Communications. Otherwise something will come along
060913 - that will not be supported.
060914 -
060915 - I will use the ideas from Drucker discussed with Morris at, ref SDS 7
060916 - line 272.
060917 -
060918 - Began preparing a letter to Jim.
060919 -
060920 - Cite AP article on poor management ref SDS 6 line 81, and the article
060921 - on risk management showing communication is the achilles heel of
060922 - management, ref SDS 1 line 117.
060923 -
060924 -
060925 -
0610 -
0611 -
0612 - 1108 called Bill
0613 -
061301 - Explained the objective. Bill will call Ahmet for permission to
061302 - release a current working version to PMI Communications so facilitate
061303 - their desire to write up Asilomar in relation to the PMI National
061304 - Board attending and to extend the dialog begun at Project World on the
061305 - correlation between PMBOK and ISO.
061306 -
061307 - Bill with then mail a copy of Sherrill's agenda that is being used to
061308 - prepare Asilomar advertising brochure, which he has not yet received,
061309 - to Jim and send me a copy.
061310 -
061311 -
0614 -
0615 -
0616 - 1120 called PMI Communications
0617 -
061701 - Left message for Jim that he may get a call from Ahmet to verify they
061702 - are doing an article.
061703 -
061704 -
061705 - ..
0618 -
0619 -
0620 - 1527 called Bill
0621 -
062101 - He has talked to Ahmet and advised he is releasing a copy of the
062102 - agenda to Jim Pennypacker at PMI Communications.
062103 -
062104 - He will send me a copy of the letter to Jim.
062105 -
062106 - [See follow up at ref SDS 12 line 103.]
062107 -
062108 -
062109 - Asilomar Event Article
062110 - Project World PMI Dinner Meeting
062111 -
062112 - Followed up work at ref SDS 5 line 112, and ref SDS 10 line 149.
062113 -
062114 -
062115 - Asilomar Survey of Support Managers Need
062116 -
062117 - I mentioned the idea of a survey form that could be included to
062118 - obtain input for the Asilomar event in defining a new management
062119 - science, new work role and support managers feel they need to be
062120 - more effective, per analysis at ref SDS 9 line 489.
062121 -
062122 - Jim requested that I draft an article and proposed survey form,
062123 - and submit this background.
062124 -
062125 - He needs it by the end of next week, so it can be published in
062126 - the June issue which will be mailed to members on May 23. This
062127 - timing is adequate to provide notice for the people we want to
062128 - encourage to attend.
062129 -
062130 - [See follow up with Bill at ref SDS 11 line 122.]
062131 -
062132 - [See follow up deferring survey, ref SDS 13 line 154.]
062133 -
062134 -
062135 - Asilomar Post Event Article
062136 -
062137 - Jim said he will be attending the Asilomar event and so he can
062138 - report on the results.
062139 -
062140 -
062141 -
062142 -
062143 -
062144 -
0622 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"