440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: April 1, 1996 08:33 AM Monday;
Rod Welch
Received call from Hank Hatch at Fluor re closing speaker at Asilomar.
2...Develop Joint Presentation with Kaiser Guy
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0201 - Fluor Daniel Corporation 703 247 7723 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Henry J. Hatch; Vice President =703 247 7723
General Hatch, Fluor/Corps of Engineers
Leadership is Imploding
0505 - ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 12 line 72.
050702 -
050703 - Hank is on track to speak at Asilomar. He will send Sherrill a
050704 - confirmation today. Bill advised later that the committee dropped
050705 - Hatch from the speaker slate. After we get confirmation from Hatch,
050706 - Bill will call him and advise of current status.
050707 -
050708 - [See follow up at ref SDS 13 line 82.]
050709 -
050710 -
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - Discussion
0511 -
051101 - Hank said he is returning my voice mail, after just returning to his
051102 - office from being away the past 2 months, per our understanding at ref
051103 - SDS 5 line 89.
051104 - ..
051105 - Hank confirmed he has scheduled to deliver the closing remarks
051106 - at Asilomar on 960714 per the agenda scope ref OF 1 line 61, submitted
051107 - via my letter on 960312, ref DIP 3 line 28, which is the same as in
051108 - the more recent agenda, ref OF 2 line 274.
051109 -
051110 - He has not seen the fax requesting confirmation, ref DIP 4 line 32,
051111 - but said he has a huge stack of mail on his desk he has yet to read.
051112 - The last contact he has read on PMI was my 960115 letter, ref DIP 2
051113 - line 31.
051114 -
051115 - I advised there is a letter of 960312 updating him on planning, as
051116 - well as my fax of 960328, ref DIP 4 line 31, requesting he send a
051117 - confirmation letter to Sherrill per a draft attached to my letter, ref
051118 - OF 6 line 29.
051119 -
051120 - I asked if he could take a moment and thumb through to see if it is
051121 - there. Hank said there is too much to go through on the phone, but he
051122 - will find the fax and the draft confirmation today, and get the
051123 - confirmation out today.
051124 -
051125 - I explained the committee's consideration for him to give opening
051126 - remarks on Jul 12 or the 13th, and that this can be centered on the
051127 - idea of preparedness, per the 960328 letter, ref DIP 4 line 35.
051128 -
051129 - We did not talk about his biography, but that was in my voice mail and
051130 - is in the letter, rer DIP 9 line 35. Since he did not object to the
051131 - prior description of his biography, what we have set out is presumably
051132 - okay.
051133 -
051134 -
051135 -
051136 -
0512 -
0513 -
0514 - 0915 called Bill
0515 -
051501 - Left voice mail of above understandings.
051502 -
051503 -
0516 -
0517 -
0518 - 1010 Bill called back
0519 -
051901 - He said the committee has dropped Hatch because they have not received
051902 - confirmation from him. Bill said Sherrill advised his contact at
051903 - Kaiser was unable to reach Hatch, ref SDS 12 line 130, so Ahmet
051904 - decided last Friday to use Sherrill's contact at Kaiser for the
051905 - opening speaker instead of Hatch. The Kaiser contact was Hatch's
051906 - deputy at COE. Bill said he did not attend the PMI committee meeting
051907 - on Friday. He had not had a chance to submit to Sherrill the
051908 - correspondence to Hatch confirming his appearance at Asilomar, but had
051909 - strongly advised Sherrill that Hatch had agreed to attend.
051910 -
051911 - Bill said Sherrill told him today that he received the copy of the
051912 - letter to Hatch on Saturday, ref DIP 4 line 31. Sherrill told Bill
051913 - that the letter's suggestion to talk on preparedness does not support
051914 - the event theme. Bill feels the agenda is beginning to fragment.
051915 -
051916 - It appears that Sherrill may have had a separate agenda to get credit
051917 - for bringing in a key speaker, and wanted it to be a Kaiser person,
051918 - rather than a Fluor Daniel guy, because of Sherrill's history with
051919 - Kaiser, and possible continued dealings with the firm. Normally, the
051920 - committee would have sent a confirmation to the speakers. That this
051921 - has not been done suggests lack of management rigor and/or another
051922 - agenda. Alternatively, Sherrill may have simply felt pressure because
051923 - his contact was unable to reach Hatch, and so panicked despite verbal
051924 - assurances from Bill. However, Intel has not confirmed its
051925 - presentation. Dave Buoncristiani had not sent a confirmation as of
051926 - Friday. We only heard last week that a confirmation was sought. Why
051927 - have Bill's assurances on Intel and Buoncristiani been accepted but
051928 - not those with respect to Hatch? Have confirmations been received
051929 - from the Kaiser rep or anyone else? No, it has all been conversation.
051930 - Bill is disappointed that conversation works for some folks and not
051931 - for others. This reflects personal perferences are at work, i.e.,
051932 - personal agendas.
051933 -
051934 - My goal was to promote an agenda at Asilomar to deal with the NWO
051935 - paper ideas. The plan was to educate the committee to align my agenda
051936 - with the agenda of key members of the PMI committee. This failed. We
051937 - cannot expect others to be any less interested in promoting their
051938 - agendas. The fact that such other agendas are ad hoc, disjointed and
051939 - personality driven rather that concept driven is harmful to the
051940 - Asilomar event. However, the event committee will have to deal with
051941 - that. We cannot save people from themselves.
051942 -
051943 - I read the letter to Hatch ref DIP 4 line 31, and the draft
051944 - confirmation.
051945 -
051946 - Bill said Sherrill planned to let Hatch know of the change in plans,
051947 - however, Bill advised Sherrill that he would do this. I suggested it
051948 - might be helpful for Sherrill to explain to Hatch why Asilomar wants
051949 - to hear from his former deputy, rather than from the General. Hatch
051950 - might explain to Sherrill that he had planned to bring a contingent to
051951 - Asilomar to hear about the ideas in the NWO paper.
051952 -
051953 - Bill wants to avoid alienating Hatch, so that Hatch might be available
051954 - for future speaking events.
051955 -
051956 -
051957 -
051958 - ..
0520 -
0521 -
0522 - 1117 Analysis
0523 -
052301 - Develop Joint Presentation with Kaiser Guy
052302 -
052303 - An idea that might work is for Hank to contact his former deputy at
052304 - Kaiser and inquire about doing a joint presentation. The Deputy could
052305 - simply introduce his former boss in conjuction with their efforts to
052306 - introduce Project Management at the Corps of Engineers. Or they might
052307 - in fact work out a joint presentation, where the Kaiser guy opens the
052308 - event, and Hank does the close as originally planned.
052309 -
052310 - If Hank were to go ahead and attend the event, it seems unlikely that
052311 - his deputy would not want to introduce him. This would give Hank the
052312 - opportunity to make a few points about the role of technology and
052313 - leadership by way of the ideas in the NWO paper.
052314 -
052315 - Maybe we can get a quote from Hank for the article in PMI
052316 - Communications.
052317 -
052318 - [See follow up at ref SDS 13 line 122.]
052319 -
052320 -
052321 -
0524 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"