440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 28, 1996 07:30 AM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Called Hank Hatch at Fluor re closing speaker at Asilomar.
2...Leadership is Imploding
3...PMBOK Defines Leadership
4...Leadership Aide Needed Because on Information Highway
5...Not Enough Time to Prepare, to Understand, to Succeed
6...Morris Jones - New Tools, Skills, Roles
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0201 - Fluor Daniel Corporation 703 247 7723 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Henry J. Hatch; Vice President =703 247 7723
General Hatch, Fluor/Corps of Engineers
Leadership is Imploding
Imploding on Information Highway
Obstacles to Leadership, Caused by &
Preparation, Be Prepared
0908 - ..
0909 - Summary/Objective
0910 -
091001 - Followed up work at ref SDS 23 line 76.
091002 -
091003 - Called and left message we need confirmation of Hank's biography for
091004 - advertising, suggested he give key note address on Friday, and I
091005 - submitted a draft ref OF 5 line 27, submitted via ref DIT 1 line 30,
091006 - to confirm Hank's participation at Asilomar.
091007 -
091008 - [See follow up at ref SDS 30 line 132.]
091009 -
091010 - Had a later discussion with Bill on Hatch, Morris, leadership, and
091011 - confirmed understandings via email at ref DIT 2 line 31.
091012 -
091013 -
0911 -
0912 -
0913 - Progress
0914 -
091401 - Hank's secretary said he is traveling today. I left a voice mail
091402 - asking him to verify we are on track for the event, and the biography
091403 - I submitted at ref SDS 23 line 82 via ref DIP 7 line 30.
091404 -
091405 - I did not mention that the Committee has given consideration to having
091406 - him make some opening remarks Saturday morning or Friday night.
091407 -
091408 - Hank's fax: 703 247 7720
091409 -
091410 - Lori Bacon
091411 -
091412 -
091413 -
0915 -
0916 -
0917 - 0750 called Bill
0918 -
091801 - Advised of message to the General. Bill said Sherrill is concerned
091802 - his contact at Kaiser has not been able to reach Hank, ref SDS 19 line
091803 - 294. Since they have to publish the agenda, they want confirmation of
091804 - Hank's schedule to do the event.
091805 -
091806 - I told him I will send Hank a draft letter to confirm his
091807 - participation. Bill suggested that Hank fax it to Millie so he can
091808 - take it to the Asilomar Committee meeting this week.
091809 -
091810 - [See results Hank dropped from Asilomar, ref SDS 28 line 125.]
091811 -
091812 -
091813 - ..
0919 -
0920 -
0921 - 1007 submitted letter to Hatch on "Be Prepared"
0922 -
092201 - I prepared ref DIT 1 line 30 with the confirmation draft letter to
092202 - Sherrill McDonald which I prepared at ref OF 5 line 27.
092203 -
092204 - This letter sets up an opening keynote address a the key leadership
092205 - issue of being prepared, per ref OF 3 line 110, which was developed at
092206 - ref SDS 24 4385, and considered again at ref SDS 25 6933. In the
092207 - letter to Hank, I used the examples focused on preparation at ref SDS
092208 - 24 6870.
092209 -
092210 - [See results at Asilomar, ref SDS 32 line 139.]
092211 -
092212 -
092213 - ..
0923 -
0924 -
0925 - 2106 Bill called back
0926 -
092601 - He said the meeting with Sherrill devoted a lot of time to considering
092602 - alternative language about the thesis. Bill feels strongly, it needs
092603 - to be set in order to identify the speakers and scope. He indicated
092604 - Sherrill wanted to spend more time on identifying speakers.
092605 -
092606 -
092607 -
092608 - Leadership is Imploding
092609 -
092610 - They have the idea General Hatch can spend 45 minutes or so defining
092611 - leadership, per ref OF 5 line 33. Actually, there is no apparent
092612 - scope for Hatch anywhere in Sherrill's agenda, ref OF 5 line 10.
092613 -
092614 - Bill is concerned this may be over exposure for the General and place
092615 - excess demands on his time to prepare two presentations. At this time
092616 - we have asked him to make a 15 minute talk on "Prepare to Succeed."
092617 - Bill said Sherrill wants a longer presentation. There was disagreement
092618 - on whether this talk should define fundamental challenges "of"
092619 - leadership or "to" leadership.
092620 -
092621 - Actually, there is no indication in Sherrill's agenda ref OF 5 line 33
092622 - reveived at ref SDS 26 line 83, for Hatch to deliver an Ambassadors of
092623 - Change presentation, per, ref SDS 4 line 422. In fact there is no
092624 - Friday or Sunday schedule. There is no Saturday schedule. The only
092625 - apparent scope for him would be the first speaker on how technology
092626 - affects leadership, and that is not the scope for which Hatch was
092627 - recruited and agreed to support the event, ref SDS 12 line 77. Someone
092628 - needs to figure out the elements of this scope and then present it to
092629 - Hatch and see if he wants to address it.
092630 -
092631 - [See follow up at ref SDS 29 line 86.]
092632 -
092633 - We considered how the Asilomar planning efforts reflect the challenge
092634 - of leadership. The meeting with Morris at Chips and with Marcy at
092635 - Intel showed how people want to start talking before looking at the
092636 - record to prepare a foundation of common understanding for building
092637 - new understandings, ref SDS 27 line 142. Over and over we had to
092638 - suggest to Morris and Marcy, lets look at the documents. When we
092639 - finally did, we found much of the perceived disagreements were
092640 - resolved, ref SDS 27 line 195.
092641 -
092642 - Bill and I considered this evening the entire Asilomar event could be
092643 - devoted to defining leadership by itself. Or, we could just use the
092644 - traditional notion of the "boss" as the guy who gives the orders,
092645 - signs the checks, tells people what to do, gives instructions, directs
092646 - the work.
092647 -
092648 -
092649 -
092650 -
0927 -
Leadership, Definition
PMBOK, ISO 10006 Compliance
1105 -
110501 - PMBOK Defines Leadership
110502 -
110503 - A good approach might be to use the new PMBOK as a source for defining
110504 - leadership. It was reviewed at ref SDS 1 line 101. Since we are
110505 - meeting under the auspicies of PMI, maybe we can use it for a baseline
110506 - from which to consider the event theme to look at the impact of
110507 - technology on leadership.
110508 -
110509 - [See paper for Morris at ref SDS 31 line 144.]
110510 -
110511 - Bill found the definition in the old PMBOK and described a sentence
110512 - about encouraging performance by influencing people. I asked if
110513 - leadership says anything about setting objectives. Bill said it
110514 - doesn't. I later found that the new PMBOK covers this point at ref OF
110515 - 1 line 1300.
110516 -
110517 - In any case Bill feels it makes sense to use the PMBOK to define
110518 - leadership, then ask how technology can help, after beginning with how
110519 - it is harming. Interestingly the new PMBOK section 2.4.1 says
110520 - leadership must align people through communication, ref OF 1 line
110521 - 1305.
110522 -
110523 - I explained the discussions with General Hatch on presenting the ideas
110524 - on leadership in the POIMS paper delivered in 1994 to the Vancouver
110525 - conference, ref OF 2 line 639, and in the NWO paper which will be
110526 - published in May, ref OF 3 line 770.
110527 -
110528 -
110529 -
110530 -
1106 -
Time - Too Busy Being Busy
New World Order
Prepared for Work
Leadership Aide
Leadership in Fast Lane
Obstacles to Leadership, Caused by &
Leadership Aide Ensures SDS Record is
1810 -
181001 - Leadership Aide Needed Because on Information Highway
181002 - Not Enough Time to Prepare, to Understand, to Succeed
181003 -
181004 - The challenges to leadership are in being prepared, per letter to
181005 - General Hatch, discussed above and at ref DIT 1 line 38, understanding
181006 - the correlations, implications and connections between new information
181007 - and existing understandings relative to objectives, where information
181008 - comes faster than the mind can correctly create these connections,
181009 - following up to ensure that understandings are incorporated correctly
181010 - into the workflow, so adequate attention is given to work that needs
181011 - to be done. People say there is not enough time to meet these
181012 - challenges. They say there is not enough time to analyse, to think
181013 - and remember on the Information Highway. People say there is not
181014 - enough time to maintain shared meaning over time of what the leader
181015 - says, because other information people receive after the leader speaks
181016 - crowds out preservation of the connections between the leaders
181017 - brilliant speech on charging forward and what was said previously,
181018 - what was committed in the letter, what is required in the contract.
181019 - These challenges arise from the compression of time and distance by
181020 - technology. This fits the Asilomar theme. Conferees want to know
181021 - what technology, skills and roles can help meet these challenges.
181022 -
181023 -
181024 -
181025 -
1811 -
Chips, Morris Jones, V.P., Founder
1904 -
1905 - ..
190501 - Morris Jones - New Tools, Skills, Roles
190502 -
190503 - The idea of having General Hatch do this seems to leave open the scope
190504 - for Morris Jones to define these new tools, skills and roles, instead
190505 - of laying out more obstacles to leadership than General Hatch will
190506 - have already layed out. We only have a few hours.
190507 -
190508 - Of course as we have seen in meeting with Morris on Tuesday, once we
190509 - get past the title, we can fill up that empty vessle in a variety of
190510 - ways. It might be worthwhile though for someone to write an
190511 - explanation when someone asks what are the differences between the
190512 - challenges to leadership and the obstacles to leadership. But, why
190513 - waste the time. Why not let Morris explain the solutions to the
190514 - problems Hatch sets out?
190515 -
190516 - Submitted via internet ref DIT 2 line 30 to Bill confirming these
190517 - ideas.
190518 -
190519 - [See paper written for Morris on obstacles to leadership, ref SDS
190520 - 31 line 135.]
190521 -
190522 -
1906 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"