440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 27, 1996 09:36 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Completed edits to PMI's version of the NWO paper.
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0201 - PMI Communications O-00000095 0109
020101 - Ms. Jeannette Cabais; Editor
Technology Define - POIMS, Communication Metrics, SDS
Communications & Communication Metrics New World Order Needs Old Ti 05
Technology Evolving, SDS is 1st Generation POIMS
New World Order needs old time religion
PMI Published NWO Article New World Order Needs Old Time Religion
New World Order Needs Old Time Religion NWO PMI Published Article
1108 -
1108 - ..
1109 - Summary/Objective
1110 -
111001 - Follow up ref SDS 24 7341, ref SDS 11 0000.
111003 - ..
111004 - Completed edits and submitted to PMI Comm, per Jeannette's request
111005 - received yesterday on 960327. ref SDS 24 7455
111006 -
111007 - [On 960412 received thank you letter from PMI. ref SDS 26 0001
111008 -
111009 - [On 960418 received actual article published in the May issue.
111010 - ref SDS 27 0001
111011 -
111012 -
111014 - ..
1111 -
1112 -
1113 - Progress
1114 -
111401 - I did some work on the last page to remove some repetitive language
111402 - and added some language to underscore the prospect of solving the
111403 - reengineering "skills" problem.
111405 - ..
111406 - I worked in the reference to Archimedes on building a lever to lift
111407 - the world, and related it to the automated religion name.
111408 -
111410 - ..
1115 -
1116 -
1117 - 1036
1118 -
111801 - Called Jeanett. She said they received the edited files last night
111802 - via my email. They noticed I was up late; she said someone recognized
111803 - I got tired at the end. Jeannett said most of the changes I requested
111804 - were adopted, with modifications in some cases. She advised that the
111805 - piece has now been incorporated into the magazine production stream.
111806 - I advised of having submitted a new revision for the last page, per .
111807 - Jeannett said she feels there is still enough time to include these
111808 - changes. She will check their email in half an hour or so.
111809 -
111810 -
111811 -
111812 -
1119 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"