440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 20, 1996 09:40 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Called Arijs at Corps of Engineers re comments on NWO paper.
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0605 - ..
0606 - Summary/Objective
0607 -
060701 - Followed up work at ref SDS 11 line 37, ref SDS 10 line 35,
060702 - line 45, ref SDS 5 line 73, ref DIP 4 line 30 and ref DIP 3 line 30
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0610 - Progress 415 744 3258
0611 -
061101 - Left message with receptionist I am following up my letter, ref DIP 6
061102 - line 32, submitted at ref SDS 13 line 85.
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0614 - 1304 Arijs called back
0615 -
061501 - Arijs has read the updated Asilomar agenda with copy of letter to
061502 - Hatch? ref DIP 6 line 31.
061503 -
061504 - He indicated he read through the material from Dave Buoncristiania
061505 - on contract managemant and claims, ref DIP 5 line 876, and on
061506 - mainstreaming the legal discovery process, ref DIP 5 line 963.
061507 -
061508 - Arijs said his work only relates to claims on the matter of
061509 - financing payments. He and his group do not evaluate or any way
061510 - get involved in settlling claims and pursuing litigation.
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061512 - How is he doing on reengineeing their budget? ref SDS 11 line 60.
061513 -
061514 - He said the President signed an interim budget yesterday or
061515 - recently and that now has everyone breathing easier.
061516 -
061517 - I advise we are looking for someone who uses Lotus Notes. Can I talk
061518 - to Captain Jenkins for recommendations on who to contact about this.
061519 - Evidently the Captain has done research on it, ref SDS 11 line 69.
061520 -
061521 - Arijs said I can reach Captain Jenkins at 744 3338.
061522 -
061523 - They are looking for technology to integrate budget at the various
061524 - command levels, and feel Lotus Notes may be able to do this.
061525 -
061526 - I explained my interest and work does not relate to numerical data
061527 - bases. It seems suprising the Army or DOD would not have in place
061528 - already a way to accomplish Arijs budget control objective.
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0616 -
0617 -
0618 - 1309 called Captain Jenkins 415 744 3338
0619 -
061901 - Left message for the Captain to call on a lead for someone to
061902 - demonstrate Lotus Notes.
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0621 -
0622 - 1312 Captain Jenkins called back
0623 -
062301 - We want to demonstrate the state of the art on how executives are
062302 - using Lotus Notes, per ref SDS 14 line 242.
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