440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 17, 1996 11:18 AM Sunday; Rod Welch

Reviewed PC DOCS on scope of document management.

2...Advantages of PC DOCS
3...Disadvantages of PC DOCS

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PC Docs
Document Management Systems
Document Management

0606 -
0606 -    ..
0607 - Summary/Objective
0608 -
060801 - WordPerfect run under PC Docs.  In order to save a document in
060802 - WordPerfect you must fill in the blank spaces on a 3 x 5 card.  The
060803 - names of spaces to fill in are:  Document Name, Author, Entered by,
060804 - document type (i.e, memo, ltr, agr, fax etc.), client, matter and a
060805 - description of the document entered -- key words that would help
060806 - locate the document if you do not have a hard copy.  Once the document
060807 - is saved, PC DOCS will give it a number.  This is not done
060808 - automatically, you must point to the icon with the PC DOCS symbol.
060809 -
060810 - You can use any of the above criteria to search for a document.
060811 - Obviously, the more you know the faster the search.
060812 -
060813 - Advantages of PC DOCS
060814 -
060815 - The way we were using the computer before PC DOCS we had a problem
060816 - ____________________________
060817 -
060818 -
060819 - With PC DOCS we can ____________ and this saves a lot of time and
060820 - money.
060821 -
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060823 - Disadvantages of PC DOCS
060824 -
060825 - It takes extra time for _______________________
060826 -
060827 - We can't
060828 -
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0609 -