440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 12, 1996 12:34 PM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Called Morris re his biography and scope for Asilomar.
2...Executive Mind Set: Too Busy to Read
3...Leading by Conversation/Proclamation
4...Management Imploding on Itself
5...Solution: Expedite Reading and Writing
6...Summary Linked to Detail
7...SDS Records Facilitate Reading
8...He does not have time to read the record, following up discussions at
9...Controlled Visibility Facilitates Reading
10...Paradigm Shift from Common Sense
11...SDS is Hard to Explain; Not Intuitive
12...Uncommon Sense
13...Sailing West to Reach the East
14...Ignorance, Fear and Denial Impedes Intuition
15...Information Highway is Pandora's Box; Need Empowerment to Tell Truth
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PMI Event Program, Planning
Jul Event, Speakers
0404 - ..
0405 - Summary/Objective
0406 -
040601 - Follow up ref SDS 13 0000, ref SDS 11 0000.
040602 -
040603 - Left message of Bill's request to finalize explanation of speaker
040604 - scope and biography for advertising. ref SDS 15 0786
040605 -
040606 -
040607 -
0407 -
0408 -
0409 - 2047 called Morris back
0410 -
041001 - He did not have any corrections or additions to the biography I sent
041002 - him at his request, because he has not yet retrieved it from email
041003 - and read it.
041004 -
041005 -
041006 -
041007 -
0411 -
Conflict with Existing Methods
Executive Mind Set/Practice
Time - Too Busy Being Busy
Writing "everything" down, Writing Notes Twice
Reading and Writing, Not Enough Time
Imploding on Information Highway
Imploding Management, Fewer People Chasing
Information Highway New Environment Needs
Not Enough Time to Understand, Evaluates
1712 -
171201 - ..
171202 - Executive Mind Set: Too Busy to Read
171203 - Leading by Conversation/Proclamation
171204 -
171205 - Follow up ref SDS 8 2004.
171206 -
171207 - I asked Morris if he has reviewed the notes of our meeting submitted
171208 - with my letter on 960304 ref DIP 10 0000 at ref SDS 13 0000.
171209 -
171210 - Morris said it is hard to find the time to read SDS records on follow
171211 - up from meetings.
171212 -
171213 - [Supported by work practices at Intel, ref SDS 20 3004.]
171214 -
171215 - Morris has not yet read the material, reflecting the issues we
171216 - considered a few weeks ago about executive's preferring to get
171217 - information by conversation, ref SDS 8 2004 and ref SDS 6 7773, and
171218 - earlier on Welch Management Method, ref SDS 1 5931.
171219 -
171220 - [See follow up at ref SDS 18 8833 and at Intel, ref SDS 19 6650.]
171221 -
171222 -
171223 - ..
171224 - Management Imploding on Itself
171225 -
171226 - We discussed the seeming implosion of management skills arising from
171227 - executive aversion to reading and writing, and strong preference for
171228 - conversation due to a hectic schedule, see NWO paper, ref OF 2 9045,
171229 - ref OF 2 5676 and ref OF 2 0933. Morris mentioned earlier that
171230 - executives avoid writing details of meetings as shown in SDS records,
171231 - since it seems like unnecessary duplication, ref SDS 1 5931, despite
171232 - AP story reporting managers wasting 70% of day in unproductive
171233 - meetings, ref SDS 4 5902.
171234 -
171235 - [Used idea in letter to General Hatch at ref SDS 16 7409, and
171236 - later discussion with Denis at ref SDS 17 4710.]
171237 -
171238 - Since reading and writing are our primary knowledge tool, it appears
171239 - that rejection of this tool may be one cause of losses, failures,
171240 - recessions, i.e., failed management. Everyone is trying to build the
171241 - job with conversation, and the result is a house of cards disconnected
171242 - from reality, i.e., the record of what actually occurs relative to
171243 - commitments and requirements.
171244 -
171245 -
1713 -
Reading and Writing, Not Enough Time
SDS Expedites Reading & Writing
Empowerment is Knowledge, Truth
Summary Linked to Details
Talking & Listening Inadequate
2408 -
240801 - ..
240802 - Solution: Expedite Reading and Writing
240803 -
240804 - Most executives seek to expedite the work through superior leadership,
240805 - which essentially boils down to talking people into doing things.
240806 -
240807 - This approach is not effective in the age of the Information Highway
240808 - because neither the leader nor the followers can remember what they
240809 - have been talked into doing. In the modern era, the goal must be to
240810 - expedite the process of creating knowledge, i.e., continual learning,
240811 - ref SDS 2 line 495. This means expediting reading and writing.
240812 -
240813 - Communication Metrics says make writing faster, more effective and
240814 - more useful so this primary knowledge tool can improve management. SDS
240815 - tries to do this. Since executives don't have time to learn SDS and
240816 - to enter the record, Communication Managers can support these steps.
240817 -
240818 - Morris points out a serious challenge to make the record manageable.
240819 -
240820 - It is hard for someone going from meeting to meeting to find the time
240821 - to read the record so he is prepared to be an effective executive by
240822 - being "informed," as we discussed on 960227. ref SDS 8 9402 That is
240823 - why executives try to slide by relying on conversation. ref SDS 8 2004
240824 - and using short cuts like "20 - 80." ref SDS 8 3003
240825 -
240826 - Communication Metrics empowers executives to "expedite" reading and
240827 - writing by providing useful "intelligence." ref OF 1 0582 First, by
240828 - having someone else help write the record, i.e., a scribe; second by
240829 - automated tools that facilitate reading using controlled visibility.
240830 -
240831 -
240832 -
240833 - ..
240834 -
240835 - ..
240836 - Summary Linked to Detail
240837 - SDS Records Facilitate Reading
240838 -
240839 - I mentioned the advantage of having SDS on line and the prospect of
240840 - installing it on his new home computer in order to accomplish this
240841 - step. Morris said he has several hundred MB free on his D: drive. He
240842 - is worried he could not backup SDS because he does not want to get a 4
240843 - MM DAT drive and use the Gazelle backup program which can handle SDS.
240844 -
240845 - The solution is to put SDS on a dedicated drive that would not require
240846 - backup since I would have everything backed up on my computer. This
240847 - would position him like Bill DeHart to collaborate on issues in
240848 - common, such as Asilomar, Medit, and so on, by giving him instant
240849 - access to understandings, initiatives, rationale, i.e., knowledge he
240850 - does not now have and can only speculate about.
240851 - ..
240852 - Morris said he would still have to read the record to gain any
240853 - benefit.
240854 -
240855 - He does not have time to read the record, following up discussions at
240856 - ref SDS 8 3003.
240857 -
240858 - [See follow up with Denis at KH on the same point. ref SDS 17
240859 - 4710]
240860 -
240861 - ..
240862 - Controlled Visibility Facilitates Reading
240863 -
240864 - I mentioned an SDS feature Morris has not seen and may not be aware of
240865 - that makes using the record on line more efficient. It is necessary
240866 - for him to read the record initially, but that can be done when time
240867 - permits. The "subject" and "headline" features were created last year
240868 - to facilitate use of a large record such as that for our meeting on
240869 - 960227, sent to him via ref DIP 10 line 30. This makes it efficient
240870 - to apply the record after the fact, i.e., getting just the part he
240871 - needs at a particular point in time. It also permits initial cursory
240872 - review because the summary can be read in 30 seconds. The headnotes
240873 - might take 2 minutes and they tell the story. He need only read
240874 - issues that appear from the summary to require greater attention. This
240875 - emulates the way the human mind organizes knowledge in a hierarchy of
240876 - importance. SDS improves on this feature by giving instant access to
240877 - the correct details when needed, and accurate links to related
240878 - background.
240879 -
240880 -
240881 -
2409 -
Difficult to Understand
Paradigm Shifts
Sailing West to Reach the East
Conversation Seems Fast and Easy Knowledge
Information Highway is Pandora's Box
Meaning, Maintain Shared/Common
Empowerment is Knowledge, Truth
Ignorance, Fear, Denial
Uncommon Sense, E = MC (Squared)
3312 -
331201 - ..
331202 - Paradigm Shift from Common Sense
331203 - SDS is Hard to Explain; Not Intuitive
331204 -
331205 - Morris said he didn't know about this feature. He is unsure what it
331206 - means from our discussion. I explained a lot of SDS is difficult to
331207 - explain and to understand because it does things people have not
331208 - previously experienced.
331209 -
331210 -
331211 - ..
331212 - Uncommon Sense
331213 - Sailing West to Reach the East
331214 -
331215 - When Magellan sailed West to reach the East by circling the globe, he
331216 - had difficulty getting financial backing and a crew because people
331217 - could not intuit the earth is round. The idea conflicted with common
331218 - sense; it was a challenge to explain the benefits of "uncommon sense."
331219 -
331220 -
331221 - ..
331222 - Ignorance, Fear and Denial Impedes Intuition
331223 - Information Highway is Pandora's Box; Need Empowerment to Tell Truth
331224 -
331225 - My efforts are to position people to gain the experience they need to
331226 - intuit the power of automated integration. Right now they are
331227 - speculating from ignorance, fear and denial. Morris said that is not
331228 - a strong selling point. Executives don't like to think of themselves
331229 - as ignorant, fearful and in denial of important needs.
331230 -
331231 - Of course the Information Highway is a reality that is impacting
331232 - performance. Like Pandora's box, we cannot ignore it.
331233 -
331234 - [On 991108 Pandora's Box explained from Greek mythology,
331235 - illustrates knowledge management dilemma of exposing complexity
331236 - that overwhelms span of attention. ref SDS 22 5810]
331237 -
331238 - [On 000106 explained knowledge management dilemma to Morris.
331239 - ref SDS 23 5120]
331240 -
331241 - Communication Metrics is hard work, even when aided by computers.
331242 -
331243 - People don't like hard work.
331244 -
331245 - Conversation is fast and easy, so it seems like executives can solve
331246 - communication difficulties by helping people become better listeners
331247 - and talkers. However, after the talk is over, people and organizations
331248 - need a way to measure, maintain and apply understanding over time.
331249 - Morris has learned psychologists are unable to help people connect up
331250 - the flow of information in order to avoid misunderstanding, per our
331251 - telecon on 951103. ref SDS 3 4355 Like Joel Koppleman learned last
331252 - year at Primavera, something more is needed to improve communications
331253 - than simply seeking managers who tell the truth. I think "metrics"
331254 - discussed on 951103, ref SDS 3 8853, empower managers and CEOs to know
331255 - the truth, so there is a happier truth to tell.
331256 -
331257 - [On 960419 used this in promoting Asilomar with letter to PMI
331258 - Communications. ref SDS 21 8888]
331259 -
331260 -
331261 -