440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: March 5, 1996 01:00 PM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Called S&C re oil change and safety check.


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0201 - S & C Ford                         415 553 4400 fax or 800...
020101 - Ms. Barbara Stone; Service Representative; Service Department

Millie's Mercury Sable, 940423
Change Oil, safety check
Safety Checks

0505 -    ..
0506 - Summary/Objective
0507 -
050701 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
050702 -
050703 - S&C will submit supplemental report on safety work performed with the
050704 - oil change.
050705 -
050706 - This record supports the need for further improvement by Ford with its
050707 - communication methods.
050708 -
050709 -
050710 -
0508 -
0509 -
0510 - Discussion
0511 -
051101 - Talked to Diane.  She took my name and number and said someone will
051102 - be calling us back shortly.
051103 -
051104 -
0512 -
0513 -
0514 - Discussion
0515 -
051501 - Talked to Harlla.  I asked for Jancy Masis about there being no notice
051502 - of a safety check on our vehicle, per work on 960301. ref SDS 9 9976
051503 -
051504 - Harlla said Jancy is still at lunch.
051505 -
051506 -
051507 -
051508 -  ..
0516 -
0517 -
0518 - 1310 Jancy called back
0519 -
051901 - She said the explanation of the oil change implies that the safety
051902 - check was performed. ref DRP 8 9976
051903 -
051904 -     [On 961227 Charles Mori advised that an oil change does not
051905 -     include a safety check, and that customers must specifically
051906 -     request a safety check in order for S&C to perform this scope of
051907 -     work. ref SDS 10 9976]
051908 -
051909 - I pointed out that prior invoices from S&C list the explanation of the
051910 - safety check and considerable detail in separate lines on the invoice,
051911 - in addition to citing an oil change. ref DRP 7 9976.
051912 -
051913 - Jancy said she just looked up the record of our order for this work on
051914 - her computer and it shows the safety check was performed.  She offered
051915 - to send this to us.
051916 -
051917 - I asked if her record reflects what was written in the computer as the
051918 - scope of work that was ordered, or whether it reflects what was
051919 - actually performed?  I asked if it might be necessary to inquire of
051920 - the workman to determine what was actually done in light of the
051921 - invoice we received that does not show the safety work?
051922 -
051923 - Jancy feels her computer record reflects what was actually done.  She
051924 - said her record is prepared by the workmen, so it therefore reflects
051925 - what they actually did.  She was unsure why the invoice failed to
051926 - reflect this. She does not know how the invoice is prepared. She will
051927 - send a supplemental document stating the safety work that was
051928 - performed.
051929 -
051930 -
051931 -
051932 -
0520 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"