440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: March 5, 1996 06:34 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Corrected and updated the record of recent correspondence, email.
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PMI Event Program, Planning
Email, Correspondence
General Support
Human Memory, Brain
Second Guessing is Abhored, so Avoid
Communication Manager Psychology Challenging
Knowledge Worker Communication Manager
Com Manager Different Tasks from Traditional Management
Email Action Item System Comes to You Like One Stop Shopping
Email Fast Easy Like Talking, Fools Gold, Unorganized, Unconnected
Overwhelming Tendency Bad Management Email Attractive Fools Gold Acti
Kills Productivity Ignorance Enables Widespread Popularity of Email t
2815 - ..
2816 - Summary/Objective
2817 -
281701 - Follow up ref SDS 9 0000, ref SDS 8 0000.
281702 -
281703 - A lot of email in recent days has not been logged and integrated due
281704 - to press and pace of information flow. I have held up doing this in
281705 - order to accomplish certain substantive matters, but found in trying
281706 - to get the record logged today that I was actually confused about what
281707 - has really happened, similar to the discussion with Morris on the
281708 - human mind and time, per ref SDS 3 line 113.
281709 -
281710 - This experience shows that as the amount of information increases,
281711 - relationships get lost quickly, especially nuance where association
281712 - is subtle.
281713 -
281714 - [On 991010 explained challenge of complexity that prevents
281715 - understanding and causes false knowlege as information overload
281716 - increases.
281717 -
281718 - [On 010411 email presents signficant challenge for effective
281719 - management. ref SDS 12 627F
281720 - ..
281721 - It took considerable effort to construct what seems like the
281722 - most sensible arrangement for events. If I waited another few days,
281723 - not to mention a week, a month or a year the quality of such work
281724 - would be no more than a guess. This accounts for poor decision
281725 - making. When matters go astray, underlings are asked to submit a
281726 - "chronology" for senior management to consider. However, since the
281727 - effort is so far removed in time the result is very poor and leads to
281728 - bad decisions. This gives rise to the need for Communication Metrics
281729 - and a dedicated support for it to remove the "guesswork" from decision
281730 - making, so that the first-guess turns out to be agreeable with the
281731 - second-guess.
281732 -
281733 - [See article on "second-guessing" at ref SDS 11 line 84.]
281734 -
281735 - [On 970110 example at USACE when team was asked to assemble
281736 - chronology on issue that later cost government $20M. ref SDS 10
281737 - 2487
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