440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: January 23, 1996 09:22 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Completed analysis of telecon with Merrill at DEC.
2...New World Order Impacts Everybody
3...Executives Need More "Religion"
4...Reengineering Blends Strategic and Tactical Management
5...Difficulties on Information Highway
6...Follow Up
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0201 - Digital Equipment Corporation 415 882 3600 fax or 800...
020101 - Mr. Merrill Malvini Jr.
020102 - Sales Executive =415 882 3592 car 415 269 0733
020103 - Multivendor Customer Service Sales
DigiCon, 951010, Sales discussions
New World Order
Big Picture Hides Little Deviations that
Bottom Line Needs Spreadsheet for Knowledge
Email Does Not Improve Productivity,
0907 - ..
0908 - Summary/Objective
0909 -
090901 - Followed up work at ref SDS 9 line 54, ref SDS 7 line 41, re
090902 - line 65, ref DIP 1 line 30 on the PMI Event.
090903 -
090904 -
090905 - Completed analysis of discussion with Merrill ref SDS 9 line 69, and
090906 - his email, ref DRP 1 line 24. Merrill called to follow up discussion
090907 - yesterday. Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 confirming understandings, per
090908 - his request. Included this record and from yesterday, ref SDS 9 line
090909 - 70.
090910 -
090911 - Sent this via regular mail and by internet.
090912 -
090913 -
0910 -
0911 -
0912 - 1202 received call from Merrill
0913 -
091301 - New World Order Impacts Everybody
091302 -
091303 - He has nearly completed reading the NWO paper. He feels it addresses
091304 - a critical need to improve management productivity, and offers a clear
091305 - explanation of complex phenomena that are not easily recognized by
091306 - practitioners nor discussed in the liturature. Merrill said solutions
091307 - in the paper should have broad appeal relative to our discussion
091308 - yesterday about PMI membership, ref SDS 9 line 112.
091309 -
091310 - He feels email is not working as well as a lot of people think,
091311 - because it is not organized to find information quickly when it is
091312 - really needed, and it is difficult to correlate with action items. I
091313 - reminded him of our discussion 2 years ago on this point, ref SDS 2
091314 - line 100. He said the problem is worse now.
091315 -
091316 - [See later discussion with General Hatch, ref SDS 12 line 519.]
091317 -
091318 - ..
091319 - Executives Need More "Religion"
091320 -
091321 - Merrill said the description in the paper of executives who demand the
091322 - "bottom line" and "big picture," accurately reflects the impact of
091323 - faster paced business life causing hidden mistakes, ref OF 2 line 491.
091324 - He feels executives are not aware of the disconnect created by cursory
091325 - analysis forced upon them by the Information Highway. I was pleased
091326 - he grasped a key insight of the paper that the original meaning of
091327 - religion, to link back to original sources, solves this disconnect and
091328 - that automation produced by DEC and others can make this a practical
091329 - tool, if properly applied. This idea was presented to Intel in the
091330 - Sep 27 meeting last year, ref SDS 3 line 312.
091331 -
091332 - [See 960419 letter to PMI Comm, ref SDS 13 line 136.]
091333 -
091334 - ..
091335 - Reengineering Blends Strategic and Tactical Management
091336 -
091337 - Merrill noted that Communication Metrics applies equally to trends in
091338 - organizational theory that differentiate between "strategic" and
091339 - "tactical" management. I explained the meeting with Morris at Chips
091340 - about how reduction in the ranks of executives from reengineering,
091341 - ref SDS 5 line 331, creates a need for executives who remain to gain
091342 - greater control of the details which impact their "strategies" and
091343 - support their "tactics," ref SDS 6 line 86. Failure to do so means
091344 - more reengineering.
091345 -
091346 - [See 960419 letter to PMI Comm, ref SDS 13 line 173.]
091347 -
091348 -
091349 - Difficulties on Information Highway
091350 -
091351 - Merrill asked if I received his email and developed any comments?
091352 -
091353 - I advised him of the analysis at ref SDS 9 line 194.
091354 -
091355 - He asked if I would submit my response via email. I said often email
091356 - does not show SDS records in the correct format, so my general
091357 - inclination is to send it by mail. I will send him an email as well.
091358 -
091359 - [See follow up at ref SDS 10 line 58.]
091360 -
091361 - Follow Up
091362 -
091363 - Merrill plans to submit the NWO paper to his boss.
091364 -
091365 - [See follow up at ref SDS 11 line 69.]
091366 -
091367 - I suggested he recommend consideration at DEC about attending the PMI
091368 - Asilomar Conference in July which will treat Communication Metrics in
091369 - detail. He might further recommend that DEC get a demonstration of
091370 - how SDS implements Communication Metrics.
091371 -
091372 - He did not mention submitting Bill Walsh's book, which I need per, ref
091373 - SDS 7 line 69.
091374 -
091375 - [See follow up at ref SDS 11 line 122.]
091376 -
091377 -
091378 -
091379 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"