440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 26, 1995 07:41 AM Tuesday; Rod Welch

Submitted question via WWW on cause of OS2 desktop crash.

2...OS2 Help
3...Web OS2 Help Address
..........................memory leaks
....DOS Apps with Custom Icons

ACTION ITEMS.................. Click here to comment!

1...Sent another note to:
2...I put several messages to IBM about being contacted by an expert on

0201 - IBM OS/2                           407 443 2000
020101 - Mr. Jesus Rodriguez
020102 - Dep:  6F8A (ZIP 1024) DOS App "Debug" Specialist =407 443 0452
020103 - Technical Support   =800 992 4777 fax 407 443 6940  407 994 5544

CPU #8, 586, Software, OS2, Installation
OS2 Crashed, White Desktop
White, Icons at top of screen
32115x,442 number assigned to 0387x,psh oa
Restoring After Crash
OS2 Crashed, Desktop Folders will not open
Memory Management, OS2 Desktop Fails
Why Operating Systems Fail
Memory Management, RAM Leaks
Memory Leaks, using Custom Icons

1413 -    ..
1414 - Summary/Objective
1415 -
141501 - Followed up work at ref SDS 13 line 50, ref SDS 12 line 32, 
141502 - line 30.
141503 -
141504 - Eventually got information that seems to identify a memory leak
141505 - problem peculiar to our use of DOS applications with custom icons,
141506 - when they are opened and closed frequently.
141507 -
141508 -
141509 -
1416 -
1417 -
1418 - Progress
1419 -
141901 - Tried to use the Web to find a dialog on OS2, similar to when we used
141902 - Prodigy last year.  Starting from the IBM Home page, I did a search
141903 - for OS2 Help and got the following address:
141904 -
141905 -    
141906 -
141907 - turned out however, this is only for submitting problems on
141908 -    using the Internet portion of the OS2 program.  And it does not
141909 -    seem to provide dialog.  There was a phone number to call...
141910 -
141911 -                               415 827 2201
141912 -
141913 - Sent one note to Internet Help on the problem last night sending
141914 - Internet messages.
141915 -
141916 - This failed so I sent a message to the IBM home page Webmaster about
141917 - the problem sending stuff on the Internet.  Message said a
141918 - representative will "get back to us soon."
141919 -
141920 -
141921 - Sent another note to:
141922 -
141923 -    The WWW operation failed, so I tried sending a direct note to this
141924 -    person asking about how to get help with os2.
141925 -
141926 -
141927 -
1420 -
1421 -
1422 - 1333 received response.
1423 -
142301 - Got message back from Webmaster with incident number:
142302 -
142303 -                       0152335 for account USINET
142304 -
142305 - OS2 Help
142306 -
142307 - Got separate response from Roseann at in
142308 - Tuscon, AZ.
142309 -
142310 - She suggested I call IBM's help line.  I sent her a note back saying I
142311 - would like to find something on the Internet like we did with Prodigy.
142312 -
142313 -
142314 -
1424 -
1425 -
1426 - 1733 received response
1427 -
142701 - Roseanne sent another message saying IBM does not offer technical
142702 - support for os2 on the internet.  She said we have to call:
142703 -
142704 -                    800 992 4777
142705 -
142706 - I called this number and had to push a lot of buttons, then was told
142707 - to call
142708 -
142709 -                    407 994 5544
142710 -
142711 -    ...both the 800 and 407 numbers are in our Contacts.  So we got
142712 -    nothing from the internet effort.
142713 -
142714 - When I called the 407 number there was again a lot of buttons to push
142715 - and a lot of messages to wade through.  Ultimately none of the
142716 - instructions gave any buttons that fit our situation.  Using OS2 Warp
142717 - 3.0 no longer in the 60 day support period, and not signed up for
142718 - contract support.
142719 -
142720 -
142721 - Web OS2 Help Address
142722 -
142723 - I took a chance and tried the button for Contract support after hours.
142724 - I got to talk to someone named Jason (I think).  He was willing to
142725 - help, but said everyone had gone home.  He also said though that
142726 - there is a Web address for os2 help at:
142727 -
142728 -    
142729 -
142730 - I was able to get on-line at this address but was unable to find a
142731 - dialog environment similar to Prodigy where we can ask a question and
142732 - 10 or 20 people offer ideas.
142733 -
142734 - I tried browsing for information about problems with OS2 using the
142735 - search string:
142736 -
142737 -                          memory leaks
142738 -
142739 -    ...and found about 50 separate reports of different kinds of memory
142740 -    leaks.  One of them seems a possiible cause of the problems we are
142741 -    having.
142742 -
142743 - I put several messages to IBM about being contacted by an expert on
142744 - memory leaks to see this applies to our problem.
142745 -
142746 -         This seems like an extension of general performance problems
142747 -         reported at ref SDS 3 line 81.
142748 -
142749 -
142750 -    DOS Apps with Custom Icons
142751 -
142752 -    Reports seem to say that opening and closing a DOS session that has
142753 -    a custom icon causes memory leaks because the icon is stored
142754 -    somewhere.
142755 -
142756 -    If we do not use the "Optional Icon Parameter, this memory loss
142757 -    does not occur.
142758 -
142759 -        [See follow up at ref SDS 14 line 130.]
142760 -
142761 - So one strategy might be to leave the applications open, so the memory
142762 - only leaks once.
142763 -
142764 - Is a slow moving cursor a symptom of this problem?
142765 -
142766 - Is opening an OS2 or Windows Icon and them closing immediately a
142767 - symptom of this problem?
142768 -
142769 - Is a White desktop and all icons moved to the top a symptom of this
142770 - problem?
142771 -
142772 -
142773 -
142774 -
142775 -
1428 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"