440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 21, 1995 11:52 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Received response from Newt Gingrich re speaker for PMI.

2...Listen, Learn, Lead

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Jul Event, Speakers
Gingrich, Newt - Speaker of US HR

0604 -    ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 3 line 34, ref SDS 1 line 106 and ref DIP 1 line 30, followed up at ref SDS 4 line 35.]
060603 -
060604 - Listing for House of Representatives     202 225 3121
060605 -
060606 - The Speaker indicates he cannot attend the PMI event.  Analysis
060607 - indicates several other ways he might support the ideas and agenda of
060608 - this event.
060609 -
060610 -
060611 -
0607 -
0608 - Analysis
0609 -
060901 - Received ref DRT 1 line 20 responding to inquiry at ref DIP 1 line 26,
060902 - issued at ref SDS 3 line 112.
060903 -
060904 - The Speaker says he cannot attend the PMI event due to a previous
060905 - commitment which cannot be rearranged, ref DRT 1 line 26.  This
060906 - appears to conflict with representations by the Speaker's schedule
060907 - administrator, Ann Mercorella, that the Speaker's July calendar is
060908 - open, and in fact his January schedule is still being formulated, ref
060909 - SDS 3 line 96.
060910 -
060911 - None-the-less the Speaker's initial response reflects understandings
060912 - from Ms. Hardy who called on behalf of the Speaker and said he mainly
060913 - does fund raising events during an election year, ref SDS 4 line 35.
060914 -
060915 - The Speaker does not indicate anything about the substance of the
060916 - event, and whether he can support its goals, strategies and message to
060917 - solve the related problems of (1) inadequate management productivity
060918 - due to the exigencies of the Information Highway, and (2) cannabilzing
060919 - American management capacity as for example at AT&T, IBM, Raychem,
060920 - Polaroid, the US Governement, etc.
060921 -
060922 - There are several options for the Speaker to contribute without
060923 - attending the event:
060924 -
060925 -     1.  The Speaker could offer a keynote letter that can be cited in
060926 -         event publicity and included in the attendee binders
060927 -         considered at ref SDS 2 line 457.
060928 -
060929 -     2.  The Speaker could provide a video of comments to be played,
060930 -         either to open the event or close it.  His ideas about
060931 -         "listen, learn and lead" are consistent with the event theme
060932 -         of...
060933 -
060934 -                         Taking the Quantum Leap
060935 -
060936 -            ...into the 21st century, because that leap requires using
060937 -            automated integration of management tasks to keep up with
060938 -            the accelerated pace of life.  Only a strategey of learning
060939 -            and leadership can meet this challenge.  The Speaker can
060940 -            comment on "How to listen" in an age of constant
060941 -            information flow from meetings, phone calls, fax, email?"
060942 -
060943 -            Additionally, new ideas and tools are now essential to
060944 -            improve human productivity in sufficient degree to offset
060945 -            the burdens of a growing class of dependents.  From this
060946 -            fact, comes the demand to lift the basic capacity to think,
060947 -            remember and communicate beyond the power of using the
060948 -            alphabet. The demands for investing intellectual capital by
060949 -            automating the process of converting information into
060950 -            knowledge exceed the capacity of traditional educational
060951 -            methodologies relying on the alphabet, pen, paper and even
060952 -            today, wordprocessing. The leadership of a great nation has
060953 -            a duty to sound the alert and spread the word of what is at
060954 -            stake, what needs to be done and facilitate getting there.
060955 -
060956 -
060957 - Listen, Learn, Lead
060958 -
060959 - These options require a foundation of 20 minutes to read the New
060960 - World... paper submitted with the invitation for him to speak, in the
060961 - Nov 21 letter, ref DIP 1 line 27.  If he disagrees with the content of
060962 - that letter which is the foundation of this professional development
060963 - event, then he need take no action.  If he agrees with the ideas, then
060964 - consideration can be given to whether and how to support them.
060965 -
060966 - The Speaker is hard at work with his colleagues on national tax and
060967 - distribution issues in line with needs for more capital formation to
060968 - grow the economy by ensuring a balanced budget.  A more fundamental
060969 - opportunity is to find another strategy comparable to that taken by
060970 - the nation approximately 100 years ago, when K-12 education became a
060971 - cultural norm.  That decision empowered a nation to prosper beyond the
060972 - wildest imagination of anyone who had come before.  Now we need a new
060973 - strategy.  We have to teach more than the alphabet as the basic
060974 - knowledge tool.  If we are successful, we can grow our way out of the
060975 - current financial mess caused by 50 years of irresponsible national
060976 - policy.  This seems an adequate basis for a great leader to support
060977 - the PMI event.
060978 -
060979 - Need to write to the Speaker requesting his support per above.
060980 -
060981 -      [Did this at ref SDS 5 line 46.]
060982 -
060983 -
060984 -
060985 -
0610 -