440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 20, 1995 11:58 AM Wednesday;
Rod Welch
Called Corp of Engineers about SDS, Communication Metrics.
2...Communication Managers
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_______, Corps of Engineers
SDS Demonstrations
0706 - ..
0707 - Summary/Objective
0708 -
070801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 141, ref SDS 12 line 545.
070802 - Made initial contacts about a closing speaker for PMI Event, generated
070803 - meetings and interest in SDS and Communication Metrics.
070804 -
070805 - Got two possible leads at the District and Division level.
070806 -
070807 - [See follow up at ref SDS 13 line 53, and ref SDS 14 line 59.]
070808 -
070809 -
0709 -
0710 -
0711 - Progress
0712 -
071201 - Talked to Max Bloget 415 744 3033
071202 -
071203 - Explained the need for a closing speaker per ref SDS 12 line 321.
071204 -
071205 - Max suggested I call Jack Farless and Carl Enson, who is the Division
071206 - Chief. He asked about the prospects of applying Communication Metrics
071207 - right now. Max said he and his colleagues are straining to keep up
071208 - with the pace of communications; he mentioned email vitiates the
071209 - Corps' traditional records management process. He is familiar with
071210 - ISO criteria for traceability, but was unfamiliar with "Continual
071211 - Learning." I explained "Continual Learning compliments traceabilty.
071212 - ISO 10006 requires a learning process to collect and analyse events
071213 - and decisions that can be used to guide future decisions, ref SDS 10
071214 - line 487. This is another form of aligning communications, called for
071215 - in the PMBOK.
071216 -
071217 - Communication Managers
071218 -
071219 - I explained that merely developing software to automate these
071220 - processes is not sufficient. There is also a need for an experienced
071221 - person to apply the tool, similar to the fact that it takes more than
071222 - pen and paper and knowledge of the alphabet to be an effective
071223 - manager. Generally, we need a new team member to keep up with the
071224 - increased pace of information flow, i.e., the Information Highway.
071225 - This is a new class of worker which I call a Communciations Manager to
071226 - compliment Cost and Schedule Engineers, except this role is proactive,
071227 - in discovering and fixing miscommunications that lead to cost and
071228 - schedule problems.
071229 -
071230 - Max feels it is critical for the Communication Manager to know
071231 - contract law so communications are linked up in a way that shows the
071232 - correlation with requirements and commitments. I explained the SDS
071233 - program grew out of my experience as a General Contractor and
071234 - consultant using contract notice provisions. So his concern is well
071235 - recognized. However, the first aim of the process is to understand,
071236 - shape and maintain shared meaning, because most project difficulties
071237 - arise from simple oversight that quietly escalates over time until the
071238 - consequences become too costly to be ignored. As explained in the New
071239 - World Order paper, keeping everyone "aligned" avoids the pitfalls of
071240 - "Feel Good" management that leads to failure and litigation. If
071241 - litigation results despite best practice, then the SDS record shows
071242 - entitlement to recover.
071243 -
071244 - Max said he would like to see the software that does this. I told him
071245 - about SDS. He asked me to call him after the New Year to schedule a
071246 - meeting for him to see SDS.
071247 -
071248 - [Did this at ref SDS 15 line 72.]
071249 -
071250 -
0713 -
0714 -
0715 - 1341 called Jack Farless 415 705 1625
0716 -
071601 - Gave similar explanation of PMI Event. Jack asked to see a
071602 - demonstration of SDS.
071603 -
071604 - Set meeting for 960104 1000
071605 -
071606 - [Actually did this at ref SDS 17 line 58.]
071607 -
071608 - He is at:
071609 -
071610 - 630 Sansome 12th floor
071611 -
071612 - Room 1219
071613 -
071614 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 confirming meeting and submitted NWO
071615 - paper, ref OF 2 line 10. Included discussion with Univeristy of Santa
071616 - Clara, ref SDS 11 line 71, and the discussion with Bill DeHart on the
071617 - PMI event and our need for a closing speaker, ref SDS 12 line 324.
071618 -
071619 - [See follow up at ref SDS 16 line 70.]
071620 -
071621 - [See also ref SDS 17 line 58.]
071622 -
071623 -
071624 -
0717 -