440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: December 7, 1995 04:36 PM Thursday;
Rod Welch
Submitted letter to John Kahl re Project World and Asilomar.
2...Follow Up
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0201 - Raychem Corporation 415 361 3333 fax 5090
020101 - Mr. John Kahl; =415 361 6942
020102 - Corporate Real Estate and Construction
Feb Event, Speakers
ISO Registration & Compliance
Case Studies, Traceability, Continual
Continual Learning
0806 - ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 15 line 97, ref SDS 13 line 55,
080802 - line 59 at ref SDS 8 line 57 and ref SDS 5 line 122.
080803 -
080804 - Submitted ref DIT 1 line 30 transmitting proposed agenda of Asilomar
080805 - event. Did some analysis of issues arising from the subject for the
080806 - Project World event next week.
080807 -
080808 - [See follow up at ref SDS 16 line 76.]
080809 -
080810 -
0809 -
0810 -
0811 - Progress
0812 -
081201 - The notice from PMI about the Dec meeting says John will be on a panel
081202 - to discuss management standards, ref SDS 15 line 167. Since he has
081203 - strongly advocated ISO 10006 (even though the liturature says the
081204 - panel will be discussing ISO 9000), ref SDS 8 line 125, this will be
081205 - an opportunity for John to explain how Raychem accomplishes the ISO
081206 - requirements for:
081207 -
081208 - Traceability to original sources
081209 -
081210 - Continual Learning
081211 -
081212 - ...which we have discussed at ref SDS 13 line 127. How do executives
081213 - allocate enough time to perform these steps in today's past paced
081214 - environment of celluar phones, faxes, meetings and power lunches?
081215 -
081216 - How for example are the speakers remarks this evening traced back to
081217 - their work product preparing for the event, the policies of their
081218 - respective organizations, and any specific instances where they have
081219 - applied traceability and continual learning to communications on
081220 - this event? How do the speakers plan to capture the record of this
081221 - event to apply what they learn here to their work tomorrow and next
081222 - week, next year?
081223 -
081224 -
081225 - Decided to take this occassion to submit the ideas Bill and I
081226 - discussed on the Asilomar event, ref SDS 14 line 97, showing possible
081227 - scope for John at ref SDS 14 line 257. Did this via ref DIT 1 line
081228 - 30. Asked John for recommendation of speaker for closing the event,
081229 - ref SDS 14 line 313. I have called the man he recommended several
081230 - times and have not got a call back, ref SDS 13 line 107.
081231 -
081232 -
081233 - Follow Up
081234 -
081235 - Scheduled call to John 951218 about meeting to discuss Asilomar
081236 - agenda.
081237 -
081238 - [Did this follow up at ref SDS 16 line 77.]
081239 -
081240 -
0813 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"