440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: December 7, 1995 07:56 AM Thursday; Rod Welch

Received notice of PMI Dec meeting at Santa Clara Convention Center.

2...Dinner Meeting Presentation
............The Effect of International Project Management Standards
............on Major Multinational Corporation.
....Analysis - Background
.........Asilomar Speakers
....PMBOK and ISO
....Communication Metrics
....Panel of distinguished executives
...........Moderator: J. Boone Emmons
.......................Roger B. Glaser
.......................John Kahl
.......................Daniel P. Ono, PMP
.......................Tim S. Oey
.......................Rich Umphress
.......................Sherri Yohe
3...PMI Project of Year Award - Raychem
....Raychem's Availability for PMI's Asilomar Event
4...Jim Pennypacker

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0201 - Taspinar Management Consulting     510 569 4636
020101 - Mr. Ahmet Taspinar, PMP

PMI Monthly meetings
NCC PMI Event Program, Initiating, Goals, Objectives
Asilomar, Speakers, Raychem, John Kahl
Glass, Roder, PMI President; Ono, Dan

0906 -    ..
0907 - Summary/Objective
0908 -
090801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 11 line 42, ref SDS 3 line 58.
090802 -
090803 - Received notice of PMI meeting at the Santa Clara Convention Center on
090804 - 951214.  It is in the PMI Newsletter.  I did not scan it into the
090805 - system.
090806 -
090807 -
0909 -
0910 -
0911 - Project World
0912 -
091201 - This PMI dinner meeting is part of the "Project World" event PMI is
091202 - sponsoring along with other organizations.  The dinner will be a joint
091203 - meeting with IEEE, and include seminar registration for Project World
091204 - attendees.
091205 -
091206 - Cost will be $30 and include admission to the Project World exhibit
091207 - hall.
091208 -
091209 -
091210 -    Agenda
091211 -
091212 -    Looks like there will be a two hour period from 1700 - 1900 to
091213 -    visit the Exhibit hall during what is called "registration."
091214 -
091215 -    Dinner is from 1900 - 2000.
091216 -
091217 -    Dinner panel discussion:  2000 - 2100
091218 -
091219 -       Generally it appears an hour is too little time for
091220 -       presentation on this topic, in light of the number of panel
091221 -       members.
091222 -
091223 -
091224 - Dinner Meeting Presentation
091225 -
091226 - The subject for the dinner presentation is:
091227 -
091228 -            The Effect of International Project Management Standards
091229 -            on Major Multinational Corporation.
091230 -
091231 - The panel will discuss the impact of international project management
091232 - standards on multinational corporations, as well as the issue of what
091233 - those standards should be (PMBOK? ISO 9000 and beyond?) and who should
091234 - establish and maintain them.
091235 -
091236 -    Analysis - Background
091237 -
091238 -    This is issue is part of the scope contemplated by the original NCC
091239 -    PMI Event plan ref SDS 5 line 83, and ref SDS 5 line 119.  This was
091240 -    subsequently dropped from the NCC Event scope, however, it appears
091241 -    from its inclusion here to be of interest to the PMI memebership.
091242 -    Perhaps this one hour event will indicate whether a broader
091243 -    presentation would be helpful.
091244 -
091245 -         Asilomar Speakers
091246 -
091247 -         John Kahl and Roger Glass are on the speaker panel for this
091248 -         event at Project World.  We can assess their ability to
091249 -         accomplish the scope for the Asilomar event, per ref SDS 13
091250 -         line 312.
091251 -
091252 -             [See follow up on Roger at ref SDS 14 line 129.]
091253 -
091254 -
091255 -    PMBOK and ISO
091256 -
091257 -    These standards were considered in evaluating and comparing PMBOK
091258 -    and ISO 10006 at ref SDS 8 line 55.
091259 -
091260 -        Question
091261 -
091262 -        Why does this event cite PMBOK and ISO 9000 instead of ISO
091263 -        10006?
091264 -
091265 -    Communication Metrics
091266 -
091267 -    Perhaps the panel would address how firms implement the
091268 -    requirements for "aligning communications" in the PMBOK and for
091269 -    traceability and continual learning in the ISO 10006 standards.
091270 -
091271 -    What are their firms doing to experiment with tools to make it
091272 -    practical to use these standards?
091273 -
091274 -
091275 -    Panel of distinguished executives
091276 -
091277 -           Moderator:  J. Boone Emmons
091278 -                       Founder and President Emmons & Associates
091279 -
091280 -                       Emmons & Associates is an international
091281 -                       management consulting firm specializing in
091282 -                       organizational improvement and development. The
091283 -                       firm is dedicated to assisting managers and
091284 -                       leaders in enhancing the effectiveness of their
091285 -                       organizations through training, strategic
091286 -                       planning, and assistance in organizational
091287 -                       design and re-design.  Mr. Emmons has a Master's
091288 -                       Degree in Management and graduate training in
091289 -                       organizational development and leadership.
091290 -
091291 -                       Roger B. Glaser
091292 -                       Schedule Administrator, San Diego Gas & Electric
091293 -
091294 -                       Roger is president elect of PMI and has over 30
091295 -                       years of project management experience as a
091296 -                       practitioner, teacher, author and consultant. He
091297 -                       has a BSEE and MBA from the University of
091298 -                       Pittsburgh adn a Doctorate in Management from
091299 -                       Penn State.  He has edited and authored articles
091300 -                       for the PMJ and service on the Board of
091301 -                       Directors, as well as numerous committees of
091302 -                       PMI.  He received the "Distinguished
091303 -                       Contribution" Award in 1988.
091304 -
091305 -                       John Kahl
091306 -                       Project Management Processes at Raychem
091307 -
091308 -                       Daniel P. Ono, PMP
091309 -                       National Project Management Director
091310 -                       AT&T Global Business Communication Systems
091311 -
091312 -                       Dan has been involved with project management at
091313 -                       Pacific Telephone and AT&T for the past 25
091314 -                       years.  He has many awards and certificates from
091315 -                       PMI, has led a number of PMI Special Interest
091316 -                       Groups, and has service as Deputy Director of
091317 -                       Certification for PMI.
091318 -
091319 -                       Tim S. Oey
091320 -                       Program Manager
091321 -                       Project Management Global Tracking System
091322 -                       Apple Computer
091323 -
091324 -                       Tim has a BS in chemistry from Harvard and 12
091325 -                       years of project management experience.  He has
091326 -                       been at Apple for 7 years and prior to that,
091327 -                       was at Fidelity Investment Bank.
091328 -
091329 -                       Rich Umphress
091330 -                       IBM
091331 -
091332 -                       Rich led the team for re-engineering at IBM's
091333 -                       Storage Systems Division in San Jose.
091334 -
091335 -                       Sherri Yohe
091336 -                       Software Engineering Process Group
091337 -                       Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector
091338 -
091339 -                       Sherri has over 10 years project management
091340 -                       experience and championed the implementation of
091341 -                       PM within the IS department of Motorola
091342 -                       Semiconductors.
091343 -
091344 -
091345 - PMI Project of Year Award - Raychem
091346 -
091347 - Jenny Strbia,, PMI Vice President fo this region, will award the
091348 - Rigion III Project of the Year Award to Raychem for the Ultratech
091349 - Division Manufacturing Plant project in Tijuana, Mexico.  The Project
091350 - Manager for that project was Doug Ballon.
091351 -
091352 -    Raychem's Availability for PMI's Asilomar Event
091353 -
091354 -    We are considering having Raychem making a presentation for
091355 -    Asilomar per ref SDS 13 line 256.
091356 -
091357 -    Should be able to visit with John about this.  John may have a
091358 -    better idea about his future at Raychem ref SDS 12 line 89, and
091359 -    whether he can work with Doug on a presentation to supplement
091360 -    Turner's work.
091361 -
091362 -
091363 - Jim Pennypacker
091364 -
091365 - Another distinguished guest will be Jim Pennypacker, Editor-in-Chief
091366 - of PMI publications.
091367 -
091368 -    May have an opportunity to hear from Jim on the NWO paper.
091369 -
091370 -
091371 -
091372 -
091373 -
0914 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"