440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700


DIARY: November 24, 1995 11:07 AM Friday; Rod Welch

Had another os2 crash on CPU #8.


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CPU #8, 586, Software, OS2, Installation
OS2 Crashed, White Desktop
White, Icons at top of screen
32115x,442 number assigned to 0387x,psh oa

0806 -    ..
0807 - Summary/Objective
0808 -
080801 - Followed up work at ref SDS 8 line 30.
080802 -
080803 - Had another os2 desktop crash where the desktop turns white and all
080804 - icons are at top of screen.  Only DOS apps run.
080805 -
080806 - Was able to restore the desktop using the OS2 archive feature.
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0810 -
0811 - Progress
0812 -
081201 - This morning I clicked on Windows folder icon in os2.  It opened and
081202 - immediately closed, indicating the thing has crashed, similar to ref
081203 - SDS 8 line 51.
081204 -
081205 - I did a regular Shut Down.  Then pressed the CPU boot button.
081206 -
081207 - The OS2 desktop came up in the dreaded white background with all icons
081208 - arrayed in two rows across the top of the screen.
081209 -
081210 -
0813 -
0814 -
0815 - Recovery
0816 -
081601 - My initial intent was to look up on the notebook computer, CPU #7, the
081602 - record of how this problem was solved.  In setting up CPU #7, I
081603 - decided to use the Sony 14" monitor rather than the notebook monitor,
081604 - because it is easier to see, and the notebook monitor is beginning to
081605 - fail.  While trying to set up the Sony monitor, I discovered the stand
081606 - is broke.  I had to take that mechanism apart and was able to fix it.
081607 - I finally got the notebook CPU configured the Sony monitor, and then
081608 - decided to use the special Pro-Key 124 keyboard with CPU #7 also
081609 - because I thought there might be extended work, and it is easier to
081610 - use the Pro Key full size keyboard that the notebook keyboard.  While
081611 - connecting the Pro Key keyboard, I accidentally bumped a key on the
081612 - keyboard connected to CPU #8, which is the system that needs the fix
081613 - for the os2 problem.  This mistake causd CPU #8 to execute the Dual
081614 - Boot function.
081615 -
081616 - It turned out that this is helpful.  At least the last time I was
081617 - able to recover from the os2 desktop crash problem, it was done after
081618 - Dual Booting back to DOS.
081619 -
081620 - This time I used Dual Boot to close OS2 and run straight DOS.  Since
081621 - W95 is now installed, it came up.  I used it to look up the subject
081622 - for os2 Desktop problems and did a report.  It found the record at ref
081623 - SDS 8 line 67, showing how I recovered the last time.  I used that
081624 - record to create this one.
081625 -
081626 - Used the instruction at ref SDS 8 line 67, and it restored the
081627 - desktop again.  I am now back in os2 and everything seems to be okay.
081628 -
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0817 -

Continual Learning
Case Studies
Murphy's Law, avoiding mistakes
Continual Learning

1408 -
140801 - This record (above) is an example of Murphy's Law where a sequence of
140802 - disparate events seem in the end to have been fortuitous with respect
140803 - to accomplishing the objective of fixing the os2 problem.  It shows a
140804 - combination of disparate parts can have simultaneous breakdowns that
140805 - lead to helpful knowledge.
140806 -
140807 - The experience exemplifies the process of recycling intellectual
140808 - capital. Even where a breakdown is not traced directly to
140809 - mis-communication, "Continual Learning" and "Traceability" support a
140810 - solution.
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