440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 31, 1995 08:07 AM Tuesday;
Rod Welch
Received call re ISO registration.
2...Traceability & Continual Learning
3...ISO Acceptance - Architects
......Examples of Business Processes
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Kwan Henmi, Communication Metrics, ISO Registration
ISO 10006, TQM, Traceability, Continual Learning
1004 - ..
1005 - Summary/Objective
1006 -
100601 - Follow up ref SDS 12 0000, ref SDS 10 0000.
100602 -
100603 - Got several leads that did not pan out on finding additional ISO
100604 - registration companies.
100605 -
100606 -
100607 -
100608 -
100609 - ..
1007 -
1008 -
1009 - Progress
1010 -
101001 - Called Anderson Consulting 415 546 8830
101002 -
101003 - Left message for Robert Hirth.
101004 -
101005 -
101006 - ..
1011 -
1012 -
1013 - 0913 Bob called back
1014 -
101401 - Traceability & Continual Learning
101402 -
101403 - We discussed the objective to obtain consultanting services for
101404 - improving management of an architectural firm through ISO
101405 - registration, as shown in the record on 951026. ref SDS 10 673I
101406 -
101407 - Second, consulting firms who provide professional services for
101408 - improving management can offer guidance on using SDS to comply with
101409 - ISO requirements, reviewed on 950721....
101410 -
101411 - accountability.......................... ref SDS 5 2221
101412 - continual learning...................... ref SDS 5 2846
101413 - traceability to original sources........ ref SDS 5 1740
101414 -
101415 - ...based on evidence reported on 951026 that organizations who are
101416 - awarded ISO registration never actually implement requirements for
101417 - good management, ref SDS 10 3245, and in fact work very hard to avoid
101418 - accountability by destroying the record of organizational memory in
101419 - order to have deniability, as reported on 911121, ref SDS 1 5920
101420 -
101421 - As a result, the architectural firm wants an opinion from a management
101422 - consultant about using SDS for implementing ISO requirements that
101423 - enable good management by strengthening accountability using an audit
101424 - trail for communication, similar to the practice in accounting, as set
101425 - out on 951026. ref SDS 10 QO6F
101426 - ..
101427 - Bob said Arthur Anderson performs ISO 9000 registration and
101428 - provides support for implementation. He advised that ISO 9000 calls
101429 - for traceability to original sources, but that section does not
101430 - require "Continual Learning," which is called out in ISO 10006, as
101431 - reported on 950721. ref SDS 5 2846
101432 -
101433 - We reviewed analysis on 950721 showing that traceability to original
101434 - sources and continual learning are complimentary practices that are
101435 - integrated by SDS to enable a system of Communitcation Metrics that
101436 - improves management. ref SDS 5 6883 The record on 951026 explains how
101437 - Com Metrics provides an "audit trial" for communication that
101438 - complements the traditional use in accounting work. ref SDS 10 7773
101439 - ..
101440 - Bob advised that Arthur Anderson has been successful selling
101441 - consulting services to clients for improving management, because ISO
101442 - requirements for traceability to original sources in communication
101443 - complement Anderson's expertise in accounting that requires an "audit
101444 - trail" to ensure accurate financial management. Clients reason that,
101445 - Anderson's expertise using an audit trail in accounting, enables them
101446 - to do the same thing for communication, so customers can claim credit
101447 - for ISO compliance that strengthens accountability of management.
101448 -
101449 - [On 020204 Anderson did not seem to apply the "audit trail" method
101450 - on a communication that led to collapse into bankruptcy of an
101451 - important client. ref SDS 13 WC5H
101452 -
101453 - Bob said Arthur Anderson has had similar experience to Performex with
101454 - clients having difficulty implementing traceability to original
101455 - sources, reported on 951026. ref SDS 10 3245 As a result, Anderson no
101456 - longer focuses on ISO registration. Instead, they help clients
101457 - improve work practices, using ISO as a guage to measure progress.
101458 -
101459 - Bob said Communication Metrics adds value to the scope of services
101460 - Arthur Anderson provides for management consulting. He feels SDS
101461 - technology making it faster and easier to implement ISO requirements
101462 - for traceability to original sources presents a marketing opportunity,
101463 - as set out on 951026. ref SDS 10 5321
101464 -
101465 -
101466 -
101467 - ISO Acceptance - Architects
101468 -
101469 - The architectural firm expressing an interest in ISO is a small, but
101470 - expanding organization of about 30 - 40 people.
101471 -
101472 - Bob seemed to indicate that Arthur Anderson does not have any
101473 - architect clients and generally work withs larger firms.
101474 -
101475 - He said they do not have any liturature showing scope of service.
101476 -
101477 -
101478 -
101479 - Procedure
101480 -
101481 - Arthur Anderson sends a representative to meet with the customer and
101482 - inventory its business practices. They look for correlations with the
101483 - 20 processes specified in the ISO criteria. They develop a plan and
101484 - schedule for adding and improving processes. The timeline and expense
101485 - depends on the client's objectives and budget. A key issue is the
101486 - amount of personnel resources the client can devote to the effort.
101487 -
101488 - If the client already has many of the ISO business practices in place,
101489 - including ways to measure implementation, then there is less expense.
101490 -
101491 -
101492 - Examples of Business Processes
101493 -
101494 - For an architect an example would be submittal control. Is there
101495 - a standard log or record keeping system showing linkages to
101496 - contract requirements, change orders, in and out dates. Is it
101497 - adequately maintained; does the process readily show this?
101498 -
101499 - Another example would be the correlation between plan details and
101500 - specifications, and owner requirements, requests.
101501 -
101502 - Another would be to trace what is ultimately constructed and
101503 - accepted to owner objectives, discussed on 951026. ref SDS 10
101504 - 7773
101505 -
101506 - Typically a firm would designate an individual to provide ISO
101507 - compliance support. This could be full or part time in the case of a
101508 - small firm. There might be a working group that provides oversight
101509 - and support.
101510 -
101511 -
101512 - Cost
101513 - ----
101514 - Bob said his firm would perform a "Health Check" which would be a
101515 - report on where the client stands relative to being ISO compliant. He
101516 - estimates this might cost $4K - $5K.
101517 -
101518 - It is unclear if this is a deliverable that says what processes are in
101519 - place, what needs to be added and what improvements are needed.
101520 -
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1016 -
Training Resource, Case Studies, TQM, Correlation
Case Studies, Traceability, Continual
Market Potential, Risk Management, Dispute Resolution
1606 -
160601 - Got possible lead to use SDS and Communication Metrics as means to
160602 - relieve stress of modern workplace.
160603 -
160604 -
160605 -
1607 -
1608 -
1609 - Progress
1610 -
161001 - Received call from
161002 -
161003 - Ray Dillard
161004 - Western Productivity Group
161005 -
161006 - ...they do not provide ISO support per se.
161007 -
161008 - They do offer reengineering support.
161009 -
161010 - I explained how SDS "reengineers" executive management by automating
161011 - the mangement cycle: plan, perform, report. This implements the
161012 - requirements for case studies and training under the ISO requirement
161013 - for Continual Learning.
161014 -
161015 - Ray will submit information on what they do, and I will send him the
161016 - NWO paper.
161017 -
161018 -
161019 -
1611 -
1612 -
1613 - 1102 received call from psychologist
1614 -
161401 - Received call from:
161402 -
161403 - Dr. Maynard Brusman
161404 - Working Resources
161405 - P.O. Box 471525
161406 - San Francisco, CA 94147-1525
161407 -
161408 -
161409 - Maynard does not provide ISO support. He is an organizational
161410 - psychologist who provides executive training and company wide support
161411 - of issues that cause stress in the workplace. He was called in for
161412 - example on the 101 California shooting.
161413 -
161414 - I explained how SDS is used to perform Communication Metrics that
161415 - deals with a primary cause of workplace stress from high flows of
161416 - information, called the Information Highway. Maynard feels some of
161417 - his clients could be helped by this capability. He is giving a
161418 - presentation to a business organization on this kind of thing.
161419 -
161420 - I will send him the NWO paper and the notes of the meeting with SCU on
161421 - the study of SDS effectance.
161422 -
161423 -
161424 -
161425 -
1615 -
1616 -
1617 - 1119 called called ADL 415 981 2500
1618 -
161801 - Asked for Jim Migdal to thank him for the leads.
161802 -
161803 - I thought he did not get my e-mail because his return e-mail looked
161804 - more like mail returned because of improper address. He said he got
161805 - my e-mail and responded. I checked further and found his message was
161806 - attached.
161807 -
161808 - He asked me to send him material on Communication Metrics and gives
161809 - his address as:
161810 -
161811 - Jim Migdal
161812 - Consultant
161813 - Arthur D. Little, Inc.
161814 - Four Embarcadero Center, Suite 600
161815 - San Francisco, CA 94111
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