440 Davis Court #1602
San Francisco, CA 94111-2496
415 781 5700
DIARY: October 20, 1995 12:06 PM Friday;
Rod Welch
Meeting with Don Harms at Transamerica.
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0201 - Transamerica Realty Services, Inc. 415 983 5497
020101 - Mr. Donald G. Harms
Studies, Santa Clara University
Lotus Notes & IBM, 910625
0604 - ..
0605 - Summary/Objective
0606 -
060601 - Followed up work at ref SDS 4 line 19. Mentioned the study under
060602 - consideration at Santa Clara University, and asked if Transamerica
060603 - might be willing to contribute funding? Don will review the notes of
060604 - the meeting with SCU and let me know his thinking.
060605 -
060606 - [See follow up at ref SDS 5 line 38.]
060607 -
060608 -
0607 -
0608 -
0609 - Progress
0610 -
061001 - I explained that Transamerica could be interested in supporting this
061002 - effort based on its efforts to use Lotus Notes.
061003 -
061004 - Don asked if there is evidence that SDS helps managers better than
061005 - Lotus Notes? I did not engage this directly, because information on
061006 - this has been submitted previously at ref SDS 1 line 45, via my letter
061007 - to Don at ref DIP 1 line 27. Since Don has not submitted any contrary
061008 - information, it seems reasonable to assume he agreed with the earlier
061009 - assessment. In any case I can submit the notes of the IBM event last
061010 - week, ref SDS 2 line 241.
061011 -
061012 - I gave Don a copy of the meeting notes from SCU, ref DIP 2 line 31.
061013 -
061014 -
061015 -
061016 -
0611 -
0612 -
0613 - 1435 called Don
0614 -
061401 - He seems impressed by reports from "sources" in Transamerica that the
061402 - top man is using LN effectively. He wants to see Lotus Notes but says
061403 - he does not have enough time. I explained effective automated
061404 - management support solves that problem.
061405 -
061406 - [See follow up report that interest in Lotus Notes is waining, ref
061407 - SDS 6 line 71.]
061408 -
061409 -
Distribution. . . . See "CONTACTS"